... Classification'1
See section 3.3 for information on loading labelings.
... genes2
CompClust is capable of supporting other types of data beyond gene expression data.
... K=5'3
See section 3.4 if you haven't run DiagEM yet.
... color.4
Note that all color calculations are based on all the comparisions for a given column. If you were to redo this plot as 'DiagEM' vs 'Cho' instead of 'Cho' vs 'DiagEM', the results will probably be very similar, but the color coding may change significantly. If we looked at the same comparison of 'DiagEM Cluster #4' vs 'Cho's S Phase Cluster' in the 'DiageEM' vs 'Cho' plot, the color would be calculated as 2 out of 74 (2.70%), which would make it much more red than it is in our current plot.