Table of Contents

Module: MCCV compClust/mlx/wrapper/

Usage: <MCCV cannot be invoked directly from the command line>

Wrapper for MCCV (Monte-Carlo Cross Validation).

Brief Algorithm Description:

Required Parameters: (note: the list enclosed in the brakets are possible values each one of parameters can take )

mccv_parameter_name = x

The parameters name to iterate over when performing MCCV. Typically k is chosen.

mccv_parameter_values = [list]

A list of values to substitue for mccv_parameter_name. Since the parameters files are executed as python code, an easy way to perform MCCV over a sequence is to do something similar to mccv_parameter_values = range(10)

mccv_test_fraction = x

x is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 which indicates the percentage of the dataset to use for testing.

mccv_num_trials = x

Number of times to run each algorithm for a particular value in mccv_parameter_values. An algorithm will be run a total of mccv_num_trials * len(mccv_parameter_values) times

Optional / Dependent Parameters:

seed = x

The seed to use for the pseudo-random number generator when randomly partitioning the training set. Defaults to 42.

mccv_fitness = filename / or yes

The mccv_fitness specifies a file to save the fitness table computed by MCCV. Without any directory information the default directory will be the same as the results file, any provided directory information will completely override the save location.

if yes, the output files basename is used, but an extenstion of .fit is used

mccv_save_state = filename

The mccv_save_state option specifies a file to save a pickled version of the algorithm classes run by mccv. Like mccv_fitness it defaults to the results directory when the directory portion of the path is not specified.

Imported modules   
import Numeric
from compClust.mlx.ML_Algorithm import ML_Algorithm
from compClust.util import NaN
from compClust.util.TimeStampedPrintStream import TimeStampedPrintStream
import random
import sys
from types import *


Table of Contents

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