#!/usr/bin/env python from optparse import OptionParser import os import re import sys from six.moves import urllib from django.conf import settings from htsworkflow.util.hdquery import get_hd_serial_num runfolder_pattern = re.compile(r'[0-9]{6}_[-A-Za-z\d]+_\d+_(?P[A-Z\d]+)\.tgz') def extract_flowcell(runfolder_name): path, basename = os.path.split(runfolder_name) match = runfolder_pattern.match(basename) if match is not None: return match.group('flowcell') else: return None def construct_parser(): """ """ msg = "usage: %prog [-d | -s ] [archived dirs]" parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('-u', '--url', default=None, help="Alternate url for marking archived flowcells") parser.add_option("-f", "--flowcell", type="string", help="flowcell being archived") parser.add_option("-d", "--device", type="string", help="device flowcell is being archived to") parser.add_option("-s", "--serial", type="string", help="serial num. of archive device") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", default=False) return parser def update_db(root_url, flowcells, serial, debug=False): """ Creates link between flowcell and storage device over http """ for fc in flowcells: url = urllib.parse.urljoin(root_url, '%s/%s/' % (fc, serial)) req = urllib.request.Request(url) try: response = urllib2.urlopen(req) except urllib.request.HTTPError, e: print 'ERROR - HTTP OUTPUT (Return Code: %s); use -v/--verbose for more details.' % (e.code) if debug: print e.read() sys.exit(e.code) print "DB Update of %s & %s succeeded" % (fc, serial) print response.read() def process_args(parser): """ returns flowcell and serial# """ options, args = parser.parse_args() msg = [] # Only provide device or serial if options.device is not None and options.serial is not None: parser.error("Please provide only --device or --serial.\n"\ "The serial number is extracted automatically if the"\ "device is provided.") # allow user to override the default destination URL if options.url is not None: root_url = options.url else: root_url = settings.LINK_FLOWCELL_STORAGE_DEVICE_URL if root_url is None: parser.error("Please set path to flowcell storage url") # if device and serial missing: if options.device is None and options.serial is None: parser.error('One of --device or --serial is required') flowcells = [] # sanitize args for runfolder in args: flowcell_id = extract_flowcell(runfolder) if flowcell_id is None: parser.error('archive names must look like YYMMDD_MACHINE_RUN_FLOWCELLID.tgz\n'\ '(got %s)' % (runfolder,)) else: flowcells.append(flowcell_id) if options.flowcell is not None: flowcells.append(options.flowcell) if len(flowcells) == 0: parser.error('please specify a --flowcell or list of runfolder archives\n'\ 'for archival. I need something to do.') # Update db records if options.device is not None: serial = get_hd_serial_num(options.device) update_db(root_url, flowcells, serial=serial, debug=options.verbose) elif options.serial is not None: update_db(root_url, flowcells, serial=options.serial, debug=options.verbose) else: msg ="FATAL should not happen error occured; i.e. the best kind!" raise ValueError, msg def main(): """ """ parser = construct_parser() process_args(parser) #print "Database Updated." sys.exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': main()