Commit patch to not break on spaces.
[bowtie.git] / search_seeded_phase3.c
1 /*
2  * This is a fragment, included from multiple places in ebwt_search.cpp.
3  * It implements the logic of the third phase of the seeded, quality-
4  * aware search routine.  It is implemented as a code fragment so that
5  * it can be reused in both the half-index-in-memory and full-index-in-
6  * memory situations.
7  */
8 {
9         if(!norc) {
10                 params.setFw(false);
11                 btr3.setReportExacts(true);
13                 btr3.setQuery(patsrc->bufa());
14                 // Get all partial alignments for this read's reverse
15                 // complement
16                 pals.clear();
17                 if(pamRc != NULL && pamRc->size() > 0) {
18                         // We can get away with an unsynchronized call because there
19                         // are no writers for pamRc in this phase
20                         pamRc->getPartialsUnsync(patid, pals);
21                         pamRc->clear(patid);
22                         assert_eq(0, pamRc->size());
23                 }
24                 bool done = false;
25                 if(pals.size() > 0) {
26                         // Partial alignments exist - extend them
27                         // Set up seed bounds
28                         if(qs < s) {
29                                 btr3.setOffs(0, 0, qs, qs, qs, qs);
30                         } else {
31                                 btr3.setOffs(0, 0, s, s, s, s);
32                         }
33                         for(size_t i = 0; i < pals.size(); i++) {
34                                 seqan::clear(muts);
35                                 uint8_t oldQuals =
36                                         PartialAlignmentManager::toMutsString(
37                                                 pals[i], patRc, qualRev, muts, !noMaqRound);
39                                 // Set the backtracking thresholds appropriately
40                                 // Now begin the backtracking, treating the first
41                                 // 24 bases as unrevisitable
42                                 ASSERT_ONLY(String<Dna5> tmp = patRc);
43                                 btr3.setMuts(&muts);
44                                 done = btr3.backtrack(oldQuals);
45                                 btr3.setMuts(NULL);
46                                 assert_eq(tmp, patRc); // assert mutations were undone
47                                 if(done) {
48                                         // The reverse complement hit, so we're done with this
49                                         // read
50                                         DONEMASK_SET(patid);
51                                         // Got a hit; stop processing partial
52                                         // alignments
53                                         break;
54                                 }
55                         } // Loop over partial alignments
56                 }
57                 seqan::clear(muts);
58                 // Case 4R yielded a hit continue to next pattern
59                 if(done) continue;
60                 // If we're in two-mismatch mode, then now is the time to
61                 // try the final case that might apply to the reverse
62                 // complement pattern: 1 mismatch in each of the 3' and 5'
63                 // halves of the seed.
64                 bool gaveUp = false;
65                 if(seedMms >= 2) {
66                         btr23.setQuery(patsrc->bufa());
67                         // Set up special seed bounds
68                         if(qs < s) {
69                                 btr23.setOffs(qs5, qs,
70                                                           0,                         // unrevOff
71                                                           (seedMms <= 2)? qs5 : 0,   // 1revOff
72                                                           (seedMms < 3 )? qs  : qs5, // 2revOff
73                                                           qs);                       // 3revOff
74                         } else {
75                                 btr23.setOffs(s5, s,
76                                                           0,                       // unrevOff
77                                                           (seedMms <= 2)? s5 : 0,  // 1revOff
78                                                           (seedMms < 3 )? s  : s5, // 2revOff
79                                                           s);                      // 3revOff
80                         }
81                         done = btr23.backtrack();
82                         if(btr23.numBacktracks() == btr23.maxBacktracks()) {
83                                 gaveUp = true;
84                         }
85                         if(done) {
86                                 DONEMASK_SET(patid);
87                                 btr23.resetNumBacktracks();
88                                 continue;
89                         }
90                         btr23.resetNumBacktracks();
91                 }
92         }
94         if(nofw) { // no more 1-mm-in-seed hits are possible
95                 //DONEMASK_SET(patid);
96                 continue;
97         }
99         // If we reach here, then cases 1F, 2F, 3F, 1R, 2R, 3R and
100         // 4R have been eliminated leaving only 4F.
101         params.setFw(true);  // looking at forward strand
102         btf3.setQuery(patsrc->bufa());
103         btf3.setQlen(seedLen); // just look at the seed
104         // Set up seed bounds
105         if(qs < s) {
106                 btf3.setOffs(0, 0,
107                              qs3,
108                              (seedMms > 1)? qs3 : qs,
109                              (seedMms > 2)? qs3 : qs,
110                              (seedMms > 3)? qs3 : qs);
111         } else {
112                 btf3.setOffs(0, 0,
113                              s3,
114                              (seedMms > 1)? s3 : s,
115                              (seedMms > 2)? s3 : s,
116                              (seedMms > 3)? s3 : s);
117         }
118         // Do a 12/24 seedling backtrack on the forward read
119         // using the normal index.  This will find seedlings
120         // for case 4F
121         btf3.backtrack();
122 #ifndef NDEBUG
123         vector<PartialAlignment> partials;
124         pamFw->getPartials(patid, partials);
125         for(size_t i = 0; i < partials.size(); i++) {
126                 uint32_t pos0 = partials[i].entry.pos0;
127                 assert_lt(pos0, s5);
128                 uint8_t oldChar = (uint8_t)patFw[pos0];
129                 assert_neq(oldChar, partials[i].entry.char0);
130                 if(partials[i].entry.pos1 != 0xffff) {
131                         uint32_t pos1 = partials[i].entry.pos1;
132                         assert_lt(pos1, s5);
133                         oldChar = (uint8_t)patFw[pos1];
134                         assert_neq(oldChar, partials[i].entry.char1);
135                         if(partials[i].entry.pos2 != 0xffff) {
136                                 uint32_t pos2 = partials[i].entry.pos2;
137                                 assert_lt(pos2, s5);
138                                 oldChar = (uint8_t)patFw[pos2];
139                                 assert_neq(oldChar, partials[i].entry.char2);
140                         }
141                 }
142         }
143 #endif
144 }