This is a description of the sqlite-based read storage files and of the scripts designed to import read mappings from supported short read mappers. The code should run on any Unix-like system supporting python 2.5 or better. The code is developed on Linux and MacOS X on python 2.5. This code is made available as open-source, as described in the copyright file ERANGE.COPYRIGHT. 1. REQUIREMENTS 2. COMMAND LINE OPTIONS 3. CREATING THE NECESSARY INPUT (RDS) FILES 4. BUILDING EXPANDED GENOMES 5. MAPPING READS WITH ELAND 6. MAPPING READS WITH BOWTIE 7. MAPPING READS WITH BLAT 8. IMPORTING BED FILES 9. COMBINING RDS FILES 10. MANIPULATING RDS METADATA AND CACHING 11. VISUALIZING THE DATA IN RDS FILES 1. REQUIREMENTS See README.chip-seq or README.rna-seq to see the requirements for installing and running ERANGE specific to each application. 2. COMMAND LINE OPTIONS You can find out more about the settings for each script by typing: python $ERANGEPATH/ to see the command line options, where ERANGEPATH is the environmental variable set to the path to the directory holding the ERANGE scripts. Note that the command line options are case sensitive and that they could well fail silently. 3. CREATING THE NECESSARY INPUT (RDS) FILES Before you can use the rest of the ERANGE scripts to do CHiP-seq or RNA-seq analyses, you will need to first convert your read mappings to the native ERANGE read storage format, which is sqlite-based, and which is called RDS (Read DataSet). RDS files consist of four tables: - metadata (tracks required and optional metadata) - uniqs (stores uniquely mappable-reads) - multi (stores reads that map equally well to multiple locations in the genome) - splices (stores split reads) a readDataset python object (in provides the encapsulation of the read database which is accessed through specific methods. Since an RDS file is a sqlite3 database, you can additionally use any of the sqlite-based tools to look at the reads in the tables, if you wish to do so. You will need to first map your reads with one of the supported read mappers (see next paragraph) against a copy of the appropriate genome. For ChIP-seq, it will be your genome of interest, whereas for RNA-seq reads should be mapped against an expanded genome, which consists of chromosomes + splice junctions which depend on the read length used. Note that several parts of the code assume that your genomic sequences are labelled with the "chr" chromosomes prefix. For more information on creating expanded genomes, see BUILDING EXPANDED GENOMES. The currently supported read mappers are: - Eland (part of the Illumina GA pipeline) - Bowtie ( - Blat (from UCSC) These are described in the sections on MAPPING READS WITH ELAND, MAPPING READS WITH BOWTIE, MAPPING READS WITH BLAT. For ChIP-seq, you can also import bed files of unique reads only using . Also see MANIPULATING RDS METADATA AND CACHING to learn about some important aspects of working with RDS files. 4. BUILDING EXPANDED GENOMES For RNA-seq using ELAND or BOWTIE mappings, you will need to build an expanded genome consisting of genomic sequences, spike sequences, and splice-spanning sequences in order to run ERANGE on your own datasets. This expanded genome is specific to the read size used, i.e. there will be a different expanded genome for mouse when using 25bp reads or 32bp reads. For reads longer than 32 bp, we recommend using BOWTIE. If your reads are longer than 50bp, consider using BLAT instead. Download the chromosomes from UCSC, as well as the knownGene.txt (or equivalent table) and a directory of repeatmask annotations for each chromosome (also from UCSC) for your genome of interest. You will need to build a splice fasta file using the script, which needs Cistematic, the knownGene table, and a paremeter for splice radius, which is 4 bp shorter than the length of the reads. Once you have the splice fasta file, drop it into the same directory as well as a fasta file for your spikes. Then use squashGenome (part of Eland) or bowtie-build (part of Bowtie), to build the expanded genome. Please refer to the documentation for each package to run the genome squasher/builder. You will also build a repeat database using for use in the candidate exon analysis from UCSC repeatmasker annotations. 5. MAPPING READS WITH ELAND Please refer to the Illumina documentation for the details on running squashGenome and Eland. If you do not have access to the Illumina pipeline, use bowtie as described in the next section. For ChIP-seq, you could take the output of the Illumina pipeline, e.g. eland_multi.txt or eland_extended.txt and use them as inputs for . Once you have run Eland with the --multi option (which we colloquially call "eland2") for each RNA-seq lane against the expanded genome, combine all of the outputs for one sample into a single file e.g. test.comb.eland2 The script is used to import the reads into RDS: python label infilename outrdsfile [--append] [--RNA ucscGeneModels] [propertyName::propertyValue] [--index] [--paired 1 or 2] [--extended] [--verbose] [--olddelimiter] [--maxlines num] [--cache numPages] The first 3 arguments are required: - label is any label that you wish (a combination flowcell+lane# is a good choice) - infilename is the output of eland in eland_multi format (default) or eland_extended format (with the -extended flag) - outdbname is the name of the rds file, e.g. test.rds If the reads are from paired-end runs, enter each eland_multi (or extended) file separately with the "--paired 1" or "--paired 2" flag, as appropriate. If entering more than one lane, use --append for all subsequent lanes. Upon entering the last lane, use --index to build a read index. Refer to MANIPULATING RDS METADATA AND CACHING for information on the optional property::value pairs and caching. For RNA-seq, you must in addition specify the path to knownGene.txt using the --RNA flag, e.g. python $ERANGEPATH/ myRNAlabel myRNA.eland_multi.txt rnatest.rds --RNA ../mm9/knownGene.txt [more options] 6. MAPPING READS WITH BOWTIE Bowtie ( is a new read-mapper that is very fast and friendly. ERANGE supports version 0.10.X and higher that allow you to control how many multireads are reported. We recommend the following settings: $BOWTIEDIR/bowtie zzz -v 2 -k 11 -m 10 -t --strata --best -f s1.query32.txt --un s1.unm.fa --max s1.max.fa s1.zzz.bowtie.txt where zzz is the genome prefix that you gave when building the genome. In particular, we ask bowtie to map all multireads up to 11 ("-k") with up to 2 mismatches ("-v" and "--best"), however we will only import all multireads up to 10x multiplicity ("-m"). Note that bowtie is multithreaded and can use multiple cpu based on the -p flag (e.g. use "-p 4" to use 4 CPUs). Unmapped reads are saved in unmapped.fa for later analysis. Once reads are mapped, they can be imported using: python $ERANGEPATH/ testLabel s1.mm9.bowtie.txt bowtietest.rds The options for the script are: python label infilename outrdsfile [--RNA ucscGeneModels] [--append] [--index] [propertyName::propertyValue] [--rawreadID] [--verbose] [--cache numPages] Refer to "MAPPING READS WITH ELAND" for a description of label, infilename, outdbname, '--append', '--index', and '--cache'. ****REMEMBER TO USE --index WHEN LOADING THE LAST LANE OF YOUR DATASET.**** The script assumes that the read ID are from Illumina, i.e. that they have multiple fields separated by ':' and that paired-end reads have an additional '/1' or '/2' depending on the end. It will by default strip the first part of the readID (up to the first ':') and replace it with the label. If you want raw readIDs because you mapped raw reads that do not have an associated ID or an ID that doesn't follow Illumina's conventions, use -rawreadID. If not using Illumina readIDs, use any identifier of the format throw_away:uniqueid if unpaired throw_away:uniqueid/1 and throw_away:uniqueid/2 for paired-ends. For RNA-seq, you must in addition specify the path to knownGene.txt using the --RNA flag, e.g. python $ERANGEPATH/ myRNAlabel myRNA.bowtie.txt rnatest.rds --RNA ../mm9/knownGene.txt [more options] 7. MAPPING READS WITH BLAT BLAT SUPPORT IN ERANGE IS STILL UNDER DEVELOPMENT AND THE SCRIPTS AND SETTINGS BELOW MAY BE OPTIMIZED FURTHER IN FUTURE RELEASES OF ERANGE. Reads longer than 40-50bp can be fruitfully mapped with BLAT against the reference genome without needing to provide the exon junctions. While BLAT is much slower than BOWTIE, it has the great advantage of seeing novel splices (i.e. splices not present in knownGene models). We use the following settings to map 75bp reads with BLAT and filter them with pslReps: $BLATPATH/blat /tmp/hg18.fa s3_1.query75.txt -out=pslx s3_1.hg18.blat $BLATPATH/pslReps -minNearTopSize=70 s3_1.hg18.blat s3_1.hg18.blatbetter s3_1.blatpsr where the binaries are in $BLATPATH anywhere on your system. Once the reads have been filtered, the script is used to import the mapped reads (in the example above s3_1.hg18.blatbetter) into RDS: python label infilename outrdsfile [--append] [--index] [propertyName::propertyValue] [--rawreadID] [--forceRNA] [--flag] [--strict minSpliceLen] [--spliceonly] [--verbose] [--cache numPages] If you are using BLAT for RNA-seq, please be sure to use --forceRNA in order to import spliced reads and consider using --strict to require a minimum length of bases on each side of the splice. You can combine BOWTIE and BLAT by mapping reads with BOWTIE first, and then using BLAT to map the unmapped reads. In that case, you may want to only load the spliced reads using the --spliceonly flag. To track those reads in the RDS file, use --flag ; you can then retrieve those reads using the options "--flag blat --flagLike" with the script. 8. IMPORTING BED FILES If you do not have the raw read data, you can import unique reads only using the script . Note that this is not particularly useful for RNA-seq since you will have neither the multireads nor the spliced reads. The command line options are similar to those for other scripts described in part 5-7: python label bedfile outrdsfile [--append] [--index] [propertyName::propertyValue] [--cache numPages] 9. COMBINING RDS FILES Previously created RDS files can be combined into a new RDS dataset using the command with the granularity of importing all tables or specific ones (e.g. uniqs, splices). The command options are: python destinationRDS inputrds1 [inputrds2 ....] [--table table_name] [--init] [--initrna] [--index] [--cache pages] 10. MANIPULATING RDS METADATA AND CACHING One of the advantages of RDS over bed, is the possibility of attaching arbitrary sets of annotations with the data, which are then carried along. Both the makerds* scripts and allows you to both enter key::value combinations. Entering a key multiple times will cause the same instance to be recorded multiple times, which is appropriate in some settings (e.g. to enter flowcell info). In addition allows you to inspect various attributes of your RDS files such as # of reads and size of the default cache size. Sqlite files have a certain amount of RAM set aside as cache for lookups, indexes, etc.... where the amount is measured in 1.5kb pages. Each RDS instance come with a default of 100000 pages (150MB) of cache, which is needlessly small in most situations. Whenever appropriate, try using more cache (e.g. 750000 pages on a 2GB RAM machine, much more if more RAM is available) for a significant speed increase in indexing and lookups. You can change the default value for each RDS file by using the -defaultcache option of Note that sqlite can be very slow over NFS. Wherever possible, copy your RDS file locally before running an I/O intensive script. 11. VISUALIZING THE DATA IN RDS FILES You can output bed-files of the raw reads using A more practical way to look at the data might be to ouput it as a bedGraph file using . Note that UCSC has a hard limit on the size of their files and you will likely need to break the wiggles on a per-chromosome basis for mammalian genomes. RELEASE HISTORY version 3.3 November 2010 - updated command line options version 3.2 October 2009 - added version 3.01 February 2009 - bug fixes version 3.0 January 2009 - added logging to buildrdsfrom* version 3.0rc1 December 2008 - added blat support