The latest version of this software is available at please check the website for updates. This is the core of the RNA-seq analysis code described in Mortazavi et al (2008). Please make sure that you have read Figure 3 and the methods / supplemental methods of that paper before attempting to use this package for RNA-Seq data analysis. ERANGE should run on any Unix-like system supporting python 2.5 or better. The code is developed on Linux and MacOS X on python 2.5. Historically, the code for ERANGE grew out of the ChIPSeqMini package from Johnson et al (2007), and some of the key scripts ( and are shared between the two. This is why ERANGE is "dual-use" and is also why the code for both analyses were kept in common as much as possible. This should be helpful when someone tries to combine ChIP-seq and RNA-seq analyses ! This code is made available as open-source, as described in the copyright file ERANGE.COPYRIGHT. 1. SETTING EXPECTATIONS 2. REQUIREMENTS 3. COMMAND LINE OPTIONS 4. DISPLAYING DATA 5. ANALYSIS 6. PIPELINE 7. CUSTOM CISTEMATIC GENOME ANNOTATIONS 8. PAIRED-END RNA-SEQ ANALYSIS 9. EXPRESSED SNP ANALYSIS 1. SETTING EXPECTATIONS ERANGE is not a point-and-click, turn-key package. It is a set of python scripts that, when run in order as a pipeline on the "right" input, will take read data in RDS format and calculate gene expression levels in RPKM (Reads Per kb per Million reads). This pipeline for unpaired reads is embodied in a shell script called, which only takes a few inputs, described in the ANALYSIS and PIPELINE section below. You should be able to download the data from our website and run the analysis through the pipeline. You will need to map the reads and import them into an RDS dataset as described in Because you will likely want to run this package on other genomes (or builds) than the one described in our original paper, you will need to do several additional steps, such as: - build expanded genomes with splices and spikes - check overlap of RNAFAR predictions with repeats This will require some comfort with running and, if necessary, editing scripts. While the code is sparsely documented, we are making it available so that you can *read it*. We'll be happy to help modifying and updating the code within a reasonable extent and will try to provide more in depth documentation and tutorials on our web site. While the scripts produce several forms of RPKM, we suggest that the "final" RPKM are the values that most people will be interested in. *WARNING* A couple of these scripts are pretty memory hungry. If you are going to analyze datasets with > 20M reads or reads with high error rates, you will easily need > 8 GB RAM. We'll rewrite these scripts before releasing 3.0 final to lower the memory footprint. 2. REQUIREMENTS 1) Python 2.5+ is required because some of the scripts and Cistematic (see below) need pysqlite, which is now bundled in Python. 2) You will also need to use Cistematic 3.0 for some of the scripts marked below that use genes and genomic sequence; in particular, you will also likely need the Cistematic version of the genomes, unless providing your own custom genome and annotations. Cistematic is available at 3) You will need genomic sequences to build the expanded genome, as well as gene models from UCSC. (Optional) Python is very slow on large datasets. Use of the psyco module ( on 32-bit Linux or all Mac Intel machines to significantly speed up runtime is highly recommended. (Optional) Several of the ploting scripts also rely on Matplotlib, which is available at 3. COMMAND LINE OPTIONS You can find out more about the settings for each python script by typing: python $ERANGEPATH/ to see the command line options, where ERANGEPATH is the environmental variable set to the path to the directory holding the ERANGE scripts. For example, if you wanted to know the command line options of the script used to generate supplementary datasets 2-4, , you would type: python $ERANGEPATH/ and get back a version number and all possible command line options: version 1.0 usage: python $ERANGEPATH/ firstRPKM expandedRPKM finalRPKM combinedOutfile [--withmultifraction] where fields in brackets are optional. 4. DISPLAYING DATA You can output bed-files of the raw reads in the RDS file using and WIG file using as described in . 5. ANALYSIS The main steps of a typical, unpaired analysis using ERANGE is shown in RNA-seq.analysisSteps.txt, where each script would be run in order, with the caveat that there are two ways to do the candidate exon analysis (RNAFAR), creatively called "alternative 1" and "alternative 2". In alternative 1, we use reads that did not match an existing gene model to identify candidate regions: # Alternative 1: find new regions outside of gene models with reads piled up python $ERANGEPATH/ RNAFAR LHCN10213.rds LHCN10213.newregions.txt --RNA --minimum 1 --nomulti --flag NM --log rna.log --cache 1 # Alternative 1: filter out new regions that overlap repeats more than a certain fraction # use "none" if you don't have a repeatmask database python $ERANGEPATH/ ../hg19repeats/rmask.db LHCN10213.newregions.txt LHCN10213.newregions.repstatus LHCN10213.newregions.good --log rna.log --startField 1 --cache 1 In alternative 2, we pool multiple RNA-seq datasets into a single RDS database, run it through the two scripts of alternative 1 above, and then use these precomputed candidates to count reads falling in these regions: # Alternative 2: use a precomputed list of "new" regions (outside of gene models) python2.5 $ERANGEPATH/ ../RNAFAR/all.newregions.good LHCN10213.rds LHCN10213.newregions.good Alternative 1 is the one used by the pipeline script described below. The scripts will generate a set of intermediate files, the most interesting of which are the final RPKM values. These will be in the following files for the test example: test.firstpass.rpkm (the unique reads only) test.expanded.rpkm (the unique reads + spliced reads + RNAFAR) (uniques + spliced + RNAFAR + multireads) 6. PIPELINE IF YOU ARE STORING THE RDS FILE ON A NETWORK-MOUNTED DIRECTORY, PLEASE ALSO READ SECTION 7. Most of the analysis steps described in the section above are automated in a pipeline shell script called . Note that the pipeline assumes that it will call its own RNAFAR regions, which is called "alternative 1" in the ANALYSIS section, which is a good starting point. You can modify the pipeline script to use alternative 2, if appropriate. The pipeline assumes that one RDS database containing the appropriate uniq, multi, and spliced reads exists as desribed in We assume that Cistematic 2.3 is installed, including a version of the appropriate Cistematic genome. You will need to build your own Cistematic genome for any unsupported genome. We will also need a radius (e.g. 20000 bp) within which a candidate exon will be consolidated with an existing gene. For example, for the test.rds dataset from the ANALYSIS section, we would run the pipeline as: . $ERANGEPATH/ mouse test ../mm9repeats/rmask.db 20001 where ERANGEPATH is the environmental variable set to the path to the directory holding the ERANGE scripts. Remember that you can replace '../mm9repeats/rmask.db' with 'none' if you don't have a repeatmask database. This could run from an hour to a whole day depending on how many reads are involved (1M vs 80M) and how big a consolidation radius is used. 7. CUSTOM CISTEMATIC GENOME ANNOTATIONS Cistematic 3.0 added support for generic genomes and loadable (or alternative) annotations. While this support is still experimental, the general idea is to take a GTF/GFF3 file, convert it into the format that cistematic expects using $ERANGEPATH/ infile.gff outfile.cis NOTE THAT THIS FILE IS PROVIDED AS AN EXAMPLE ONLY. YOU WILL MOST LIKELY HAVE TO EDIT THIS FILE TO ACCOMODATE YOUR SPECIFIC GFF FORMAT TO THE CISTEMATIC FORMAT, WHICH IS geneIDuniqRefchromstartstopsensetype where type is one of 'CDS','5UTR','3UTR'. You can then run the standard analysis script with the additional flag " -models outfile.cis ", e.g. . generic asteph none 1000 -models agambiae.base.cis Custom annotation support will be extended to other PIPELINE scripts as part of 3.2 final. 8. PAIRED-END RNA-SEQ ANALYSIS We are now experimentally supporting paired-end RNA-seq, as implemented in the pipeline script and is only provided as a "work-in-progress" snapshot. This is done primarily by marking all of the reads that map in a known exon or a novel RNAFAR region in the RDS database, which is a slow and time-consuming step (and is off by default for single-ended RNA-seq). This mapping step is done without accounting for paired-end information. The paired-end information is then used to connect RNAFAR regions to known genes or to other RNAFAR regions using reads with one end in a given region and the other end in different (known or novel) region, as implemented in ; note that there is currently a default limit of 500000 bp maximum distance between the two pairs. 9. EXPRESSED SNP ANALYSIS ERANGE3 now supports SNP analysis in RNA-seq data as described in README.rna-esnp . RELEASE HISTORY version 3.3 November 2010 - updated command line options version 3.2 December 2009 - support for custom genome annotations with Cistematic 3.0 version 3.1 April 2009 - modified to remove genome version 3.0 January 2009 - added logging to shell pipelines version 3.0rc1 December 2008 - added blat support version 3.0b2 December 2008 - bug fixes & ERANGEPATH variable version 3.0b November 2008 - Support for paired end analysis version 3.0a October 2008 - Preview release of ERANGE3.0 version 2.0 May 2008 - First public release of ERANGE