Conversion SQLs for Caltech DB (schema of 2008Aug08 @ 5:06 PM) ______________________________________________________________ Step by step do the following: ''' Note: Instead of '?' you can put one of your machine names. sqlite> ALTER TABLE fctracker_flowcell ADD cluster_mac_id varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '?'; sqlite> ALTER TABLE fctracker_flowcell ADD seq_mac_id varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '?'; sqlite> ALTER TABLE fctracker_library RENAME TO PREV_fctracker_library; Now, do a syncdb. The output should look like this (assuming you have migrated to the new sh-3.2# pym syncdb Creating table fctracker_cellline Creating table fctracker_library Creating table fctracker_primer Creating table fctracker_antibody Creating table fctracker_condition Creating table exp_track_datarun Creating table exp_track_flowcell Creating table analys_track_project Creating table analys_track_task Creating table htsw_reports_progressreport Installing index for fctracker.Library model Failed to install index for fctracker.Library model: index fctracker_library_library_species_id already existsInstalling index for fctracker.Primer model Installing index for fctracker.Antibody model Installing index for exp_track.DataRun model Installing index for exp_track.FlowCell model Installing index for analys_track.Task model Installing index for htsw_reports.ProgressReport model sh-3.2# ''' Copy all records from "fctracker_flowcell" to "exp_track_flowcell" table. (Why? Because, Flowcell table moves now from the "fctracker" to the "exp_track" component). sqlite> insert into experiments_flowcell select * from fctracker_flowcell; ''' Now to fctracker_library, a bit more complex case '''Back to the sqlite prompt.. sqlite> insert into samples_cellline (cellline_name,notes) values('Unknown','Unknown'); sqlite> insert into samples_condition (condition_name,notes) values('Unknown','Unknown'); ''' Now we can put 1 in these fields for the Library insert. ''' Note: avg_lib_size field is missing in Caltech DB (although it's in the Trac), so I put default value 225. ''' Now the actual migration to the new fctracker_library table ''' (This version looses data, the current Nov 11, 2008 schema, has made_for as a one to many ''' relationship to the auth_user table, instead of being a text field. Here I just assigned ''' the made for to a (semi)-random user. sqlite> INSERT INTO samples_library (library_id,library_name,library_species_id,experiment_type,cell_line_id,condition_id,replicate,made_by,creation_date,made_for_id,stopping_point,amplified_from_sample_id,undiluted_concentration,ten_nM_dilution,successful_pM,avg_lib_size,notes) select library_id,library_name,library_species_id,'unknown',1,1,1,made_by,creation_date,12,stopping_point,amplified_from_sample_id,undiluted_concentration,ten_nM_dilution,successful_pM,0,notes from PREV_fctracker_library; ''' Set the right values for "experiment_type" sqlite> update samples_library set experiment_type = "RNA-seq" where library_idin (select library_id from prev_fctracker_library where RNASeq = 1); ''' YOU CAN ADD SIMILAR SQL CMD TO SET THE VALUE FOR "avg_lib_size" FIELD (WHICH IS NOW SET TO 0) ... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THAT SHOULD BE IT --- NOW YOUR WEB SITE SHOULD SUCESSFULY LOAD THE NEW DB WITH YOUR DATA. 2009 Jan 13 I had a working database and then merged in a few more changes from stanford. I ended up needing to do the following: alter table analysis_task add task_params varchar(200) null; alter table samples_cellline add nickname varchar(20) null; alter table samples_condition add nickname varchar(20) null; Those changes might happen automatically when reconverting from our original database, or they might not. CREATE TABLE "samples_library_tags" ( "id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "library_id" varchar(30) NOT NULL REFERENCES "samples_library" ("library_id"), "tag_id" integer NOT NULL REFERENCES "samples_tag" ("id"), UNIQUE ("library_id", "tag_id") ) ;