build 015 - added GPL notification to all modules - added LICENSE.txt (the GPL) and beginnings of a README.txt - bug fixes - fixed motif searching not working on sub-analyses (length of sub-analysis sequence not set...) - ...that other bug... - added code for compile under OS X so analyses dir created in same directory as the .mupa file when using "Do Analysis" option build 014 - added Annotations window - displays all unique annots (Only uses the first column of annot ids after start & end indices) - allows selecting display colors each annot listed - available under View menu - added Sequence Copy window - enter seq #, start and end indices to display sequence - sequence buffer can selected and copied from - available under View menu - bug fixes - Analysis->Do/Load/Setup/Sub no longer crashes if cancelled/window closed - fixed file path issues with loading .mupa or analysis saves - mainly problem with OS X, which "runs" from harddrive root directory (note, still saves analyses at the root dir...) - problem on linux in some cases when switched build 013 save method (tho I didn't realize since I could run from any directory) build 013/build 012 - finished seqcomp pairwise saving/loading code - can now set a higher threshold than initial analysis hard threshold - changed save format so all file go in a directory of analysis name build 011 - added Sub Analysis window - can choose sub regions of the sequences - can set new window and threshold settings - available under Analysis menu - new menu - 'View' - moved bar/line toggle here as radio buttons - add simple motif search entry as well (can still middle click for it) - made sequence view resizable and scale correctly build 010 - added Analysis setup window to interactively create analysis without needing to make a .mupa configuration file - added Analysis setup window under file menu - Mussa windows now include the name of the analysis in title bar - Sequence window clears previous scroll offset when new alignment choosen build 009 and earlier - occurred before writing was invented...