# # Use .add_data_files and .add_data_dir methods in a appropriate # setup.py files to include non-python files such as documentation, # data, etc files to distribution. Avoid using MANIFEST.in for that. # include MANIFEST.in include COPYING include INSTALL include KNOWN_BUGS include THANKS include ez_setup.py include pysam/csamtools.pxd include pysam/csamtools.pyx include pysam/csamtools.c include pysam/ctabix.pxd include pysam/ctabix.c include pysam/ctabix.pyx include pysam/TabProxies.c include pysam/TabProxies.pyx include pysam/TabProxies.pxd include pysam/cvcf.pyx include pysam/cvcf.pxd include pysam/cvcf.c include pysam/pysam_util.h include samtools/*.h include samtools/*/*.h include tabix/*.h # pysam tests include tests/00README.txt include tests/Makefile include tests/ex1.fa include tests/ex1.sam.gz include tests/ex3.sam include tests/ex4.sam include tests/ex5.sam include tests/ex6.sam include tests/ex7.sam include tests/ex8.sam include tests/ex9_fail.bam include tests/ex9_nofail.bam include tests/ex10.sam include tests/example.py include tests/pysam_test.py include tests/segfault_tests.py # tabix tests include tests/tabix_test.py include tests/example.gtf.gz include tests/example.gtf.gz.tbi