import types from cpython cimport PyString_FromStringAndSize, PyString_AsString, PyString_AS_STRING cdef char * nextItem( char * buffer ): cdef char * pos pos = strchr( buffer, '\t' ) if pos == NULL: raise ValueError( "malformatted entry at %s" % buffer ) pos[0] = '\0' pos += 1 return pos cdef char *StrOrEmpty( char * buffer ): if buffer == NULL: return "" else: return buffer cdef int isNew( char * p, char * buffer, size_t nbytes ): if p == NULL: return 0 return not (buffer <= p < buffer + nbytes ) cdef class TupleProxy: '''Proxy class for access to parsed row as a tuple. This class represents a table row for fast read-access. Access to individual fields is via the [] operator. Only read-only access is implemented. ''' def __cinit__(self ): = NULL self.fields = NULL self.index = 0 self.nbytes = 0 self.is_modified = 0 self.nfields = 0 # start counting at field offset self.offset = 0 def __dealloc__(self): cdef int x if self.is_modified: for x from 0 <= x < self.nfields: if isNew( self.fields[x],, self.nbytes ): free( self.fields[x] ) self.fields[x] = NULL if != NULL: free( if self.fields != NULL: free( self.fields ) cdef take( self, char * buffer, size_t nbytes ): '''start presenting buffer. Take ownership of the pointer. ''' = buffer self.nbytes = nbytes self.update( buffer, nbytes ) cdef present( self, char * buffer, size_t nbytes ): '''start presenting buffer. Do not take ownership of the pointer. ''' self.update( buffer, nbytes ) cdef copy( self, char * buffer, size_t nbytes ): '''start presenting buffer. Take a copy of buffer. ''' cdef int s # +1 for '\0' s = sizeof(char) * (nbytes + 1) = malloc( s ) if == NULL: raise ValueError("out of memory" ) self.nbytes = nbytes memcpy(, buffer, s ) self.update(, nbytes ) cdef int getMaxFields( self, size_t nbytes ): '''initialize fields.''' return nbytes / 2 cdef update( self, char * buffer, size_t nbytes ): '''update internal data. Update starts work in buffer, thus can be used to collect any number of fields until nbytes is exhausted. If max_fields is set, the number of fields is initialized to max_fields. ''' cdef char * pos cdef char * old_pos cdef int field cdef int max_fields, x if buffer[nbytes] != 0: raise ValueError( "incomplete line at %s" % buffer ) ################################# # clear data if self.fields != NULL: free(self.fields) for field from 0 <= field < self.nfields: if isNew( self.fields[field],, self.nbytes ): free( self.fields[field] ) self.is_modified = self.nfields = 0 ################################# # allocate new max_fields = self.getMaxFields( nbytes ) self.fields = calloc( max_fields, sizeof(char *) ) if self.fields == NULL: raise ValueError("out of memory" ) ################################# # start filling field = 0 self.fields[field] = pos = buffer field += 1 old_pos = pos while 1: pos = memchr( pos, '\t', nbytes ) if pos == NULL: break pos[0] = '\0' pos += 1 self.fields[field] = pos field += 1 if field >= max_fields: raise ValueError("row too large - more than %i fields" % max_fields ) nbytes -= pos - old_pos if nbytes < 0: break old_pos = pos self.nfields = field def _getindex( self, int index ): '''return item at idx index''' cdef int i = index if i < 0: i += self.nfields if i < 0: raise IndexError( "list index out of range" ) i += self.offset if i >= self.nfields: raise IndexError( "list index out of range %i >= %i" % (i, self.nfields )) return self.fields[i] def __getitem__( self, key ): if type(key) == int: return self._getindex( key ) # slice object start, end, step = key.indices( self.nfields ) result = [] for index in range( start, end, step ): result.append( self._getindex( index ) ) return result def _setindex( self, index, value ): '''set item at idx index.''' cdef int idx = index if idx < 0: raise IndexError( "list index out of range" ) if idx >= self.nfields: raise IndexError( "list index out of range" ) if isNew( self.fields[idx],, self.nbytes ): free( self.fields[idx] ) self.is_modified = 1 if value == None: self.fields[idx] = NULL return # conversion with error checking cdef char * tmp = PyString_AsString( value ) self.fields[idx] = malloc( (strlen( tmp ) + 1) * sizeof(char) ) if self.fields[idx] == NULL: raise ValueError("out of memory" ) strcpy( self.fields[idx], tmp ) def __setitem__(self, index, value ): '''set item at *index* to *value*''' cdef int i = index if i < 0: i += self.nfields i += self.offset self._setindex( i, value ) def __len__(self): return self.nfields def __iter__(self): self.index = 0 return self def __next__(self): """python version of next(). """ if self.index >= self.nfields: raise StopIteration cdef char * retval = self.fields[self.index] self.index += 1 if retval == NULL: return None else: return retval def __str__(self): '''return original data''' # copy and replace \0 bytes with \t characters if self.is_modified: # todo: treat NULL values return "\t".join( [StrOrEmpty( self.fields[x]) for x in xrange(0, self.nfields ) ] ) else: cpy = calloc( sizeof(char), self.nbytes+1 ) if cpy == NULL: raise ValueError("out of memory" ) memcpy( cpy,, self.nbytes+1) for x from 0 <= x < self.nbytes: if cpy[x] == '\0': cpy[x] = '\t' result = PyString_FromStringAndSize(cpy, self.nbytes) free(cpy) return result def toDot( v ): '''convert value to '.' if None''' if v == None: return "." else: return str(v) def quote( v ): '''return a quoted attribute.''' if type(v) in types.StringTypes: return '"%s"' % v else: return str(v) cdef class GTFProxy( TupleProxy ): '''Proxy class for access to GTF fields. This class represents a GTF entry for fast read-access. Write-access has been added as well, though some care must be taken. If any of the string fields (contig, source, ...) are set, the new value is tied to the lifetime of the argument that was supplied. The only exception is the attributes field when set from a dictionary - this field will manage its own memory. ''' def __cinit__(self ): # automatically calls TupleProxy.__cinit__ self.hasOwnAttributes = False def __dealloc__(self): # automatically calls TupleProxy.__dealloc__ if self.hasOwnAttributes: free(self.attributes) cdef int getMaxFields( self, size_t nbytes ): '''return max number of fields.''' return 9 cdef update( self, char * buffer, size_t nbytes ): '''update internal data. nbytes does not include the terminal '\0'. ''' cdef int end cdef char * cstart, * cend, * cscore self.contig = buffer cdef char * pos if buffer[nbytes] != 0: raise ValueError( "incomplete line at %s" % buffer ) self.source = pos = nextItem( buffer ) self.feature = pos = nextItem( pos ) cstart = pos = nextItem( pos ) cend = pos = nextItem( pos ) self.score = pos = nextItem( pos ) self.strand = pos = nextItem( pos ) self.frame = pos = nextItem( pos ) self.attributes = pos = nextItem( pos ) self.start = atoi( cstart ) - 1 self.end = atoi( cend ) self.nfields = 9 property contig: '''contig of feature.''' def __get__( self ): return self.contig def __set__( self, value ): self.is_modified = True self.contig = value property feature: '''feature name.''' def __get__( self ): return self.feature def __set__( self, value ): self.is_modified = True self.feature = value property source: '''feature source.''' def __get__( self ): return self.source def __set__( self, value ): self.is_modified = True self.source = value property start: '''feature start (in 0-based open/closed coordinates).''' def __get__( self ): return self.start def __set__( self, value ): self.is_modified = True self.start = value property end: '''feature end (in 0-based open/closed coordinates).''' def __get__( self ): return self.end def __set__( self, value ): self.is_modified = True self.end = value property score: '''feature score.''' def __get__( self ): if self.score[0] == '.' and self.score[1] == '\0' : return None else: return atof(self.score) def __set__( self, value ): self.is_modified = True self.score = value property strand: '''feature strand.''' def __get__( self ): return self.strand def __set__( self, value ): self.is_modified = True self.strand = value property frame: '''feature frame.''' def __get__( self ): return self.frame def __set__( self, value ): self.is_modified = True self.frame = value property attributes: '''feature attributes (as a string).''' def __get__( self ): return self.attributes def __set__( self, value ): self.is_modified = True self.attributes = value def asDict( self ): """parse attributes - return as dict """ # remove comments attributes = self.attributes # separate into fields fields = [ x.strip() for x in attributes.split(";")[:-1]] result = {} for f in fields: d = [ x.strip() for x in f.split(" ")] n,v = d[0], d[1] if len(d) > 2: v = d[1:] if v[0] == '"' and v[-1] == '"': v = v[1:-1] else: ## try to convert to a value try: v = float( v ) v = int( v ) except ValueError: pass except TypeError: pass result[n] = v return result def fromDict( self, d ): '''set attributes from a dictionary.''' cdef char * p cdef int l # clean up if this field is set twice if self.hasOwnAttributes: free(self.attributes) aa = [] for k,v in d.items(): if type(v) == types.StringType: aa.append( '%s "%s"' % (k,v) ) else: aa.append( '%s %s' % (k,str(v)) ) a = "; ".join( aa ) + ";" p = a l = len(a) self.attributes = calloc( l + 1, sizeof(char) ) if self.attributes == NULL: raise ValueError("out of memory" ) memcpy( self.attributes, p, l ) self.hasOwnAttributes = True self.is_modified = True def __str__(self): cdef char * cpy cdef int x if self.is_modified: return "\t".join( (self.contig, self.source, self.feature, str(self.start+1), str(self.end), toDot(self.score), self.strand, self.frame, self.attributes ) ) else: return TupleProxy.__str__(self) def invert( self, int lcontig ): '''invert coordinates to negative strand coordinates This method will only act if the feature is on the negative strand.''' if self.strand[0] == '-': start = min(self.start, self.end) end = max(self.start, self.end) self.start, self.end = lcontig - end, lcontig - start def keys( self ): '''return a list of attributes defined in this entry.''' r = self.attributes return [ x.strip().split(" ")[0] for x in r.split(";") if x.strip() != '' ] def __getitem__(self, key): return self.__getattr__( key ) def __getattr__(self, item ): """Generic lookup of attribute from GFF/GTF attributes Only called if there *isn't* an attribute with this name """ cdef char * start cdef char * query cdef char * cpy cdef char * end cdef int l query = item start = strstr( self.attributes, query) if start == NULL: raise AttributeError("'GTFProxy' has no attribute '%s'" % item ) start += strlen(query) + 1 # skip gaps before while start[0] == ' ': start += 1 if start[0] == '"': start += 1 end = start while end[0] != '\0' and end[0] != '"': end += 1 l = end - start result = PyString_FromStringAndSize( start, l ) return result else: return start def setAttribute( self, name, value ): '''convenience method to set an attribute.''' r = self.asDict() r[name] = value self.fromDict( r ) cdef class NamedTupleProxy( TupleProxy ): map_key2field = {} def __setattr__(self, key, value ): '''set attribute.''' cdef int idx idx, f = self.map_key2field[key] if self.nfields < idx: raise KeyError( "field %s not set" % key ) TupleProxy.__setitem__(self, idx, str(value) ) def __getattr__(self, key ): cdef int idx idx, f = self.map_key2field[key] if self.nfields < idx: raise KeyError( "field %s not set" % key ) return f( self.fields[idx] ) cdef class BedProxy( NamedTupleProxy ): '''Proxy class for access to Bed fields. This class represents a GTF entry for fast read-access. ''' map_key2field = { 'contig' : (0, str), 'start' : (1, int), 'end' : (2, int), 'name' : (3, str), 'score' : (4, float), 'strand' : (5, str), 'thickStart' : (6,int ), 'thickEnd' : (7,int), 'itemRGB' : (8,str), 'blockCount': (9,int), 'blockSizes': (10,str), 'blockStarts': (11,str), } cdef int getMaxFields( self, size_t nbytes ): '''return max number of fields.''' return 12 cdef update( self, char * buffer, size_t nbytes ): '''update internal data. nbytes does not include the terminal '\0'. ''' TupleProxy.update( self, buffer, nbytes ) if self.nfields < 3: raise ValueError( "bed format requires at least three columns" ) # determines bed format self.bedfields = self.nfields # do automatic conversion self.contig = self.fields[0] self.start = atoi( self.fields[1] ) self.end = atoi( self.fields[2] ) # __setattr__ in base class seems to take precedence # hence implement setters in __setattr__ #property start: # def __get__( self ): return self.start #property end: # def __get__( self ): return self.end def __str__(self): cdef int save_fields = self.nfields # ensure fields to use correct format self.nfields = self.bedfields retval = TupleProxy.__str__( self ) self.nfields = save_fields return retval def __setattr__(self, key, value ): '''set attribute.''' if key == "start": self.start = value elif key == "end": self.end = value cdef int idx idx, f = self.map_key2field[key] TupleProxy._setindex(self, idx, str(value) ) cdef class VCFProxy( NamedTupleProxy ): '''Proxy class for access to VCF fields. The genotypes are accessed via index. ''' map_key2field = { 'contig' : (0, str), 'pos' : (1, int), 'id' : (2, str), 'ref' : (3, str), 'alt' : (4, str), 'qual' : (5, str), 'filter' : (6,str), 'info' : (7,str), 'format' : (8,str) } def __cinit__(self ): # automatically calls TupleProxy.__cinit__ # start indexed access at genotypes self.offset = 9 cdef update( self, char * buffer, size_t nbytes ): '''update internal data. nbytes does not include the terminal '\0'. ''' TupleProxy.update( self, buffer, nbytes ) self.contig = self.fields[0] # vcf counts from 1 - correct here self.pos = atoi( self.fields[1] ) - 1 def __len__(self): return max(0, self.nfields - 9) property pos: '''feature end (in 0-based open/closed coordinates).''' def __get__( self ): return self.pos def __setattr__(self, key, value ): '''set attribute.''' if key == "pos": self.pos = value value += 1 cdef int idx idx, f = self.map_key2field[key] TupleProxy._setindex(self, idx, str(value) )