File ex1.fa contains two sequences cut from the human genome build36. They were exatracted with command: samtools faidx human_b36.fa 2:2043966-2045540 20:67967-69550 Sequence names were changed manually for simplicity. File ex1.sam.gz contains MAQ alignments exatracted with: (samtools view NA18507_maq.bam 2:2044001-2045500; samtools view NA18507_maq.bam 20:68001-69500) and processed with `samtools fixmate' to make it self-consistent as a standalone alignment. To try samtools, you may run the following commands: samtools faidx ex1.fa # index the reference FASTA samtools import ex1.fa.fai ex1.sam.gz ex1.bam # SAM->BAM samtools index ex1.bam # index BAM samtools tview ex1.bam ex1.fa # view alignment samtools pileup -cf ex1.fa ex1.bam # pileup and consensus samtools pileup -cf ex1.fa -t ex1.fa.fai ex1.sam.gz In order for the script to work, you will need pysam in your PYTHONPATH. In order for the script to work, you will need pysam in your PYTHONPATH and run make all beforehand.