## page was renamed from People = People = == Principal Investigator == Barbara Wold:: woldb -> caltech.edu == Staff Scientists == Brian Williams:: bawilli -> caltech.edu == Graduate students == Say-Tar Goh:: sgoh -> caltech.edu == Software Developers & System Administrators == Diane Trout:: first name -> caltech. Henry Amrhein:: Sean Upchurch:: sau -> caltech.edu == Visiting Statistician == Ken McCue:: mccue -> caltech.edu == Interns and volunteers == Kyle McCue:: == Past Students and Postdocs == Sreeram (Ram) Balasubramanian, PhD:: [[http://brianpenghe.github.io/home/|Peng He, PhD]] [[https://www.ric-lab.com/about/|Gilberto DeSalvo, PhD]] [[https://www.loredge.com/ourStory.html|Anna C. T. Abelin, PhD]] Anthony Kirilusha, PhD:: [[http://www.indiana.edu/~lynchlab/G_Marinov.htm|Georgi Marinov, PhD]] Gilberto Hernandez, M.D.:: Nicole Tetreault, PhD:: Steven Kuntz, PhD:: Katherine Fisher, PhD:: Libera Berghella, PhD:: [[http://hmri.org/portfolio_page/marie-csete/|Marie Csete MD, PhD]] Tristan De Buysscher:: Chris Hart, PhD:: Henrik Jonsson:: [[http://www.faculty.uci.edu/profile.cfm?faculty_id=5884|Ali Mortazavi, PhD]] Tracy Teal:: tracyt -> caltech.edu Cory Tobin:: ctobin -> caltech.edu [[https://www.soe.ucsc.edu/people/dkim|Daniel Kim, PhD]] Tatiana Vinogradova:: [[http://gsbse.umaine.edu/people/profile/jeong_yoon|Jeong Yoon, PhD]] [[https://bondlsc.missouri.edu/person/dawn-cornelison/|Dawn Cornelison, PhD]] [[http://www.hhmi.org/scientists/ardem-patapoutian|Ardem Patapoutian, PhD]] [[https://www.jax.org/research-and-faculty/faculty/kyuson-yun|Kyuson Yun, PhD]] [[http://www.bio.brandeis.edu/faculty/garrity.html|Paul Garrity, PhD]] [[http://www.xenbase.org/community/person.do?method=display&personId=840|Paul Mueller, PhD]] == Past Interns, Volunteers and staff == (Note: not an exhaustive list) Brandon King:: [[https://csbphd.mit.edu/student/kayla-mccue|Kayla McCue]] Jonathan (Johnny) Berman:: jberman2 -> hwemail.com Sarah Aerni:: SoCalBSI 2005, 2006 Va Si:: Ena Gan:: Wendy Lee:: Anna Podgornaia:: Gordon Dan:: Xiaofan Zhao:: Won Jun Kim::