Software Carpentry
Functions, Libraries, and the File System

Where We Just Were

Defining Functions


Parameter Passing Rules

Default Parameter Values

Extra Arguments

Functions Are Objects

Creating Modules

The Math Library

The System Library


Working with the File System

Manipulating Pathnames

Knowing Where You Are

Where to Learn More


Exercise 8.1:

Write a function that takes two strings called text and fragment as arguments, and returns the number of times fragment appears in the second half of text. Your function must not create a copy of the second half of text. (Hint: read the documentation for string.count.)

Exercise 8.2:

What does the Python keyword global do? What are some reasons not to write code that uses it?

Exercise 8.3:

Consider the following sample of code and its output:

def settings(first, **rest):
    print 'first is', first
    print 'rest is'
    for (name, value) in rest.items():
        print '...', name, value

settings(1, two=2, three="THREE")
first is 1
rest is

first is 1
rest is
... two 2
... three THREE

What does the variable rest do? What does the double asterisk ** in front of its name mean? How does it compare to the example with *extra (with a single asterisk) in the lecture?

Exercise 8.4:

Python allows you to import all the functions and variables in a module at once, making them local name. For example, if the module is called values, and contains a variable called Threshold and a function called limit, then after the statement from values import *, you can then refer directly to Threshold and limit, rather than having to use values.Threshold or values.limit. Explain why this is generally considered a bad thing to do, even though it reduces the amount programmers have to type.

Exercise 8.5:

sys.stdin, sys.stdout, and sys.stderr are variables, which means that you can assign to them. For example, if you want to change where print sends its output, you can do this:

import sys

print 'this goes to stdout'
temp = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = open('temporary.txt', 'w')
print 'this goes to temporary.txt'
sys.stdout = temp

Do you think this is a good programming practice? When and why do you think its use might be justified?

Exercise 8.6:

os.stat(path) returns an object whose members describe various properties of the file or directory identified by path. Using this, write a function that will determine whether or not a file is more than one year old.

Exercise 8.7:

Write a Python program that takes as its arguments two years (such as 1997 and 2007), prints out the number of days between the 15th of each month from January of the first year until December of the last year.

Exercise 8.8:

Write a simple version of which in Python. Your program should check each directory on the caller's path (in order) to find an executable program that has the name given to it on the command line.