Table of Contents

Module: XClust compClust/mlx/wrapper/

Usage: parameter_filename input_filename output_filename

Wrapper for XClust algorithm

Note: The class labels will have the extension you specify on the command line and the two xclust intermediate files if saved will have a .cdt and .gtr extension.

Depends on the following environment variables: XCLUST_COMMAND (e.g., /proj/cluster_gazing2/bin/xclust)

Brief Algorithm Description:

See: Eisen et. al. 1998, PNAS 95 (25) for a description of xclust we have implemented various methods to construct a partioning based of the phylogenetic tree output from xclust

Required Parameters: (note: the list enclosed in the brakets are possible values each one of parameters can take )

transform_method = [log, none] distance_metric = [correlation,correlation_centered, euclidean] cluster_on = [columns, rows]

rows : cluster Genes columns: cluster conditions

agglomerate_method = [none, size, clusterNumber]

none - do not agglomerate, just generate the normal xclust output files

size - perform a size threshold agglomeration. Starting at the root recurse through the tree attempting to agglomerate at each node stopping only when the number of genes in the agglomerated sub-tree is less then the parameter "size_threshold"

clusterNumber - return as close to K clusters as possible using the "size" agglomeration method to partition the tree

Optional / Dependent Parameters:

size_threshold = <x> (required if agglomerate_method = size)

where x is an interger and 0 < x <= # Of Data Vectors see above for a complete description.

k = <x> (required if agglomerate_method = "clusterNumber" where x is the number of clusters you'd like

save_intermediate_files = [yes, 'no'] (required if agglomerate_method doesn't equal "none")

if you choose yes, the original xclust files (both the cdt and gtr) will be saved. Otherwise they will be deleted.

use_intermediate_files = [yes, 'no'] if yes, will load an existing GTR/CTD file instead of building the tree again. Will detemine the intermediate filenames either from the input file (if run from the shell wrapper) or the save_intermediate_files_base and results_dir optional parameters

save_intermediate_files_base = filename The base filename for intermidate file (ie, no GTR or CTD file)

results_dir Location of results.

Imported modules   
from compClust.mlx.ML_Algorithm import ML_Algorithm
from compClust.mlx.XClustTree import XClustTree
from compClust.mlx.labelings import Labeling
from compClust.mlx.models import DistanceFromMean
import compClust.mlx.wrapper
from compClust.mlx.wrapper.TreeAgglomerator import TreeAgglomerator
from compClust.util import Verify, WrapperUtil
from compClust.util.TimeStampedPrintStream import TimeStampedPrintStream
import os
import re
import string
import sys
import tempfile


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