Update templates to consistently use {% static %} instead of hard coding paths
[htsworkflow.git] / htsworkflow / frontend / templates / experiments / flowcell_lane_detail.html
1 {% extends "base_site.html" %}
2 {% load humanize i18n %}
3 {% load staticfiles %}
4 {% block extrahead %}
5     <!-- App Stuff -->
6     <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="{% static "css/app.css" %}"/>
7     <script type="text/javascript" src="{% static "js/jquery.min.js" %}"></script>
9     {% block additional_javascript %}
10     {% endblock %}
11 {% endblock %}
13 {% block content %}
14 <div id="lane_detail" class="htswdetail" typeof="libns:IlluminaLane" resource="{{lane.get_absolute_url}}">
15   <div rel="libns:flowcell" resource="{{flowcell.get_absolute_url}}">
16   {% include "experiments/flowcell_header.html" %}
17   </div>
18   <div class="flowcell_lane_detail">
19   <h2>About this lane</h2>
20   <b>Lane</b>:
21     <span property="libns:lane_number">{{lane.lane_number}}</span><br/>
22   <b>pM</b>:
23     <span property="libns:pM" datatype="xsd:decimal">{{ lane.pM }}</span><br/>
24   {% if lane.cluster_estimate %}
25   <b>Cluster Estimate</b>:
26     <span property="libns:cluster_estimate" datatype="xsd:decimal"
27           content="{{lane.cluster_estimate}}">{{ lane.cluster_estimate|intcomma }}</span><br/>{% endif %}
28   {% if lane.status %}
29   <b>Lane Status</b>:
30     <span property="libns:status">{{ lane.status }}</span><br/>{% endif %}
31   {% if lane.comment %}
32   <b>Comments</b>:
33     <span property="libns:comment">{{ lane.comment }}</span><br/>{% endif %}
34   </div>
35   <hr/>
36   {% include "sample_header.html" %}
37   <hr/>
38   <div class="htsw_flowcell_ivc">
39   {% for run in flowcell.datarun_set.all %}
40      <h2>Run {{ run.runfolder_name }}</h2>
41      <table>
42        <thead>
43          <tr>
44            <td>Lane</td>
45            <td>IVC All</td>
46            <td>IVC Call</td>
47            <td>IVC Percent Base</td>
48            <td>IVC Percent Base All</td>
49            <td>IVC Percent Base Called</td>
50          </tr>
51        </thead>
52        <tbody>
53           {% for run, lane_number, lane_file_set in filtered_dataruns %}
54           {% if lane_file_set.ivc_all %}
55           <tr>
56             <td>{{lane_number}}</td>
57             <td>
58               <a href="{{ lane_file_set.ivc_all.get_absolute_url }}">
59               <img height="84" width="126" alt="Lane {{lane_id }} IVC All"
60                    src="{{ lane_file_set.ivc_all.get_absolute_url }}"/></a>
61             </td>
62             <td>
63               <a href="{{ lane_file_set.ivc_call.get_absolute_url }}">
64               <img height="84" width="126" alt="Lane {{lane_id }} IVC Call"
65                    src="{{ lane_file_set.ivc_call.get_absolute_url }}"/>
66               </a>
67             </td>
68             <td>
69               <a href="{{ lane_file_set.ivc_percent_base.get_absolute_url }}">
70               <img height="84" width="126" alt="Lane {{lane_id }} IVC % Base"
71                    src="{{ lane_file_set.ivc_percent_base.get_absolute_url }}"/>
72               </a>
73             </td>
74             <td>
75               <a href="{{ lane_file_set.ivc_percent_all.get_absolute_url }}">
76               <img height="84" width="126" alt="Lane {{lane_id }} IVC % Base All"
77                    src="{{ lane_file_set.ivc_percent_all.get_absolute_url }}"/>
78               </a>
79             </td>
80             <td>
81               <a href="{{ lane_file_set.ivc_percent_call.get_absolute_url }}">
82               <img height="84" width="126"
83                    alt="Lane {{lane_id }} IVC % Base Called"
84                    src="{{ lane_file_set.ivc_percent_call.get_absolute_url }}"/>
85               </a>
86             </td>
87           </tr>
88           {% else %}
89             <tr><td colspan="6">No data</td></tr>
90           {% endif %}
91           {% endfor %}
92        </tbody>
93      </table>
94   {% endfor %}
95   </div>
96 </div>
98 {% endblock %}