Update templates to consistently use {% static %} instead of hard coding paths
[htsworkflow.git] / htsworkflow / frontend / templates / sample_header.html
1 {% load staticfiles %}
2 <div id="librarydetail"
3      about="{{lib.get_absolute_url}}"
4      typeof="libns:Library">
5   <div class="library_identity">
6     <h2>Library Name</h2>
7     <b>Library ID</b>:
8        <a href="{{lib.get_absolute_url}}"><span property="libns:library_id">{{ lib.id }}</span></a>
9        {% if user.is_staff %}<a href="{{lib.get_admin_url}}"><img class="icon_button" src="{% static "admin/img/icon_changelink.gif" %}" alt="Edit"/></a>{% endif %}
10        <br />
11     <b>Name</b>:
12       <span property="libns:name">{{ lib.library_name }}</span>
13     <br/>
14     <b>Affiliations</b>:
15     <ul>
16       {% for individual in lib.affiliations.all %}
17         <li property="libns:affiliation" content="{{individual.name}}">
18           {{ individual.name }} ( {{ individual.contact }} )
19         </li>
20       {% endfor %}
21     </ul>
22   </div>
23   <div class="library_sample_detail">
24     <h2>Sample Details</h2>
25     <b>Species</b>:
26       <span property="libns:species_name" content="{{lib.library_species.scientific_name}}"><a href="{{lib.library_species.get_absolute_url}}">{{ lib.library_species.scientific_name }}</a></span>
27     <br/>
28     <b>Experiment Type</b>:
29        <span property="libns:experiment_type">{{ lib.experiment_type }}</span>
30     <br/>
31     {% if lib.antibody %}
32     <b>Antibody</b>:
33        <span property="libns:antibody">{{ lib.antibody.antibodies }}</span>
34        {% if lib.antibody.antibodies.nickname %}
35        (<span property="libns:antibody_term">{{ lib.antibody.nickname }}</span>)
36        {% endif %}
37     <br/>
38     {% endif %}
39     {% if lib.cell_line %}
40     <b>Background or Cell Line</b>:
41        <span property="libns:cell_line">{{ lib.cell_line }}</span>
42     <br/>
43     {% endif %}
44     {% if lib.condition %}
45     <b>Condition</b>:
46        <span property="libns:condition">{{ lib.condition.condition_name }}</span>
47        {% if lib.condition.nickname %}
48        (<span property="libns:condition_term">{{ lib.condition.nickname }}</span>)
49        {% endif %}
50     <br/>
51     {% endif %}
52     {% if lib.replicate %}
53     <b>Replicate</b>:
54        <span property="libns:replicate">{{ lib.replicate }}</span>
55     <br/>
56     {% endif %}
57   </div>
58   <div class="library_library_detail">
59     <h2>Library Details</h2>
60     <b>Library Type</b>:
61        <span property="libns:library_type">{{ lib.library_type }}</span>
62     <br/>
63     <b>Multiplex Index</b>:
64        <span property="libns:multiplex_index">{{ lib.index_sequence_text }}</span>
65     <br/>
66     <b>Creation Date</b>
67       <span property="libns:date" content="{{lib.creation_date|date:'Y-m-d'}}T00:00:00" datatype="xsd:dateTime">{{ lib.creation_date }}</span>
68     <br/>
69     <b>Made By</b>:
70       <span property="libns:made_by">{{ lib.made_by }}</span>
71     <br/>
72     {% if lib.gel_cut_size %}
73     <b>Gel Cut Size</b>:
74       <span property="libns:gel_cut" datatype="xsd:integer">{{ lib.gel_cut_size }}</span>
75     <br/>
76     {% endif %}
77     {% if lib.insert_size %}
78     <b>Insert Size</b>:
79       <span property="libns:insert_size" datatype="xsd:integer">{{ lib.insert_size }}</span>
80     <br/>
81     {% endif %}
82     {% if lib.undiluted_concentration %}
83     <b>Concentration</b>:
84       <span property="libns:concentration">{{ lib.undiluted_concentration }} ng/µl</span>
85     <br/>
86     {% endif %}
87     {% if lib.stopping_point_name %}
88     <b>Protocol Stopping Point</b>
89       <span property="libns:stopping_point">{{ lib.stopping_point_name }}</span>
90     <br/>
91     {% endif %}
92   </div>
93 </div>