[project @ move brandon's pipeline handling code into gaworkflow.pipeline]
authorDiane Trout <diane@caltech.edu>
Tue, 20 Nov 2007 09:50:58 +0000 (09:50 +0000)
committerDiane Trout <diane@caltech.edu>
Tue, 20 Nov 2007 09:50:58 +0000 (09:50 +0000)
the code that was in the if __name__ == "__main__" got moved into
similary named scripts in the scripts directory. Those import everything from
their corresponding gaworkfile.pipeline module.

I still wish the names were shorter, and yet still descriptive.

Other refactoring ideas, break configure_run up, make a single module to hold
all the exceptions from all the varios parts of the pipeline.


I (still) find our lack of tests disturbing.

bin/config_pipeline2.py [deleted file]
bin/genome_mapper.py [deleted file]
bin/retrieve_eland_config.py [deleted file]
gaworkflow/pipeline/configure_run.py [new file with mode: 0644]
gaworkflow/pipeline/genome_mapper.py [new file with mode: 0644]
gaworkflow/pipeline/retrieve_config.py [new file with mode: 0644]
scripts/configure_pipeline [new file with mode: 0644]
scripts/retrieve_config [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/bin/config_pipeline2.py b/bin/config_pipeline2.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2739cce..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,551 +0,0 @@
-import subprocess
-import logging
-import time
-import re
-import os
-from retrieve_eland_config import getCombinedOptions, saveConfigFile
-from retrieve_eland_config import FlowCellNotFound, WebError404
-from genome_mapper import DuplicateGenome, getAvailableGenomes, constructMapperDict
-from pyinotify import WatchManager, ThreadedNotifier
-from pyinotify import EventsCodes, ProcessEvent
-                    format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s',
-                    datefmt='%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S',
-                    filename='pipeline_main.log',
-                    filemode='w')
-class ConfigInfo:
-  def __init__(self):
-    self.run_path = None
-    self.bustard_path = None
-    self.config_filepath = None
-# inotify event processor
-s_firecrest_finished = re.compile('Firecrest[0-9\._\-A-Za-z]+/finished.txt')
-s_bustard_finished = re.compile('Bustard[0-9\._\-A-Za-z]+/finished.txt')
-s_gerald_finished = re.compile('GERALD[0-9\._\-A-Za-z]+/finished.txt')
-class RunEvent(ProcessEvent):
-  def __init__(self):
-    self.run_status_dict = {'firecrest': False,
-                            'bustard': False,
-                            'gerald': False}
-    ProcessEvent.__init__(self)
-  def process_IN_CREATE(self, event):
-    fullpath = os.path.join(event.path, event.name)
-    if s_finished.search(fullpath):
-      logging.info("File Found: %s" % (fullpath))
-      if s_firecrest_finished.search(fullpath):
-        self.run_status_dict['firecrest'] = True
-      elif s_bustard_finished.search(fullpath):
-        self.run_status_dict['bustard'] = True
-      elif s_gerald_finished.search(fullpath):
-        self.run_status_dict['gerald'] = True
-    print "Create: %s" % (os.path.join(event.path, event.name))
-  def process_IN_DELETE(self, event):
-    print "Remove %s" % (os.path.join(event.path, event.name))
-# Config Step Error
-RUN_ABORT = 'abort'
-# Run Step Error
-RUN_FAILED = 'failed'
-# Configure Step (goat_pipeline.py)
-s_start = re.compile('Starting Genome Analyzer Pipeline')
-s_gerald = re.compile("[\S\s]+--GERALD[\S\s]+--make[\S\s]+")
-s_generating = re.compile('Generating journals, Makefiles and parameter files')
-s_seq_folder = re.compile('^Sequence folder: ')
-s_seq_folder_sub = re.compile('want to make ')
-s_stderr_taskcomplete = re.compile('^Task complete, exiting')
-s_invalid_cmdline = re.compile('Usage:[\S\s]*goat_pipeline.py')
-s_species_dir_err = re.compile('Error: Lane [1-8]:')
-s_goat_traceb = re.compile("^Traceback \(most recent call last\):")
-##Ignore - Example of out above each ignore regex.
-#NOTE: Commenting out an ignore will cause it to be
-# logged as DEBUG with the logging module.
-s_skip = re.compile('s_[0-8]_[0-9]+')
-# Pipeline Run Step (make -j8 recursive)
-s_finished = re.compile('finished')
-s_make_error = re.compile('^make[\S\s]+Error')
-s_no_gnuplot = re.compile('gnuplot: command not found')
-s_no_convert = re.compile('^Can\'t exec "convert"')
-s_no_ghostscript = re.compile('gs: command not found')
-##Ignore - Example of out above each ignore regex.
-#NOTE: Commenting out an ignore will cause it to be
-# logged as DEBUG with the logging module.
-# Info: PF 11802
-PL_STDERR_IGNORE_LIST.append( re.compile('^Info: PF') )
-# About to analyse intensity file s_4_0101_sig2.txt
-PL_STDERR_IGNORE_LIST.append( re.compile('^About to analyse intensity file') )
-# Will send output to standard output
-PL_STDERR_IGNORE_LIST.append( re.compile('^Will send output to standard output') )
-# Found 31877 clusters
-PL_STDERR_IGNORE_LIST.append( re.compile('^Found [0-9]+ clusters') )
-# Will use quality criterion ((CHASTITY>=0.6)
-PL_STDERR_IGNORE_LIST.append( re.compile('^Will use quality criterion') )
-# Quality criterion translated to (($F[5]>=0.6))
-PL_STDERR_IGNORE_LIST.append( re.compile('^Quality criterion translated to') )
-# opened /woldlab/trog/data1/king/070924_USI-EAS44_0022_FC12150/Data/C1-36_Firecrest1.9.1_14-11-2007_king.4/Bustard1.9.1_14-11-2007_king/s_4_0101_qhg.txt
-#  AND
-# opened s_4_0103_qhg.txt
-PL_STDERR_IGNORE_LIST.append( re.compile('^opened[\S\s]+qhg.txt') )
-# 81129 sequences out of 157651 passed filter criteria
-PL_STDERR_IGNORE_LIST.append( re.compile('^[0-9]+ sequences out of [0-9]+ passed filter criteria') )
-def pl_stderr_ignore(line):
-  """
-  Searches lines for lines to ignore (i.e. not to log)
-  returns True if line should be ignored
-  returns False if line should NOT be ignored
-  """
-    if s.search(line):
-      return True
-  return False
-def config_stdout_handler(line, conf_info):
-  """
-  Processes each line of output from GOAT
-  and stores useful information using the logging module
-  Loads useful information into conf_info as well, for future
-  use outside the function.
-  returns True if found condition that signifies success.
-  """
-  # Skip irrelevant line (without logging)
-  if s_skip.search(line):
-    pass
-  # Detect invalid command-line arguments
-  elif s_invalid_cmdline.search(line):
-    logging.error("Invalid commandline options!")
-  # Detect starting of configuration
-  elif s_start.search(line):
-    logging.info('START: Configuring pipeline')
-  # Detect it made it past invalid arguments
-  elif s_gerald.search(line):
-    logging.info('Running make now')
-  # Detect that make files have been generated (based on output)
-  elif s_generating.search(line):
-    logging.info('Make files generted')
-    return True
-  # Capture run directory
-  elif s_seq_folder.search(line):
-    mo = s_seq_folder_sub.search(line)
-    #Output changed when using --tiles=<tiles>
-    # at least in pipeline v0.3.0b2
-    if mo:
-      firecrest_bustard_gerald_makefile = line[mo.end():]
-      firecrest_bustard_gerald, junk = \
-                                os.path.split(firecrest_bustard_gerald_makefile)
-      firecrest_bustard, junk = os.path.split(firecrest_bustard_gerald)
-      firecrest, junk = os.path.split(firecrest_bustard)
-      conf_info.bustard_path = firecrest_bustard
-      conf_info.run_path = firecrest
-    #Standard output handling
-    else:
-      print 'Sequence line:', line
-      mo = s_seq_folder.search(line)
-      conf_info.bustard_path = line[mo.end():]
-      conf_info.run_path, temp = os.path.split(conf_info.bustard_path)
-  # Log all other output for debugging purposes
-  else:
-    logging.warning('CONF:?: %s' % (line))
-  return False
-def config_stderr_handler(line, conf_info):
-  """
-  Processes each line of output from GOAT
-  and stores useful information using the logging module
-  Loads useful information into conf_info as well, for future
-  use outside the function.
-  returns RUN_ABORT upon detecting failure;
-          True on success message;
-          False if neutral message
-            (i.e. doesn't signify failure or success)
-  """
-  # Detect invalid species directory error
-  if s_species_dir_err.search(line):
-    logging.error(line)
-    return RUN_ABORT
-  # Detect goat_pipeline.py traceback
-  elif s_goat_traceb.search(line):
-    logging.error("Goat config script died, traceback in debug output")
-    return RUN_ABORT
-  # Detect indication of successful configuration (from stderr; odd, but ok)
-  elif s_stderr_taskcomplete.search(line):
-    logging.info('Configure step successful (from: stderr)')
-    return True
-  # Log all other output as debug output
-  else:
-    logging.debug('CONF:STDERR:?: %s' % (line))
-  # Neutral (not failure; nor success)
-  return False
-#def pipeline_stdout_handler(line, conf_info):
-#  """
-#  Processes each line of output from running the pipeline
-#  and stores useful information using the logging module
-#  Loads useful information into conf_info as well, for future
-#  use outside the function.
-#  returns True if found condition that signifies success.
-#  """
-#  #f.write(line + '\n')
-#  return True
-def pipeline_stderr_handler(line, conf_info):
-  """
-  Processes each line of stderr from pipelien run
-  and stores useful information using the logging module
-  ##FIXME: Future feature (doesn't actually do this yet)
-  #Loads useful information into conf_info as well, for future
-  #use outside the function.
-  returns RUN_FAILED upon detecting failure;
-          #True on success message; (no clear success state)
-          False if neutral message
-            (i.e. doesn't signify failure or success)
-  """
-  if pl_stderr_ignore(line):
-    pass
-  elif s_make_error.search(line):
-    logging.error("make error detected; run failed")
-    return RUN_FAILED
-  elif s_no_gnuplot.search(line):
-    logging.error("gnuplot not found")
-    return RUN_FAILED
-  elif s_no_convert.search(line):
-    logging.error("imagemagick's convert command not found")
-    return RUN_FAILED
-  elif s_no_ghostscript.search(line):
-    logging.error("ghostscript not found")
-    return RUN_FAILED
-  else:
-    logging.debug('PIPE:STDERR:?: %s' % (line))
-  return False
-def retrieve_config(conf_info, flowcell, cfg_filepath, genome_dir):
-  """
-  Gets the config file from server...
-  requires config file in:
-    /etc/ga_frontend/ga_frontend.conf
-   or
-    ~/.ga_frontend.conf
-  with:
-  [config_file_server]
-  base_host_url: http://host:port
-  return True if successful, False is failure
-  """
-  options = getCombinedOptions()
-  if options.url is None:
-    logging.error("~/.ga_frontend.conf or /etc/ga_frontend/ga_frontend.conf" \
-                  " missing base_host_url option")
-    return False
-  try:
-    saveConfigFile(flowcell, options.url, cfg_filepath)
-    conf_info.config_filepath = cfg_filepath
-  except FlowCellNotFound, e:
-    logging.error(e)
-    return False
-  except WebError404, e:
-    logging.error(e)
-    return False
-  except IOError, e:
-    logging.error(e)
-    return False
-  except Exception, e:
-    logging.error(e)
-    return False
-  f = open(cfg_filepath, 'r')
-  data = f.read()
-  f.close()
-  genome_dict = getAvailableGenomes(genome_dir)
-  mapper_dict = constructMapperDict(genome_dict)
-  f = open(cfg_filepath, 'w')
-  f.write(data % (mapper_dict))
-  f.close()
-  return True  
-def configure(conf_info):
-  """
-  Attempts to configure the GA pipeline using goat.
-  Uses logging module to store information about status.
-  returns True if configuration successful, otherwise False.
-  """
-  #ERROR Test:
-  #pipe = subprocess.Popen(['goat_pipeline.py',
-  #                         '--GERALD=config32bk.txt',
-  #                         '--make .',],
-  #                         #'.'],
-  #                        stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-  #                        stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
-  #ERROR Test (2), causes goat_pipeline.py traceback
-  #pipe = subprocess.Popen(['goat_pipeline.py',
-  #                  '--GERALD=%s' % (conf_info.config_filepath),
-  #                         '--tiles=s_4_100,s_4_101,s_4_102,s_4_103,s_4_104',
-  #                         '--make',
-  #                         '.'],
-  #                        stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-  #                        stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
-  ##########################
-  # Run configuration step
-  #   Not a test; actual configure attempt.
-  #pipe = subprocess.Popen(['goat_pipeline.py',
-  #                  '--GERALD=%s' % (conf_info.config_filepath),
-  #                         '--make',
-  #                         '.'],
-  #                        stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-  #                        stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
-  #FIXME: this only does a run on 5 tiles on lane 4
-  pipe = subprocess.Popen(['goat_pipeline.py',
-                    '--GERALD=%s' % (conf_info.config_filepath),
-                           '--tiles=s_4_0100,s_4_0101,s_4_0102,s_4_0103,s_4_0104',
-                           '--make',
-                           '.'],
-                          stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-                          stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
-  ##################
-  # Process stdout
-  stdout_line = pipe.stdout.readline()
-  complete = False
-  while stdout_line != '':
-    # Handle stdout
-    if config_stdout_handler(stdout_line, conf_info):
-      complete = True
-    stdout_line = pipe.stdout.readline()
-  error_code = pipe.wait()
-  if error_code:
-    logging.error('Recieved error_code: %s' % (error_code))
-  else:
-    logging.info('We are go for launch!')
-  #Process stderr
-  stderr_line = pipe.stderr.readline()
-  abort = 'NO!'
-  stderr_success = False
-  while stderr_line != '':
-    stderr_status = config_stderr_handler(stderr_line, conf_info)
-    if stderr_status == RUN_ABORT:
-      abort = RUN_ABORT
-    elif stderr_status is True:
-      stderr_success = True
-    stderr_line = pipe.stderr.readline()
-  #Success requirements:
-  # 1) The stdout completed without error
-  # 2) The program exited with status 0
-  # 3) No errors found in stdout
-  print '#Expect: True, False, True, True'
-  print complete, bool(error_code), abort != RUN_ABORT, stderr_success is True
-  status = complete is True and \
-           bool(error_code) is False and \
-           abort != RUN_ABORT and \
-           stderr_success is True
-  # If everything was successful, but for some reason
-  #  we didn't retrieve the path info, log it.
-  if status is True:
-    if conf_info.bustard_path is None or conf_info.run_path is None:
-      logging.error("Failed to retrieve run_path")
-      return False
-  return status
-def run_pipeline(conf_info):
-  """
-  Run the pipeline and monitor status.
-  """
-  # Fail if the run_path doesn't actually exist
-  if not os.path.exists(conf_info.run_path):
-    logging.error('Run path does not exist: %s' \
-              % (conf_info.run_path))
-    return False
-  # Change cwd to run_path
-  os.chdir(conf_info.run_path)
-  stdout_filepath = os.path.join(conf_info.run_path, 'pipeline_run_stdout.txt')
-  stderr_filepath = os.path.join(conf_info.run_path, 'pipeline_run_stderr.txt')
-  # Monitor file creation
-  wm = WatchManager()
-  mask = EventsCodes.IN_DELETE | EventsCodes.IN_CREATE
-  event = RunEvent()
-  notifier = ThreadedNotifier(wm, event)
-  notifier.start()
-  wdd = wm.add_watch(conf_info.run_path, mask, rec=True)
-  # Log pipeline starting
-  logging.info('STARTING PIPELINE @ %s' % (time.ctime()))
-  # Start the pipeline (and hide!)
-  #pipe = subprocess.Popen(['make',
-  #                         '-j8',
-  #                         'recursive'],
-  #                        stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-  #                        stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
-  fout = open(stdout_filepath, 'w')
-  ferr = open(stderr_filepath, 'w')
-  pipe = subprocess.Popen(['make',
-                             '-j8',
-                             'recursive'],
-                             stdout=fout,
-                             stderr=ferr)
-                             #shell=True)
-  # Wait for run to finish
-  retcode = pipe.wait()
-  # Clean up
-  notifier.stop()
-  fout.close()
-  ferr.close()
-  # Process stderr
-  ferr = open(stderr_filepath, 'r')
-  run_failed_stderr = False
-  for line in ferr:
-    err_status = pipeline_stderr_handler(line, conf_info)
-    if err_status == RUN_FAILED:
-      run_failed_stderr = True
-  ferr.close()
-  # Finished file check!
-  for key, value in event.run_status_dict.items():
-    print '  %s: %s' % (key, value)
-  dstatus = event.run_status_dict
-  # Success or failure check
-  status = (retcode == 0) and \
-           run_failed_stderr is False and \
-           dstatus['firecrest'] is True and \
-           dstatus['bustard'] is True and \
-           dstatus['gerald'] is True
-  return status
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  ci = ConfigInfo()
-  flowcell = 'FC12150'
-  cfg_filepath = 'config32auto.txt'
-  genome_dir = '/home/king/trog_drive/'
-  status_retrieve_cfg = retrieve_config(ci, flowcell, cfg_filepath, genome_dir)
-  if status_retrieve_cfg:
-    print "Retrieve config file successful"
-  else:
-    print "Failed to retrieve config file"
-  #ci.config_filepath = 'config32bk.txt'
-  if status_retrieve_cfg:
-    status = configure(ci)
-    if status:
-      print "Configure success"
-    else:
-      print "Configure failed"
-    print 'Run Dir:', ci.run_path
-    print 'Bustard Dir:', ci.bustard_path
-    if status:
-      print 'Running pipeline now!'
-      run_status = run_pipeline(ci)
-      if run_status is True:
-        print 'Pipeline ran successfully.'
-      else:
-        print 'Pipeline run failed.'
diff --git a/bin/genome_mapper.py b/bin/genome_mapper.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index aacc068..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-import glob
-import sys
-import os
-import logging
-class DuplicateGenome(Exception): pass
-def _has_metainfo(genome_dir):
-  metapath = os.path.join(genome_dir, '_metainfo_')
-  if os.path.isfile(metapath):
-    return True
-  else:
-    return False
-def getAvailableGenomes(genome_base_dir):
-  """
-  raises IOError (on genome_base_dir not found)
-  raises DuplicateGenome on duplicate genomes found.
-  returns a double dictionary (i.e. d[species][build] = path)
-  """
-  # Need valid directory
-  if not os.path.exists(genome_base_dir):
-    msg = "Directory does not exist: %s" % (genome_base_dir)
-    raise IOError, msg
-  # Find all subdirectories
-  filepath_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(genome_base_dir, '*'))
-  potential_genome_dirs = \
-    [ filepath for filepath in filepath_list if os.path.isdir(filepath)]
-  # Get list of metadata files
-  genome_dir_list = \
-    [ dirpath \
-      for dirpath in potential_genome_dirs \
-      if _has_metainfo(dirpath) ]
-  # Genome double dictionary
-  d = {}
-  for genome_dir in genome_dir_list:
-    line = open(os.path.join(genome_dir, '_metainfo_'), 'r').readline().strip()
-    # Get species, build... log and skip on failure
-    try:
-      species, build = line.split('|')
-    except:
-      logging.warning('Skipping: Invalid metafile (%s) line: %s' \
-                      % (metafile, line))
-      continue
-    build_dict = d.setdefault(species, {})
-    if build in build_dict:
-      msg = "Duplicate genome for %s|%s" % (species, build)
-      raise DuplicateGenome, msg
-    build_dict[build] = genome_dir
-  return d
-def constructMapperDict(genome_dict):
-  """
-  Creates a dictionary which can map the genome
-  in the eland config generator output to a local
-  genome path
-  ie. 'Homo sapiens|hg18' -> <genome_dir>
-  """
-  mapper_dict = {}
-  for species in genome_dict.keys():
-    for build in genome_dict[species]:
-      mapper_dict[species+'|'+build] = genome_dict[species][build]
-  return mapper_dict
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  if len(sys.argv) != 2:
-    print 'useage: %s <base_genome_dir>' % (sys.argv[0])
-    sys.exit(1)
-  d = getAvailableGenomes(sys.argv[1])
-  d2 = constructMapperDict(d)
-  for k,v in d2.items():
-    print '%s: %s' % (k,v)
diff --git a/bin/retrieve_eland_config.py b/bin/retrieve_eland_config.py
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index cb4fa84..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from optparse import OptionParser, IndentedHelpFormatter
-from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
-import os
-import sys
-import urllib
-CONFIG_SYSTEM = '/etc/ga_frontend/ga_frontend.conf'
-CONFIG_USER = os.path.expanduser('~/.ga_frontend.conf')
-class FlowCellNotFound(Exception): pass
-class WebError404(Exception): pass
-class PreformattedDescriptionFormatter(IndentedHelpFormatter):
-  #def format_description(self, description):
-  #  
-  #  if description:
-  #      return description + "\n"
-  #  else:
-  #     return ""
-  def format_epilog(self, epilog):
-    """
-    It was removing my preformated epilog, so this should override
-    that behavior! Muhahaha!
-    """
-    if epilog:
-        return "\n" + epilog + "\n"
-    else:
-        return ""
-def constructOptionParser():
-  """
-  returns a pre-setup optparser
-  """
-  parser = OptionParser(formatter=PreformattedDescriptionFormatter())
-  parser.set_description('Retrieves eland config file from ga_frontend web frontend.')
-  parser.epilog = """
-Config File:
-  * %s (System wide)
-  * %s (User specific; overrides system)
-  * command line overrides all config file options
-  Example Config File:
-    [server_info]
-    base_host_url=http://somewhere.domain:port
-  #Special formatter for allowing preformatted description.
-  ##parser.format_epilog(PreformattedDescriptionFormatter())
-  parser.add_option("-u", "--url",
-                    action="store", type="string", dest="url")
-  parser.add_option("-o", "--output",
-                    action="store", type="string", dest="output_filepath")
-  parser.add_option("-f", "--flowcell",
-                    action="store", type="string", dest="flowcell")
-  #parser.set_default("url", "default")
-  return parser
-def constructConfigParser():
-  """
-  returns a pre-setup config parser
-  """
-  parser = SafeConfigParser()
-  parser.read([CONFIG_SYSTEM, CONFIG_USER])
-  if not parser.has_section('config_file_server'):
-    parser.add_section('config_file_server')
-  return parser
-def getCombinedOptions():
-  """
-  Returns optparse options after it has be updated with ConfigParser
-  config files and merged with parsed commandline options.
-  """
-  cl_parser = constructOptionParser()
-  conf_parser = constructConfigParser()
-  options, args = cl_parser.parse_args()
-  if options.url is None:
-    if conf_parser.has_option('config_file_server', 'base_host_url'):
-      options.url = conf_parser.get('config_file_server', 'base_host_url')
-  print 'USING OPTIONS:'
-  print ' URL:', options.url
-  print ' OUT:', options.output_filepath
-  print '  FC:', options.flowcell
-  print ''
-  return options
-def saveConfigFile(flowcell, base_host_url, output_filepath):
-  """
-  retrieves the flowcell eland config file, give the base_host_url
-  (i.e. http://sub.domain.edu:port)
-  """
-  url = base_host_url + '/eland_config/%s/' % (flowcell)
-  f = open(output_filepath, 'w')
-  #try:
-  web = urllib.urlopen(url)
-  #except IOError, msg:
-  #  if str(msg).find("Connection refused") >= 0:
-  #    print 'Error: Connection refused for: %s' % (url)
-  #    f.close()
-  #    sys.exit(1)
-  #  elif str(msg).find("Name or service not known") >= 0:
-  #    print 'Error: Invalid domain or ip address for: %s' % (url)
-  #    f.close()
-  #    sys.exit(2)
-  #  else:
-  #    raise IOError, msg
-  data = web.read()
-  if data.find('Hmm, config file for') >= 0:
-    msg = "Flowcell (%s) not found in DB; full url(%s)" % (flowcell, url)
-    raise FlowCellNotFound, msg
-  if data.find('404 - Not Found') >= 0:
-    msg = "404 - Not Found: Flowcell (%s); base_host_url (%s);\n full url(%s)\n " \
-          "Did you get right port #?" % (flowcell, base_host_url, url)
-    raise FlowCellNotFound, msg
-  f.write(data)
-  web.close()
-  f.close()
-  print 'Wrote config file to %s' % (output_filepath)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  #Display help if no args are presented
-  if len(sys.argv) == 1:
-    sys.argv.append('-h')
-  options = getCombinedOptions()
-  msg_list = ['ERROR MESSAGES:']
-  if options.output_filepath is None:
-    msg_list.append("  Output filepath argument required. -o <filepath> or --output=<filepath>")
-  if options.flowcell is None:
-    msg_list.append("  Flow cell argument required. -f <flowcell> or --flowcell=<flowcell>")
-  if options.url is None:
-    msg_list.append("  URL argument required (-u <url> or --url=<url>), or entry\n" \
-                    "    in /etc/elandifier/elandifer.conf or ~/.elandifier.conf")
-  if len(msg_list) > 1:
-    print '\n'.join(msg_list)
-    sys.exit(0)
-  saveConfigFile(options.flowcell, options.url, options.output_filepath)
diff --git a/gaworkflow/pipeline/configure_run.py b/gaworkflow/pipeline/configure_run.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f71bfc5
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+import subprocess
+import logging
+import time
+import re
+import os
+from gaworkflow.pipeline.retrieve_config import getCombinedOptions, saveConfigFile
+from gaworkflow.pipeline.retrieve_config import FlowCellNotFound, WebError404
+from gaworkflow.pipeline.genome_mapper import DuplicateGenome, getAvailableGenomes, constructMapperDict
+from pyinotify import WatchManager, ThreadedNotifier
+from pyinotify import EventsCodes, ProcessEvent
+                    format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s',
+                    datefmt='%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S',
+                    filename='pipeline_main.log',
+                    filemode='w')
+class ConfigInfo:
+  def __init__(self):
+    self.run_path = None
+    self.bustard_path = None
+    self.config_filepath = None
+# inotify event processor
+s_firecrest_finished = re.compile('Firecrest[0-9\._\-A-Za-z]+/finished.txt')
+s_bustard_finished = re.compile('Bustard[0-9\._\-A-Za-z]+/finished.txt')
+s_gerald_finished = re.compile('GERALD[0-9\._\-A-Za-z]+/finished.txt')
+class RunEvent(ProcessEvent):
+  def __init__(self):
+    self.run_status_dict = {'firecrest': False,
+                            'bustard': False,
+                            'gerald': False}
+    ProcessEvent.__init__(self)
+  def process_IN_CREATE(self, event):
+    fullpath = os.path.join(event.path, event.name)
+    if s_finished.search(fullpath):
+      logging.info("File Found: %s" % (fullpath))
+      if s_firecrest_finished.search(fullpath):
+        self.run_status_dict['firecrest'] = True
+      elif s_bustard_finished.search(fullpath):
+        self.run_status_dict['bustard'] = True
+      elif s_gerald_finished.search(fullpath):
+        self.run_status_dict['gerald'] = True
+    print "Create: %s" % (os.path.join(event.path, event.name))
+  def process_IN_DELETE(self, event):
+    print "Remove %s" % (os.path.join(event.path, event.name))
+# Config Step Error
+RUN_ABORT = 'abort'
+# Run Step Error
+RUN_FAILED = 'failed'
+# Configure Step (goat_pipeline.py)
+s_start = re.compile('Starting Genome Analyzer Pipeline')
+s_gerald = re.compile("[\S\s]+--GERALD[\S\s]+--make[\S\s]+")
+s_generating = re.compile('Generating journals, Makefiles and parameter files')
+s_seq_folder = re.compile('^Sequence folder: ')
+s_seq_folder_sub = re.compile('want to make ')
+s_stderr_taskcomplete = re.compile('^Task complete, exiting')
+s_invalid_cmdline = re.compile('Usage:[\S\s]*goat_pipeline.py')
+s_species_dir_err = re.compile('Error: Lane [1-8]:')
+s_goat_traceb = re.compile("^Traceback \(most recent call last\):")
+##Ignore - Example of out above each ignore regex.
+#NOTE: Commenting out an ignore will cause it to be
+# logged as DEBUG with the logging module.
+s_skip = re.compile('s_[0-8]_[0-9]+')
+# Pipeline Run Step (make -j8 recursive)
+s_finished = re.compile('finished')
+s_make_error = re.compile('^make[\S\s]+Error')
+s_no_gnuplot = re.compile('gnuplot: command not found')
+s_no_convert = re.compile('^Can\'t exec "convert"')
+s_no_ghostscript = re.compile('gs: command not found')
+##Ignore - Example of out above each ignore regex.
+#NOTE: Commenting out an ignore will cause it to be
+# logged as DEBUG with the logging module.
+# Info: PF 11802
+PL_STDERR_IGNORE_LIST.append( re.compile('^Info: PF') )
+# About to analyse intensity file s_4_0101_sig2.txt
+PL_STDERR_IGNORE_LIST.append( re.compile('^About to analyse intensity file') )
+# Will send output to standard output
+PL_STDERR_IGNORE_LIST.append( re.compile('^Will send output to standard output') )
+# Found 31877 clusters
+PL_STDERR_IGNORE_LIST.append( re.compile('^Found [0-9]+ clusters') )
+# Will use quality criterion ((CHASTITY>=0.6)
+PL_STDERR_IGNORE_LIST.append( re.compile('^Will use quality criterion') )
+# Quality criterion translated to (($F[5]>=0.6))
+PL_STDERR_IGNORE_LIST.append( re.compile('^Quality criterion translated to') )
+# opened /woldlab/trog/data1/king/070924_USI-EAS44_0022_FC12150/Data/C1-36_Firecrest1.9.1_14-11-2007_king.4/Bustard1.9.1_14-11-2007_king/s_4_0101_qhg.txt
+#  AND
+# opened s_4_0103_qhg.txt
+PL_STDERR_IGNORE_LIST.append( re.compile('^opened[\S\s]+qhg.txt') )
+# 81129 sequences out of 157651 passed filter criteria
+PL_STDERR_IGNORE_LIST.append( re.compile('^[0-9]+ sequences out of [0-9]+ passed filter criteria') )
+def pl_stderr_ignore(line):
+  """
+  Searches lines for lines to ignore (i.e. not to log)
+  returns True if line should be ignored
+  returns False if line should NOT be ignored
+  """
+    if s.search(line):
+      return True
+  return False
+def config_stdout_handler(line, conf_info):
+  """
+  Processes each line of output from GOAT
+  and stores useful information using the logging module
+  Loads useful information into conf_info as well, for future
+  use outside the function.
+  returns True if found condition that signifies success.
+  """
+  # Skip irrelevant line (without logging)
+  if s_skip.search(line):
+    pass
+  # Detect invalid command-line arguments
+  elif s_invalid_cmdline.search(line):
+    logging.error("Invalid commandline options!")
+  # Detect starting of configuration
+  elif s_start.search(line):
+    logging.info('START: Configuring pipeline')
+  # Detect it made it past invalid arguments
+  elif s_gerald.search(line):
+    logging.info('Running make now')
+  # Detect that make files have been generated (based on output)
+  elif s_generating.search(line):
+    logging.info('Make files generted')
+    return True
+  # Capture run directory
+  elif s_seq_folder.search(line):
+    mo = s_seq_folder_sub.search(line)
+    #Output changed when using --tiles=<tiles>
+    # at least in pipeline v0.3.0b2
+    if mo:
+      firecrest_bustard_gerald_makefile = line[mo.end():]
+      firecrest_bustard_gerald, junk = \
+                                os.path.split(firecrest_bustard_gerald_makefile)
+      firecrest_bustard, junk = os.path.split(firecrest_bustard_gerald)
+      firecrest, junk = os.path.split(firecrest_bustard)
+      conf_info.bustard_path = firecrest_bustard
+      conf_info.run_path = firecrest
+    #Standard output handling
+    else:
+      print 'Sequence line:', line
+      mo = s_seq_folder.search(line)
+      conf_info.bustard_path = line[mo.end():]
+      conf_info.run_path, temp = os.path.split(conf_info.bustard_path)
+  # Log all other output for debugging purposes
+  else:
+    logging.warning('CONF:?: %s' % (line))
+  return False
+def config_stderr_handler(line, conf_info):
+  """
+  Processes each line of output from GOAT
+  and stores useful information using the logging module
+  Loads useful information into conf_info as well, for future
+  use outside the function.
+  returns RUN_ABORT upon detecting failure;
+          True on success message;
+          False if neutral message
+            (i.e. doesn't signify failure or success)
+  """
+  # Detect invalid species directory error
+  if s_species_dir_err.search(line):
+    logging.error(line)
+    return RUN_ABORT
+  # Detect goat_pipeline.py traceback
+  elif s_goat_traceb.search(line):
+    logging.error("Goat config script died, traceback in debug output")
+    return RUN_ABORT
+  # Detect indication of successful configuration (from stderr; odd, but ok)
+  elif s_stderr_taskcomplete.search(line):
+    logging.info('Configure step successful (from: stderr)')
+    return True
+  # Log all other output as debug output
+  else:
+    logging.debug('CONF:STDERR:?: %s' % (line))
+  # Neutral (not failure; nor success)
+  return False
+#def pipeline_stdout_handler(line, conf_info):
+#  """
+#  Processes each line of output from running the pipeline
+#  and stores useful information using the logging module
+#  Loads useful information into conf_info as well, for future
+#  use outside the function.
+#  returns True if found condition that signifies success.
+#  """
+#  #f.write(line + '\n')
+#  return True
+def pipeline_stderr_handler(line, conf_info):
+  """
+  Processes each line of stderr from pipelien run
+  and stores useful information using the logging module
+  ##FIXME: Future feature (doesn't actually do this yet)
+  #Loads useful information into conf_info as well, for future
+  #use outside the function.
+  returns RUN_FAILED upon detecting failure;
+          #True on success message; (no clear success state)
+          False if neutral message
+            (i.e. doesn't signify failure or success)
+  """
+  if pl_stderr_ignore(line):
+    pass
+  elif s_make_error.search(line):
+    logging.error("make error detected; run failed")
+    return RUN_FAILED
+  elif s_no_gnuplot.search(line):
+    logging.error("gnuplot not found")
+    return RUN_FAILED
+  elif s_no_convert.search(line):
+    logging.error("imagemagick's convert command not found")
+    return RUN_FAILED
+  elif s_no_ghostscript.search(line):
+    logging.error("ghostscript not found")
+    return RUN_FAILED
+  else:
+    logging.debug('PIPE:STDERR:?: %s' % (line))
+  return False
+def retrieve_config(conf_info, flowcell, cfg_filepath, genome_dir):
+  """
+  Gets the config file from server...
+  requires config file in:
+    /etc/ga_frontend/ga_frontend.conf
+   or
+    ~/.ga_frontend.conf
+  with:
+  [config_file_server]
+  base_host_url: http://host:port
+  return True if successful, False is failure
+  """
+  options = getCombinedOptions()
+  if options.url is None:
+    logging.error("~/.ga_frontend.conf or /etc/ga_frontend/ga_frontend.conf" \
+                  " missing base_host_url option")
+    return False
+  try:
+    saveConfigFile(flowcell, options.url, cfg_filepath)
+    conf_info.config_filepath = cfg_filepath
+  except FlowCellNotFound, e:
+    logging.error(e)
+    return False
+  except WebError404, e:
+    logging.error(e)
+    return False
+  except IOError, e:
+    logging.error(e)
+    return False
+  except Exception, e:
+    logging.error(e)
+    return False
+  f = open(cfg_filepath, 'r')
+  data = f.read()
+  f.close()
+  genome_dict = getAvailableGenomes(genome_dir)
+  mapper_dict = constructMapperDict(genome_dict)
+  f = open(cfg_filepath, 'w')
+  f.write(data % (mapper_dict))
+  f.close()
+  return True  
+def configure(conf_info):
+  """
+  Attempts to configure the GA pipeline using goat.
+  Uses logging module to store information about status.
+  returns True if configuration successful, otherwise False.
+  """
+  #ERROR Test:
+  #pipe = subprocess.Popen(['goat_pipeline.py',
+  #                         '--GERALD=config32bk.txt',
+  #                         '--make .',],
+  #                         #'.'],
+  #                        stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+  #                        stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+  #ERROR Test (2), causes goat_pipeline.py traceback
+  #pipe = subprocess.Popen(['goat_pipeline.py',
+  #                  '--GERALD=%s' % (conf_info.config_filepath),
+  #                         '--tiles=s_4_100,s_4_101,s_4_102,s_4_103,s_4_104',
+  #                         '--make',
+  #                         '.'],
+  #                        stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+  #                        stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+  ##########################
+  # Run configuration step
+  #   Not a test; actual configure attempt.
+  #pipe = subprocess.Popen(['goat_pipeline.py',
+  #                  '--GERALD=%s' % (conf_info.config_filepath),
+  #                         '--make',
+  #                         '.'],
+  #                        stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+  #                        stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+  #FIXME: this only does a run on 5 tiles on lane 4
+  pipe = subprocess.Popen(['goat_pipeline.py',
+                    '--GERALD=%s' % (conf_info.config_filepath),
+                           '--tiles=s_4_0100,s_4_0101,s_4_0102,s_4_0103,s_4_0104',
+                           '--make',
+                           '.'],
+                          stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                          stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+  ##################
+  # Process stdout
+  stdout_line = pipe.stdout.readline()
+  complete = False
+  while stdout_line != '':
+    # Handle stdout
+    if config_stdout_handler(stdout_line, conf_info):
+      complete = True
+    stdout_line = pipe.stdout.readline()
+  error_code = pipe.wait()
+  if error_code:
+    logging.error('Recieved error_code: %s' % (error_code))
+  else:
+    logging.info('We are go for launch!')
+  #Process stderr
+  stderr_line = pipe.stderr.readline()
+  abort = 'NO!'
+  stderr_success = False
+  while stderr_line != '':
+    stderr_status = config_stderr_handler(stderr_line, conf_info)
+    if stderr_status == RUN_ABORT:
+      abort = RUN_ABORT
+    elif stderr_status is True:
+      stderr_success = True
+    stderr_line = pipe.stderr.readline()
+  #Success requirements:
+  # 1) The stdout completed without error
+  # 2) The program exited with status 0
+  # 3) No errors found in stdout
+  print '#Expect: True, False, True, True'
+  print complete, bool(error_code), abort != RUN_ABORT, stderr_success is True
+  status = complete is True and \
+           bool(error_code) is False and \
+           abort != RUN_ABORT and \
+           stderr_success is True
+  # If everything was successful, but for some reason
+  #  we didn't retrieve the path info, log it.
+  if status is True:
+    if conf_info.bustard_path is None or conf_info.run_path is None:
+      logging.error("Failed to retrieve run_path")
+      return False
+  return status
+def run_pipeline(conf_info):
+  """
+  Run the pipeline and monitor status.
+  """
+  # Fail if the run_path doesn't actually exist
+  if not os.path.exists(conf_info.run_path):
+    logging.error('Run path does not exist: %s' \
+              % (conf_info.run_path))
+    return False
+  # Change cwd to run_path
+  os.chdir(conf_info.run_path)
+  stdout_filepath = os.path.join(conf_info.run_path, 'pipeline_run_stdout.txt')
+  stderr_filepath = os.path.join(conf_info.run_path, 'pipeline_run_stderr.txt')
+  # Monitor file creation
+  wm = WatchManager()
+  mask = EventsCodes.IN_DELETE | EventsCodes.IN_CREATE
+  event = RunEvent()
+  notifier = ThreadedNotifier(wm, event)
+  notifier.start()
+  wdd = wm.add_watch(conf_info.run_path, mask, rec=True)
+  # Log pipeline starting
+  logging.info('STARTING PIPELINE @ %s' % (time.ctime()))
+  # Start the pipeline (and hide!)
+  #pipe = subprocess.Popen(['make',
+  #                         '-j8',
+  #                         'recursive'],
+  #                        stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+  #                        stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+  fout = open(stdout_filepath, 'w')
+  ferr = open(stderr_filepath, 'w')
+  pipe = subprocess.Popen(['make',
+                             '-j8',
+                             'recursive'],
+                             stdout=fout,
+                             stderr=ferr)
+                             #shell=True)
+  # Wait for run to finish
+  retcode = pipe.wait()
+  # Clean up
+  notifier.stop()
+  fout.close()
+  ferr.close()
+  # Process stderr
+  ferr = open(stderr_filepath, 'r')
+  run_failed_stderr = False
+  for line in ferr:
+    err_status = pipeline_stderr_handler(line, conf_info)
+    if err_status == RUN_FAILED:
+      run_failed_stderr = True
+  ferr.close()
+  # Finished file check!
+  for key, value in event.run_status_dict.items():
+    print '  %s: %s' % (key, value)
+  dstatus = event.run_status_dict
+  # Success or failure check
+  status = (retcode == 0) and \
+           run_failed_stderr is False and \
+           dstatus['firecrest'] is True and \
+           dstatus['bustard'] is True and \
+           dstatus['gerald'] is True
+  return status
diff --git a/gaworkflow/pipeline/genome_mapper.py b/gaworkflow/pipeline/genome_mapper.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..aacc068
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+import glob
+import sys
+import os
+import logging
+class DuplicateGenome(Exception): pass
+def _has_metainfo(genome_dir):
+  metapath = os.path.join(genome_dir, '_metainfo_')
+  if os.path.isfile(metapath):
+    return True
+  else:
+    return False
+def getAvailableGenomes(genome_base_dir):
+  """
+  raises IOError (on genome_base_dir not found)
+  raises DuplicateGenome on duplicate genomes found.
+  returns a double dictionary (i.e. d[species][build] = path)
+  """
+  # Need valid directory
+  if not os.path.exists(genome_base_dir):
+    msg = "Directory does not exist: %s" % (genome_base_dir)
+    raise IOError, msg
+  # Find all subdirectories
+  filepath_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(genome_base_dir, '*'))
+  potential_genome_dirs = \
+    [ filepath for filepath in filepath_list if os.path.isdir(filepath)]
+  # Get list of metadata files
+  genome_dir_list = \
+    [ dirpath \
+      for dirpath in potential_genome_dirs \
+      if _has_metainfo(dirpath) ]
+  # Genome double dictionary
+  d = {}
+  for genome_dir in genome_dir_list:
+    line = open(os.path.join(genome_dir, '_metainfo_'), 'r').readline().strip()
+    # Get species, build... log and skip on failure
+    try:
+      species, build = line.split('|')
+    except:
+      logging.warning('Skipping: Invalid metafile (%s) line: %s' \
+                      % (metafile, line))
+      continue
+    build_dict = d.setdefault(species, {})
+    if build in build_dict:
+      msg = "Duplicate genome for %s|%s" % (species, build)
+      raise DuplicateGenome, msg
+    build_dict[build] = genome_dir
+  return d
+def constructMapperDict(genome_dict):
+  """
+  Creates a dictionary which can map the genome
+  in the eland config generator output to a local
+  genome path
+  ie. 'Homo sapiens|hg18' -> <genome_dir>
+  """
+  mapper_dict = {}
+  for species in genome_dict.keys():
+    for build in genome_dict[species]:
+      mapper_dict[species+'|'+build] = genome_dict[species][build]
+  return mapper_dict
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  if len(sys.argv) != 2:
+    print 'useage: %s <base_genome_dir>' % (sys.argv[0])
+    sys.exit(1)
+  d = getAvailableGenomes(sys.argv[1])
+  d2 = constructMapperDict(d)
+  for k,v in d2.items():
+    print '%s: %s' % (k,v)
diff --git a/gaworkflow/pipeline/retrieve_config.py b/gaworkflow/pipeline/retrieve_config.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..322d5ab
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from optparse import OptionParser, IndentedHelpFormatter
+from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
+import os
+import sys
+import urllib
+CONFIG_SYSTEM = '/etc/ga_frontend/ga_frontend.conf'
+CONFIG_USER = os.path.expanduser('~/.ga_frontend.conf')
+class FlowCellNotFound(Exception): pass
+class WebError404(Exception): pass
+class PreformattedDescriptionFormatter(IndentedHelpFormatter):
+  #def format_description(self, description):
+  #  
+  #  if description:
+  #      return description + "\n"
+  #  else:
+  #     return ""
+  def format_epilog(self, epilog):
+    """
+    It was removing my preformated epilog, so this should override
+    that behavior! Muhahaha!
+    """
+    if epilog:
+        return "\n" + epilog + "\n"
+    else:
+        return ""
+def constructOptionParser():
+  """
+  returns a pre-setup optparser
+  """
+  parser = OptionParser(formatter=PreformattedDescriptionFormatter())
+  parser.set_description('Retrieves eland config file from ga_frontend web frontend.')
+  parser.epilog = """
+Config File:
+  * %s (System wide)
+  * %s (User specific; overrides system)
+  * command line overrides all config file options
+  Example Config File:
+    [server_info]
+    base_host_url=http://somewhere.domain:port
+  #Special formatter for allowing preformatted description.
+  ##parser.format_epilog(PreformattedDescriptionFormatter())
+  parser.add_option("-u", "--url",
+                    action="store", type="string", dest="url")
+  parser.add_option("-o", "--output",
+                    action="store", type="string", dest="output_filepath")
+  parser.add_option("-f", "--flowcell",
+                    action="store", type="string", dest="flowcell")
+  #parser.set_default("url", "default")
+  return parser
+def constructConfigParser():
+  """
+  returns a pre-setup config parser
+  """
+  parser = SafeConfigParser()
+  parser.read([CONFIG_SYSTEM, CONFIG_USER])
+  if not parser.has_section('config_file_server'):
+    parser.add_section('config_file_server')
+  return parser
+def getCombinedOptions():
+  """
+  Returns optparse options after it has be updated with ConfigParser
+  config files and merged with parsed commandline options.
+  """
+  cl_parser = constructOptionParser()
+  conf_parser = constructConfigParser()
+  options, args = cl_parser.parse_args()
+  if options.url is None:
+    if conf_parser.has_option('config_file_server', 'base_host_url'):
+      options.url = conf_parser.get('config_file_server', 'base_host_url')
+  print 'USING OPTIONS:'
+  print ' URL:', options.url
+  print ' OUT:', options.output_filepath
+  print '  FC:', options.flowcell
+  print ''
+  return options
+def saveConfigFile(flowcell, base_host_url, output_filepath):
+  """
+  retrieves the flowcell eland config file, give the base_host_url
+  (i.e. http://sub.domain.edu:port)
+  """
+  url = base_host_url + '/eland_config/%s/' % (flowcell)
+  f = open(output_filepath, 'w')
+  #try:
+  web = urllib.urlopen(url)
+  #except IOError, msg:
+  #  if str(msg).find("Connection refused") >= 0:
+  #    print 'Error: Connection refused for: %s' % (url)
+  #    f.close()
+  #    sys.exit(1)
+  #  elif str(msg).find("Name or service not known") >= 0:
+  #    print 'Error: Invalid domain or ip address for: %s' % (url)
+  #    f.close()
+  #    sys.exit(2)
+  #  else:
+  #    raise IOError, msg
+  data = web.read()
+  if data.find('Hmm, config file for') >= 0:
+    msg = "Flowcell (%s) not found in DB; full url(%s)" % (flowcell, url)
+    raise FlowCellNotFound, msg
+  if data.find('404 - Not Found') >= 0:
+    msg = "404 - Not Found: Flowcell (%s); base_host_url (%s);\n full url(%s)\n " \
+          "Did you get right port #?" % (flowcell, base_host_url, url)
+    raise FlowCellNotFound, msg
+  f.write(data)
+  web.close()
+  f.close()
+  print 'Wrote config file to %s' % (output_filepath)
diff --git a/scripts/configure_pipeline b/scripts/configure_pipeline
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b491a38
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys
+from gaworkflow.pipeline.configure_run import *
+def main(args=None):
+  ci = ConfigInfo()
+  flowcell = 'FC12150'
+  cfg_filepath = 'config32auto.txt'
+  genome_dir = '/home/king/trog_drive/'
+  status_retrieve_cfg = retrieve_config(ci, flowcell, cfg_filepath, genome_dir)
+  if status_retrieve_cfg:
+    print "Retrieve config file successful"
+  else:
+    print "Failed to retrieve config file"
+  #ci.config_filepath = 'config32bk.txt'
+  if status_retrieve_cfg:
+    status = configure(ci)
+    if status:
+      print "Configure success"
+    else:
+      print "Configure failed"
+    print 'Run Dir:', ci.run_path
+    print 'Bustard Dir:', ci.bustard_path
+    if status:
+      print 'Running pipeline now!'
+      run_status = run_pipeline(ci)
+      if run_status is True:
+        print 'Pipeline ran successfully.'
+        return 0
+      else:
+        print 'Pipeline run failed.'
+        return 1
+    return 2
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))
diff --git a/scripts/retrieve_config b/scripts/retrieve_config
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..3056c16
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys
+from gaworkflow.pipeline.retrieve_config import *
+def main(args=None):
+  #Display help if no args are presented
+  if len(sys.argv) == 1:
+    sys.argv.append('-h')
+  options = getCombinedOptions()
+  msg_list = ['ERROR MESSAGES:']
+  if options.output_filepath is None:
+    msg_list.append("  Output filepath argument required. -o <filepath> or --output=<filepath>")
+  if options.flowcell is None:
+    msg_list.append("  Flow cell argument required. -f <flowcell> or --flowcell=<flowcell>")
+  if options.url is None:
+    msg_list.append("  URL argument required (-u <url> or --url=<url>), or entry\n" \
+                    "    in /etc/elandifier/elandifer.conf or ~/.elandifier.conf")
+  if len(msg_list) > 1:
+    print '\n'.join(msg_list)
+    return 1
+  saveConfigFile(options.flowcell, options.url, options.output_filepath)
+  return 0
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))
index eb4f67639716d487d06e91ebe212f3a2ce866ef2..0dc2dbf6636e75111bac102be147875634c79cfe 100644 (file)
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -6,5 +6,8 @@ setup(
   author="Diane Trout",
-  scripts=['scripts/spoolwatcher', 'scripts/copier'],
+  scripts=['scripts/spoolwatcher', 
+           'scripts/copier',
+           'scripts/retreive_config',
+           'scripts/configure_pipeline'],