mark the example submission rule files as being raw, so the escapes dont get confused
[htsworkflow.git] / htsworkflow / templates / geo_run_details.sparql
1 PREFIX libraryOntology: <>
2 PREFIX submissionOntology: <>
3 PREFIX ucscDaf: <>
4 PREFIX ncbiTaxon: <>
5 PREFIX geoSoft: <>
6 PREFIX cells: <>
8 # right now we're just grabbing the sequencer model
9 # it might make sense to report each of the flowcell/image software.
10 select ?flowcell ?read_length ?image_software ?image_version ?basecall_software ?basecall_version
11 where {
12   <{{submission}}> submissionOntology:library ?library ;
13                    a submissionOntology:submission .
15   ?library libraryOntology:library_id ?library_id ;
16            libraryOntology:has_lane ?lane ;
17            a libraryOntology:library .
18   OPTIONAL { ?flowcell libraryOntology:has_lane ?lane .
19              ?flowcell libraryOntology:read_length ?read_length ;
20                        libraryOntology:image_software ?image_software ;
21                        libraryOntology:image_version ?image_version ;
22                        libraryOntology:basecall_software ?basecall_software ;
23                        libraryOntology:basecall_version ?basecall_version ;
24                        libraryOntology:sequenced_by ?sequencer .
25              ?sequencer libraryOntology:sequencer_model ?sequencer_model
26   }
27 }