rename pipeline to pipelines to imply that we can process more than just illumina.
authorDiane Trout <>
Wed, 15 Oct 2008 19:49:34 +0000 (19:49 +0000)
committerDiane Trout <>
Wed, 15 Oct 2008 19:49:34 +0000 (19:49 +0000)
26 files changed:
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htsworkflow/pipeline/ [deleted file]
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htsworkflow/pipeline/ [deleted file]
htsworkflow/pipeline/ [deleted file]
htsworkflow/pipeline/ [deleted file]
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htsworkflow/pipeline/test/ [deleted file]
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htsworkflow/pipeline/test/ [deleted file]
htsworkflow/pipelines/ [new file with mode: 0644]
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htsworkflow/pipelines/ [new file with mode: 0644]
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htsworkflow/pipelines/test/ [new file with mode: 0644]
htsworkflow/pipelines/test/ [new file with mode: 0644]
htsworkflow/pipelines/test/ [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/htsworkflow/pipeline/ b/htsworkflow/pipeline/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/htsworkflow/pipeline/ b/htsworkflow/pipeline/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 4e268f2..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-from datetime import date
-from glob import glob
-import logging
-import os
-import time
-import re
-from htsworkflow.pipeline.runfolder import \
-   ElementTree, \
-class Phasing(object):
-    PHASING = 'Phasing'
-    PREPHASING = 'Prephasing'
-    def __init__(self, fromfile=None, xml=None):
-        self.lane = None
-        self.phasing = None
-        self.prephasing = None
-        if fromfile is not None:
-            self._initialize_from_file(fromfile)
-        elif xml is not None:
-            self.set_elements(xml)
-    def _initialize_from_file(self, pathname):
-        path, name = os.path.split(pathname)
-        basename, ext = os.path.splitext(name)
-        # the last character of the param base filename should be the
-        # lane number
-        tree = ElementTree.parse(pathname).getroot()
-        self.set_elements(tree)
-        self.lane = int(basename[-1])
-    def get_elements(self):
-        root = ElementTree.Element(Phasing.PHASING, {'lane': str(self.lane)})
-        phasing = ElementTree.SubElement(root, Phasing.PHASING)
-        phasing.text = str(self.phasing)
-        prephasing = ElementTree.SubElement(root, Phasing.PREPHASING)
-        prephasing.text = str(self.prephasing)
-        return root
-    def set_elements(self, tree):
-        if tree.tag not in ('Phasing', 'Parameters'):
-            raise ValueError('exptected Phasing or Parameters')
-        lane = tree.attrib.get('lane', None)
-        if lane is not None:
-            self.lane = int(lane)
-        for element in list(tree):
-            if element.tag == Phasing.PHASING:
-                self.phasing = float(element.text)
-            elif element.tag == Phasing.PREPHASING:
-                self.prephasing = float(element.text)
-class Bustard(object):
-    XML_VERSION = 1
-    # Xml Tags
-    BUSTARD = 'Bustard'
-    SOFTWARE_VERSION = 'version'
-    DATE = 'run_time'
-    USER = 'user'
-    PARAMETERS = 'Parameters'
-    def __init__(self, xml=None):
-        self.version = None
- =
-        self.user = None
-        self.phasing = {}
-        if xml is not None:
-            self.set_elements(xml)
-    def _get_time(self):
-        return time.mktime(
-    time = property(_get_time, doc='return run time as seconds since epoch')
-    def dump(self):
-        print "Bustard version:", self.version
-        print "Run date",
-        print "user:", self.user
-        for lane, tree in self.phasing.items():
-            print lane
-            print tree
-    def get_elements(self):
-        root = ElementTree.Element('Bustard', 
-                                   {'version': str(Bustard.XML_VERSION)})
-        version = ElementTree.SubElement(root, Bustard.SOFTWARE_VERSION)
-        version.text = self.version
-        run_date = ElementTree.SubElement(root, Bustard.DATE)
-        run_date.text = str(self.time)
-        user = ElementTree.SubElement(root, Bustard.USER)
-        user.text = self.user
-        params = ElementTree.SubElement(root, Bustard.PARAMETERS)
-        for p in self.phasing.values():
-            params.append(p.get_elements())
-        return root
-    def set_elements(self, tree):
-        if tree.tag != Bustard.BUSTARD:
-            raise ValueError('Expected "Bustard" SubElements')
-        xml_version = int(tree.attrib.get('version', 0))
-        if xml_version > Bustard.XML_VERSION:
-            logging.warn('Bustard XML tree is a higher version than this class')
-        for element in list(tree):
-            if element.tag == Bustard.SOFTWARE_VERSION:
-                self.version = element.text
-            elif element.tag == Bustard.DATE:
-       = date.fromtimestamp(float(element.text))
-            elif element.tag == Bustard.USER:
-                self.user = element.text
-            elif element.tag == Bustard.PARAMETERS:
-                for param in element:
-                    p = Phasing(xml=param)
-                    self.phasing[p.lane] = p
-            else:
-                raise ValueError("Unrecognized tag: %s" % (element.tag,))
-def bustard(pathname):
-    """
-    Construct a Bustard object from pathname
-    """
-    b = Bustard()
-    path, name = os.path.split(pathname)
-    groups = name.split("_")
-    version =, groups[0])
-    b.version =
-    t = time.strptime(groups[1], EUROPEAN_STRPTIME)
- = date(*t[0:3])
-    b.user = groups[2]
-    paramfiles = glob(os.path.join(pathname, "params?.xml"))
-    for paramfile in paramfiles:
-        phasing = Phasing(paramfile)
-        assert (phasing.lane >= 1 and phasing.lane <= 8)
-        b.phasing[phasing.lane] = phasing
-    return b
-def fromxml(tree):
-    b = Bustard()
-    b.set_elements(tree)
-    return b
diff --git a/htsworkflow/pipeline/ b/htsworkflow/pipeline/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d541de3..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,606 +0,0 @@
-import subprocess
-import logging
-import time
-import re
-import os
-from htsworkflow.pipeline.retrieve_config import getCombinedOptions, saveConfigFile
-from htsworkflow.pipeline.retrieve_config import FlowCellNotFound, WebError404
-from htsworkflow.pipeline.genome_mapper import DuplicateGenome, getAvailableGenomes, constructMapperDict
-from htsworkflow.pipeline.run_status import GARunStatus
-from pyinotify import WatchManager, ThreadedNotifier
-from pyinotify import EventsCodes, ProcessEvent
-class ConfigInfo:
-  def __init__(self):
-    #run_path = firecrest analysis directory to run analysis from
-    self.run_path = None
-    self.bustard_path = None
-    self.config_filepath = None
-    self.status = None
-    #top level directory where all analyses are placed
-    self.base_analysis_dir = None
-    #analysis_dir, top level analysis dir...
-    # base_analysis_dir + '/070924_USI-EAS44_0022_FC12150'
-    self.analysis_dir = None
-  def createStatusObject(self):
-    """
-    Creates a status object which can be queried for
-    status of running the pipeline
-    returns True if object created
-    returns False if object cannot be created
-    """
-    if self.config_filepath is None:
-      return False
-    self.status = GARunStatus(self.config_filepath)
-    return True
-# inotify event processor
-s_firecrest_finished = re.compile('Firecrest[0-9\._\-A-Za-z]+/finished.txt')
-s_bustard_finished = re.compile('Bustard[0-9\._\-A-Za-z]+/finished.txt')
-s_gerald_finished = re.compile('GERALD[0-9\._\-A-Za-z]+/finished.txt')
-s_gerald_all = re.compile('Firecrest[0-9\._\-A-Za-z]+/Bustard[0-9\._\-A-Za-z]+/GERALD[0-9\._\-A-Za-z]+/')
-s_bustard_all = re.compile('Firecrest[0-9\._\-A-Za-z]+/Bustard[0-9\._\-A-Za-z]+/')
-s_firecrest_all = re.compile('Firecrest[0-9\._\-A-Za-z]+/')
-class RunEvent(ProcessEvent):
-  def __init__(self, conf_info):
-    self.run_status_dict = {'firecrest': False,
-                            'bustard': False,
-                            'gerald': False}
-    self._ci = conf_info
-    ProcessEvent.__init__(self)
-  def process_IN_CREATE(self, event):
-    fullpath = os.path.join(event.path,
-    if
-"File Found: %s" % (fullpath))
-      if
-        self.run_status_dict['firecrest'] = True
-        self._ci.status.updateFirecrest(
-      elif
-        self.run_status_dict['bustard'] = True
-        self._ci.status.updateBustard(
-      elif
-        self.run_status_dict['gerald'] = True
-        self._ci.status.updateGerald(
-    #WARNING: The following order is important!!
-    # Firecrest regex will catch all gerald, bustard, and firecrest
-    # Bustard regex will catch all gerald and bustard
-    # Gerald regex will catch all gerald
-    # So, order needs to be Gerald, Bustard, Firecrest, or this
-    #  won't work properly.
-    elif
-      self._ci.status.updateGerald(
-    elif
-      self._ci.status.updateBustard(
-    elif
-      self._ci.status.updateFirecrest(
-    #print "Create: %s" % (os.path.join(event.path,
-  def process_IN_DELETE(self, event):
-    #print "Remove %s" % (os.path.join(event.path,
-    pass
-# Config Step Error
-RUN_ABORT = 'abort'
-# Run Step Error
-RUN_FAILED = 'failed'
-# Configure Step (
-s_start = re.compile('Starting Genome Analyzer Pipeline')
-s_gerald = re.compile("[\S\s]+--GERALD[\S\s]+--make[\S\s]+")
-s_generating = re.compile('^Generating journals, Makefiles')
-s_seq_folder = re.compile('^Sequence folder: ')
-s_seq_folder_sub = re.compile('want to make ')
-s_stderr_taskcomplete = re.compile('^Task complete, exiting')
-s_invalid_cmdline = re.compile('Usage:[\S\s]*')
-s_species_dir_err = re.compile('Error: Lane [1-8]:')
-s_goat_traceb = re.compile("^Traceback \(most recent call last\):")
-s_missing_cycles = re.compile('^Error: Tile s_[1-8]_[0-9]+: Different number of cycles: [0-9]+ instead of [0-9]+')
-##Ignore - Example of out above each ignore regex.
-#NOTE: Commenting out an ignore will cause it to be
-# logged as DEBUG with the logging module.
-s_skip = re.compile('s_[0-8]_[0-9]+')
-# Pipeline Run Step (make -j8 recursive)
-s_finished = re.compile('finished')
-s_make_error = re.compile('^make[\S\s]+Error')
-s_no_gnuplot = re.compile('gnuplot: command not found')
-s_no_convert = re.compile('^Can\'t exec "convert"')
-s_no_ghostscript = re.compile('gs: command not found')
-##Ignore - Example of out above each ignore regex.
-#NOTE: Commenting out an ignore will cause it to be
-# logged as DEBUG with the logging module.
-# Info: PF 11802
-PL_STDERR_IGNORE_LIST.append( re.compile('^Info: PF') )
-# About to analyse intensity file s_4_0101_sig2.txt
-PL_STDERR_IGNORE_LIST.append( re.compile('^About to analyse intensity file') )
-# Will send output to standard output
-PL_STDERR_IGNORE_LIST.append( re.compile('^Will send output to standard output') )
-# Found 31877 clusters
-PL_STDERR_IGNORE_LIST.append( re.compile('^Found [0-9]+ clusters') )
-# Will use quality criterion ((CHASTITY>=0.6)
-PL_STDERR_IGNORE_LIST.append( re.compile('^Will use quality criterion') )
-# Quality criterion translated to (($F[5]>=0.6))
-PL_STDERR_IGNORE_LIST.append( re.compile('^Quality criterion translated to') )
-# opened /woldlab/trog/data1/king/070924_USI-EAS44_0022_FC12150/Data/C1-36_Firecrest1.9.1_14-11-2007_king.4/Bustard1.9.1_14-11-2007_king/s_4_0101_qhg.txt
-#  AND
-# opened s_4_0103_qhg.txt
-PL_STDERR_IGNORE_LIST.append( re.compile('^opened[\S\s]+qhg.txt') )
-# 81129 sequences out of 157651 passed filter criteria
-PL_STDERR_IGNORE_LIST.append( re.compile('^[0-9]+ sequences out of [0-9]+ passed filter criteria') )
-def pl_stderr_ignore(line):
-  """
-  Searches lines for lines to ignore (i.e. not to log)
-  returns True if line should be ignored
-  returns False if line should NOT be ignored
-  """
-    if
-      return True
-  return False
-def config_stdout_handler(line, conf_info):
-  """
-  Processes each line of output from GOAT
-  and stores useful information using the logging module
-  Loads useful information into conf_info as well, for future
-  use outside the function.
-  returns True if found condition that signifies success.
-  """
-  # Skip irrelevant line (without logging)
-  if
-    pass
-  # Detect invalid command-line arguments
-  elif
-    logging.error("Invalid commandline options!")
-  # Detect starting of configuration
-  elif
-'START: Configuring pipeline')
-  # Detect it made it past invalid arguments
-  elif
-'Running make now')
-  # Detect that make files have been generated (based on output)
-  elif
-'Make files generted')
-    return True
-  # Capture run directory
-  elif
-    mo =
-    #Output changed when using --tiles=<tiles>
-    # at least in pipeline v0.3.0b2
-    if mo:
-      firecrest_bustard_gerald_makefile = line[mo.end():]
-      firecrest_bustard_gerald, junk = \
-                                os.path.split(firecrest_bustard_gerald_makefile)
-      firecrest_bustard, junk = os.path.split(firecrest_bustard_gerald)
-      firecrest, junk = os.path.split(firecrest_bustard)
-      conf_info.bustard_path = firecrest_bustard
-      conf_info.run_path = firecrest
-    #Standard output handling
-    else:
-      print 'Sequence line:', line
-      mo =
-      conf_info.bustard_path = line[mo.end():]
-      conf_info.run_path, temp = os.path.split(conf_info.bustard_path)
-  # Log all other output for debugging purposes
-  else:
-    logging.warning('CONF:?: %s' % (line))
-  return False
-def config_stderr_handler(line, conf_info):
-  """
-  Processes each line of output from GOAT
-  and stores useful information using the logging module
-  Loads useful information into conf_info as well, for future
-  use outside the function.
-  returns RUN_ABORT upon detecting failure;
-          True on success message;
-          False if neutral message
-            (i.e. doesn't signify failure or success)
-  """
-  # Detect invalid species directory error
-  if
-    logging.error(line)
-    return RUN_ABORT
-  # Detect traceback
-  elif
-    logging.error("Goat config script died, traceback in debug output")
-    return RUN_ABORT
-  # Detect indication of successful configuration (from stderr; odd, but ok)
-  elif
-'Configure step successful (from: stderr)')
-    return True
-  # Detect missing cycles
-  elif
-    # Only display error once
-      logging.error("Missing cycles detected; Not all cycles copied?")
-      logging.debug("CONF:STDERR:MISSING_CYCLES: %s" % (line))
-    return RUN_ABORT
-  # Log all other output as debug output
-  else:
-    logging.debug('CONF:STDERR:?: %s' % (line))
-  # Neutral (not failure; nor success)
-  return False
-#def pipeline_stdout_handler(line, conf_info):
-#  """
-#  Processes each line of output from running the pipeline
-#  and stores useful information using the logging module
-#  Loads useful information into conf_info as well, for future
-#  use outside the function.
-#  returns True if found condition that signifies success.
-#  """
-#  #f.write(line + '\n')
-#  return True
-def pipeline_stderr_handler(line, conf_info):
-  """
-  Processes each line of stderr from pipelien run
-  and stores useful information using the logging module
-  ##FIXME: Future feature (doesn't actually do this yet)
-  #Loads useful information into conf_info as well, for future
-  #use outside the function.
-  returns RUN_FAILED upon detecting failure;
-          #True on success message; (no clear success state)
-          False if neutral message
-            (i.e. doesn't signify failure or success)
-  """
-  if pl_stderr_ignore(line):
-    pass
-  elif
-    logging.error("make error detected; run failed")
-    return RUN_FAILED
-  elif
-    logging.error("gnuplot not found")
-    return RUN_FAILED
-  elif
-    logging.error("imagemagick's convert command not found")
-    return RUN_FAILED
-  elif
-    logging.error("ghostscript not found")
-    return RUN_FAILED
-  else:
-    logging.debug('PIPE:STDERR:?: %s' % (line))
-  return False
-def retrieve_config(conf_info, flowcell, cfg_filepath, genome_dir):
-  """
-  Gets the config file from server...
-  requires config file in:
-    /etc/ga_frontend/ga_frontend.conf
-   or
-    ~/.ga_frontend.conf
-  with:
-  [config_file_server]
-  base_host_url: http://host:port
-  return True if successful, False is failure
-  """
-  options = getCombinedOptions()
-  if options.url is None:
-    logging.error("~/.ga_frontend.conf or /etc/ga_frontend/ga_frontend.conf" \
-                  " missing base_host_url option")
-    return False
-  try:
-    saveConfigFile(flowcell, options.url, cfg_filepath)
-    conf_info.config_filepath = cfg_filepath
-  except FlowCellNotFound, e:
-    logging.error(e)
-    return False
-  except WebError404, e:
-    logging.error(e)
-    return False
-  except IOError, e:
-    logging.error(e)
-    return False
-  except Exception, e:
-    logging.error(e)
-    return False
-  f = open(cfg_filepath, 'r')
-  data =
-  f.close()
-  genome_dict = getAvailableGenomes(genome_dir)
-  mapper_dict = constructMapperDict(genome_dict)
-  logging.debug(data)
-  f = open(cfg_filepath, 'w')
-  f.write(data % (mapper_dict))
-  f.close()
-  return True
-def configure(conf_info):
-  """
-  Attempts to configure the GA pipeline using goat.
-  Uses logging module to store information about status.
-  returns True if configuration successful, otherwise False.
-  """
-  #ERROR Test:
-  #pipe = subprocess.Popen(['',
-  #                         '--GERALD=config32bk.txt',
-  #                         '--make .',],
-  #                         #'.'],
-  #                        stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-  #                        stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
-  #ERROR Test (2), causes traceback
-  #pipe = subprocess.Popen(['',
-  #                  '--GERALD=%s' % (conf_info.config_filepath),
-  #                         '--tiles=s_4_100,s_4_101,s_4_102,s_4_103,s_4_104',
-  #                         '--make',
-  #                         '.'],
-  #                        stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-  #                        stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
-  ##########################
-  # Run configuration step
-  #   Not a test; actual configure attempt.
-  #pipe = subprocess.Popen(['',
-  #                  '--GERALD=%s' % (conf_info.config_filepath),
-  #                         '--make',
-  #                         '.'],
-  #                        stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-  #                        stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
-  stdout_filepath = os.path.join(conf_info.analysis_dir,
-                                 "pipeline_configure_stdout.txt")
-  stderr_filepath = os.path.join(conf_info.analysis_dir,
-                                 "pipeline_configure_stderr.txt")
-  fout = open(stdout_filepath, 'w')
-  ferr = open(stderr_filepath, 'w')
-  pipe = subprocess.Popen(['',
-                    '--GERALD=%s' % (conf_info.config_filepath),
-                           #'--tiles=s_4_0100,s_4_0101,s_4_0102,s_4_0103,s_4_0104',
-                           '--make',
-                           conf_info.analysis_dir],
-                          stdout=fout,
-                          stderr=ferr)
-  print "Configuring pipeline: %s" % (time.ctime())
-  error_code = pipe.wait()
-  # Clean up
-  fout.close()
-  ferr.close()
-  ##################
-  # Process stdout
-  fout = open(stdout_filepath, 'r')
-  stdout_line = fout.readline()
-  complete = False
-  while stdout_line != '':
-    # Handle stdout
-    if config_stdout_handler(stdout_line, conf_info):
-      complete = True
-    stdout_line = fout.readline()
-  fout.close()
-  #error_code = pipe.wait()
-  if error_code:
-    logging.error('Recieved error_code: %s' % (error_code))
-  else:
-'We are go for launch!')
-  #Process stderr
-  ferr = open(stderr_filepath, 'r')
-  stderr_line = ferr.readline()
-  abort = 'NO!'
-  stderr_success = False
-  while stderr_line != '':
-    stderr_status = config_stderr_handler(stderr_line, conf_info)
-    if stderr_status == RUN_ABORT:
-      abort = RUN_ABORT
-    elif stderr_status is True:
-      stderr_success = True
-    stderr_line = ferr.readline()
-  ferr.close()
-  #Success requirements:
-  # 1) The stdout completed without error
-  # 2) The program exited with status 0
-  # 3) No errors found in stdout
-  print '#Expect: True, False, True, True'
-  print complete, bool(error_code), abort != RUN_ABORT, stderr_success is True
-  status = complete is True and \
-           bool(error_code) is False and \
-           abort != RUN_ABORT and \
-           stderr_success is True
-  # If everything was successful, but for some reason
-  #  we didn't retrieve the path info, log it.
-  if status is True:
-    if conf_info.bustard_path is None or conf_info.run_path is None:
-      logging.error("Failed to retrieve run_path")
-      return False
-  return status
-def run_pipeline(conf_info):
-  """
-  Run the pipeline and monitor status.
-  """
-  # Fail if the run_path doesn't actually exist
-  if not os.path.exists(conf_info.run_path):
-    logging.error('Run path does not exist: %s' \
-              % (conf_info.run_path))
-    return False
-  # Change cwd to run_path
-  stdout_filepath = os.path.join(conf_info.analysis_dir, 'pipeline_run_stdout.txt')
-  stderr_filepath = os.path.join(conf_info.analysis_dir, 'pipeline_run_stderr.txt')
-  # Create status object
-  conf_info.createStatusObject()
-  # Monitor file creation
-  wm = WatchManager()
-  mask = EventsCodes.IN_DELETE | EventsCodes.IN_CREATE
-  event = RunEvent(conf_info)
-  notifier = ThreadedNotifier(wm, event)
-  notifier.start()
-  wdd = wm.add_watch(conf_info.run_path, mask, rec=True)
-  # Log pipeline starting
-'STARTING PIPELINE @ %s' % (time.ctime()))
-  # Start the pipeline (and hide!)
-  #pipe = subprocess.Popen(['make',
-  #                         '-j8',
-  #                         'recursive'],
-  #                        stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-  #                        stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
-  fout = open(stdout_filepath, 'w')
-  ferr = open(stderr_filepath, 'w')
-  pipe = subprocess.Popen(['make',
-                           '--directory=%s' % (conf_info.run_path),
-                           '-j8',
-                           'recursive'],
-                           stdout=fout,
-                           stderr=ferr)
-                           #shell=True)
-  # Wait for run to finish
-  retcode = pipe.wait()
-  # Clean up
-  notifier.stop()
-  fout.close()
-  ferr.close()
-  # Process stderr
-  ferr = open(stderr_filepath, 'r')
-  run_failed_stderr = False
-  for line in ferr:
-    err_status = pipeline_stderr_handler(line, conf_info)
-    if err_status == RUN_FAILED:
-      run_failed_stderr = True
-  ferr.close()
-  # Finished file check!
-  for key, value in event.run_status_dict.items():
-    print '  %s: %s' % (key, value)
-  dstatus = event.run_status_dict
-  # Success or failure check
-  status = (retcode == 0) and \
-           run_failed_stderr is False and \
-           dstatus['firecrest'] is True and \
-           dstatus['bustard'] is True and \
-           dstatus['gerald'] is True
-  return status
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deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 89ea598..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-Extract information about the Firecrest run
-Firecrest - class holding the properties we found
-firecrest - Firecrest factory function initalized from a directory name
-fromxml - Firecrest factory function initalized from an xml dump from
-          the Firecrest object.
-from datetime import date
-import os
-import re
-import time
-from htsworkflow.pipeline.runfolder import \
-   ElementTree, \
-class Firecrest(object):
-    # xml tag names
-    FIRECREST = 'Firecrest'
-    SOFTWARE_VERSION = 'version'
-    START = 'FirstCycle'
-    STOP = 'LastCycle'
-    DATE = 'run_time'
-    USER = 'user'
-    MATRIX = 'matrix'
-    def __init__(self, xml=None):
-        self.start = None
-        self.stop = None
-        self.version = None
- =
-        self.user = None
-        self.matrix = None
-        if xml is not None:
-            self.set_elements(xml)
-    def _get_time(self):
-        return time.mktime(
-    time = property(_get_time, doc='return run time as seconds since epoch')
-    def dump(self):
-        print "Starting cycle:", self.start
-        print "Ending cycle:", self.stop
-        print "Firecrest version:", self.version
-        print "Run date:",
-        print "user:", self.user
-    def get_elements(self):
-        attribs = {'version': str(Firecrest.XML_VERSION) }
-        root = ElementTree.Element(Firecrest.FIRECREST, attrib=attribs)
-        version = ElementTree.SubElement(root, Firecrest.SOFTWARE_VERSION)
-        version.text = self.version
-        start_cycle = ElementTree.SubElement(root, Firecrest.START)
-        start_cycle.text = str(self.start)
-        stop_cycle = ElementTree.SubElement(root, Firecrest.STOP)
-        stop_cycle.text = str(self.stop)
-        run_date = ElementTree.SubElement(root, Firecrest.DATE)
-        run_date.text = str(self.time)
-        user = ElementTree.SubElement(root, Firecrest.USER)
-        user.text = self.user
-        matrix = ElementTree.SubElement(root, Firecrest.MATRIX)
-        matrix.text = self.matrix
-        return root
-    def set_elements(self, tree):
-        if tree.tag != Firecrest.FIRECREST:
-            raise ValueError('Expected "Firecrest" SubElements')
-        xml_version = int(tree.attrib.get('version', 0))
-        if xml_version > Firecrest.XML_VERSION:
-            logging.warn('Firecrest XML tree is a higher version than this class')
-        for element in list(tree):
-            if element.tag == Firecrest.SOFTWARE_VERSION:
-                self.version = element.text
-            elif element.tag == Firecrest.START:
-                self.start = int(element.text)
-            elif element.tag == Firecrest.STOP:
-                self.stop = int(element.text)
-            elif element.tag == Firecrest.DATE:
-       = date.fromtimestamp(float(element.text))
-            elif element.tag == Firecrest.USER:
-                self.user = element.text
-            elif element.tag == Firecrest.MATRIX:
-                self.matrix = element.text
-            else:
-                raise ValueError("Unrecognized tag: %s" % (element.tag,))
-def firecrest(pathname):
-    """
-    Examine the directory at pathname and initalize a Firecrest object
-    """
-    f = Firecrest()
-    # parse firecrest directory name
-    path, name = os.path.split(pathname)
-    groups = name.split('_')
-    # grab the start/stop cycle information
-    cycle = re.match("C([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)", groups[0])
-    f.start = int(
-    f.stop = int(
-    # firecrest version
-    version =, groups[1])
-    f.version = (
-    # datetime
-    t = time.strptime(groups[2], EUROPEAN_STRPTIME)
- = date(*t[0:3])
-    # username
-    f.user = groups[3]
-    # should I parse this deeper than just stashing the 
-    # contents of the matrix file?
-    matrix_pathname = os.path.join(pathname, 'Matrix', 's_matrix.txt')
-    f.matrix = open(matrix_pathname, 'r').read()
-    return f
-def fromxml(tree):
-    """
-    Initialize a Firecrest object from an element tree node
-    """
-    f = Firecrest()
-    f.set_elements(tree)
-    return f
diff --git a/htsworkflow/pipeline/ b/htsworkflow/pipeline/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a8ea871..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-import glob
-import sys
-import os
-import re
-import logging
-from htsworkflow.util.alphanum import alphanum
-class DuplicateGenome(Exception): pass
-def _has_metainfo(genome_dir):
-  metapath = os.path.join(genome_dir, '_metainfo_')
-  if os.path.isfile(metapath):
-    return True
-  else:
-    return False
-def getAvailableGenomes(genome_base_dir):
-  """
-  raises IOError (on genome_base_dir not found)
-  raises DuplicateGenome on duplicate genomes found.
-  returns a double dictionary (i.e. d[species][build] = path)
-  """
-  # Need valid directory
-  if not os.path.exists(genome_base_dir):
-    msg = "Directory does not exist: %s" % (genome_base_dir)
-    raise IOError, msg
-  # Find all subdirectories
-  filepath_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(genome_base_dir, '*'))
-  potential_genome_dirs = \
-    [ filepath for filepath in filepath_list if os.path.isdir(filepath)]
-  # Get list of metadata files
-  genome_dir_list = \
-    [ dirpath \
-      for dirpath in potential_genome_dirs \
-      if _has_metainfo(dirpath) ]
-  # Genome double dictionary
-  d = {}
-  for genome_dir in genome_dir_list:
-    line = open(os.path.join(genome_dir, '_metainfo_'), 'r').readline().strip()
-    # Get species, build... log and skip on failure
-    try:
-      species, build = line.split('|')
-    except:
-      logging.warning('Skipping: Invalid metafile (%s) line: %s' \
-                      % (metafile, line))
-      continue
-    build_dict = d.setdefault(species, {})
-    if build in build_dict:
-      msg = "Duplicate genome for %s|%s" % (species, build)
-      raise DuplicateGenome, msg
-    build_dict[build] = genome_dir
-  return d
-class constructMapperDict(object):
-    """
-    Emulate a dictionary to map genome|build names to paths.
-    It uses the dictionary generated by getAvailableGenomes.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, genome_dict):
-        self.genome_dict = genome_dict
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
-        """
-        Return the best match for key
-        """
-        elements = re.split("\|", key)
-        if len(elements) == 1:
-            # we just the species name
-            # get the set of builds
-            builds = self.genome_dict[elements[0]]
-            # sort build names the way humans would
-            keys = builds.keys()
-            keys.sort(cmp=alphanum)
-            # return the path from the 'last' build name
-            return builds[keys[-1]]
-        elif len(elements) == 2:
-            # we have species, and build name
-            return self.genome_dict[elements[0]][elements[1]]
-        else:
-            raise KeyError("Unrecognized key")
-    def keys(self):
-        keys = []
-        for species in self.genome_dict.keys():
-            for build in self.genome_dict[species]:
-                keys.append([species+'|'+build])
-        return keys
-    def values(self):
-        values = []
-        for species in self.genome_dict.keys():
-            for build in self.genome_dict[species]:
-                values.append(self.genome_dict[species][build])
-        return values
-    def items(self):
-        items = []
-        for species in self.genome_dict.keys():
-            for build in self.genome_dict[species]:
-                key = [species+'|'+build]
-                value = self.genome_dict[species][build]
-                items.append((key, value))
-        return items
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  if len(sys.argv) != 2:
-    print 'useage: %s <base_genome_dir>' % (sys.argv[0])
-    sys.exit(1)
-  d = getAvailableGenomes(sys.argv[1])
-  d2 = constructMapperDict(d)
-  for k,v in d2.items():
-    print '%s: %s' % (k,v)
diff --git a/htsworkflow/pipeline/ b/htsworkflow/pipeline/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 07ca009..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,719 +0,0 @@
-Provide access to information stored in the GERALD directory.
-from datetime import datetime, date
-from glob import glob
-import logging
-import os
-import stat
-import time
-import types
-from htsworkflow.pipeline.runfolder import \
-   ElementTree, \
-from htsworkflow.util.ethelp import indent, flatten
-from htsworkflow.util.opener import autoopen
-class Gerald(object):
-    """
-    Capture meaning out of the GERALD directory
-    """
-    XML_VERSION = 1
-    GERALD='Gerald'
-    RUN_PARAMETERS='RunParameters'
-    SUMMARY='Summary'
-    class LaneParameters(object):
-        """
-        Make it easy to access elements of LaneSpecificRunParameters from python
-        """
-        def __init__(self, gerald, key):
-            self._gerald = gerald
-            self._key = key
-        def __get_attribute(self, xml_tag):
-            subtree = self._gerald.tree.find('LaneSpecificRunParameters')
-            container = subtree.find(xml_tag)
-            if container is None:
-                return None
-            if len(container.getchildren()) > LANES_PER_FLOWCELL:
-                raise RuntimeError('GERALD config.xml file changed')
-            lanes = [x.tag.split('_')[1] for x in container.getchildren()]
-            index = lanes.index(self._key)
-            element = container[index]
-            return element.text
-        def _get_analysis(self):
-            return self.__get_attribute('ANALYSIS')
-        analysis = property(_get_analysis)
-        def _get_eland_genome(self):
-            genome = self.__get_attribute('ELAND_GENOME')
-            # default to the chipwide parameters if there isn't an
-            # entry in the lane specific paramaters
-            if genome is None:
-                subtree = self._gerald.tree.find('ChipWideRunParameters')
-                container = subtree.find('ELAND_GENOME')
-                genome = container.text
-            return genome
-        eland_genome = property(_get_eland_genome)
-        def _get_read_length(self):
-            return self.__get_attribute('READ_LENGTH')
-        read_length = property(_get_read_length)
-        def _get_use_bases(self):
-            return self.__get_attribute('USE_BASES')
-        use_bases = property(_get_use_bases)
-    class LaneSpecificRunParameters(object):
-        """
-        Provide access to LaneSpecificRunParameters
-        """
-        def __init__(self, gerald):
-            self._gerald = gerald
-            self._keys = None
-        def __getitem__(self, key):
-            return Gerald.LaneParameters(self._gerald, key)
-        def keys(self):
-            if self._keys is None:
-                tree = self._gerald.tree
-                analysis = tree.find('LaneSpecificRunParameters/ANALYSIS')
-                # according to the pipeline specs I think their fields 
-                # are sampleName_laneID, with sampleName defaulting to s
-                # since laneIDs are constant lets just try using 
-                # those consistently.
-                self._keys = [ x.tag.split('_')[1] for x in analysis]
-            return self._keys
-        def values(self):
-            return [ self[x] for x in self.keys() ]
-        def items(self):
-            return zip(self.keys(), self.values())
-        def __len__(self):
-            return len(self.keys())
-    def __init__(self, xml=None):
-        self.pathname = None
-        self.tree = None
-        # parse lane parameters out of the config.xml file
-        self.lanes = Gerald.LaneSpecificRunParameters(self)
-        self.summary = None
-        self.eland_results = None
-        if xml is not None:
-            self.set_elements(xml)
-    def _get_date(self):
-        if self.tree is None:
-            return
-        timestamp = self.tree.findtext('ChipWideRunParameters/TIME_STAMP')
-        epochstamp = time.mktime(time.strptime(timestamp, '%c'))
-        return datetime.fromtimestamp(epochstamp)
-    date = property(_get_date)
-    def _get_time(self):
-        return time.mktime(
-    time = property(_get_time, doc='return run time as seconds since epoch')
-    def _get_version(self):
-        if self.tree is None:
-            return None
-        return self.tree.findtext('ChipWideRunParameters/SOFTWARE_VERSION')
-    version = property(_get_version)
-    def dump(self):
-        """
-        Debugging function, report current object
-        """
-        print 'Gerald version:', self.version
-        print 'Gerald run date:',
-        print 'Gerald config.xml:', self.tree
-        self.summary.dump()
-    def get_elements(self):
-        if self.tree is None or self.summary is None:
-            return None
-        gerald = ElementTree.Element(Gerald.GERALD, 
-                                     {'version': unicode(Gerald.XML_VERSION)})
-        gerald.append(self.tree)
-        gerald.append(self.summary.get_elements())
-        if self.eland_results:
-            gerald.append(self.eland_results.get_elements())
-        return gerald
-    def set_elements(self, tree):
-        if tree.tag !=  Gerald.GERALD:
-            raise ValueError('exptected GERALD')
-        xml_version = int(tree.attrib.get('version', 0))
-        if xml_version > Gerald.XML_VERSION:
-            logging.warn('XML tree is a higher version than this class')
-        for element in list(tree):
-            tag = element.tag.lower()
-            if tag == Gerald.RUN_PARAMETERS.lower():
-                self.tree = element
-            elif tag == Gerald.SUMMARY.lower():
-                self.summary = Summary(xml=element)
-            elif tag == ELAND.ELAND.lower():
-                self.eland_results = ELAND(xml=element)
-            else:
-                logging.warn("Unrecognized tag %s" % (element.tag,))
-def gerald(pathname):
-    g = Gerald()
-    g.pathname = pathname
-    path, name = os.path.split(pathname)
-    config_pathname = os.path.join(pathname, 'config.xml')
-    g.tree = ElementTree.parse(config_pathname).getroot()
-    # parse Summary.htm file
-    summary_pathname = os.path.join(pathname, 'Summary.htm')
-    g.summary = Summary(summary_pathname)
-    # parse eland files
-    g.eland_results = eland(g.pathname, g)
-    return g
-def tonumber(v):
-    """
-    Convert a value to int if its an int otherwise a float.
-    """
-    try:
-        v = int(v)
-    except ValueError, e:
-        v = float(v)
-    return v
-def parse_mean_range(value):
-    """
-    Parse values like 123 +/- 4.5
-    """
-    if value.strip() == 'unknown':
-       return 0, 0
-    average, pm, deviation = value.split()
-    if pm != '+/-':
-        raise RuntimeError("Summary.htm file format changed")
-    return tonumber(average), tonumber(deviation)
-def make_mean_range_element(parent, name, mean, deviation):
-    """
-    Make an ElementTree subelement <Name mean='mean', deviation='deviation'/>
-    """
-    element = ElementTree.SubElement(parent, name,
-                                     { 'mean': unicode(mean),
-                                       'deviation': unicode(deviation)})
-    return element
-def parse_mean_range_element(element):
-    """
-    Grab mean/deviation out of element
-    """
-    return (tonumber(element.attrib['mean']), 
-            tonumber(element.attrib['deviation']))
-def parse_summary_element(element):
-    """
-    Determine if we have a simple element or a mean/deviation element
-    """
-    if len(element.attrib) > 0:
-        return parse_mean_range_element(element)
-    else:
-        return element.text
-class Summary(object):
-    """
-    Extract some useful information from the Summary.htm file
-    """
-    XML_VERSION = 2
-    SUMMARY = 'Summary'
-    class LaneResultSummary(object):
-        """
-        Parse the LaneResultSummary table out of Summary.htm
-        Mostly for the cluster number
-        """
-        LANE_RESULT_SUMMARY = 'LaneResultSummary'
-        TAGS = { 
-          'LaneYield': 'lane_yield',
-          'Cluster': 'cluster', # Raw
-          'ClusterPF': 'cluster_pass_filter',
-          'AverageFirstCycleIntensity': 'average_first_cycle_intensity',
-          'PercentIntensityAfter20Cycles': 'percent_intensity_after_20_cycles',
-          'PercentPassFilterClusters': 'percent_pass_filter_clusters',
-          'PercentPassFilterAlign': 'percent_pass_filter_align',
-          'AverageAlignmentScore': 'average_alignment_score',
-          'PercentErrorRate': 'percent_error_rate'
-        }
-        def __init__(self, html=None, xml=None):
-            self.lane = None
-            self.lane_yield = None
-            self.cluster = None
-            self.cluster_pass_filter = None
-            self.average_first_cycle_intensity = None
-            self.percent_intensity_after_20_cycles = None
-            self.percent_pass_filter_clusters = None
-            self.percent_pass_filter_align = None
-            self.average_alignment_score = None
-            self.percent_error_rate = None
-            if html is not None:
-                self.set_elements_from_html(html)
-            if xml is not None:
-                self.set_elements(xml)
-        def set_elements_from_html(self, data):
-            if not len(data) in (8,10):
-                raise RuntimeError("Summary.htm file format changed")
-            # same in pre-0.3.0 Summary file and 0.3 summary file
-            self.lane = data[0]
-            if len(data) == 8:
-                parsed_data = [ parse_mean_range(x) for x in data[1:] ]
-                # this is the < 0.3 Pipeline version
-                self.cluster = parsed_data[0]
-                self.average_first_cycle_intensity = parsed_data[1]
-                self.percent_intensity_after_20_cycles = parsed_data[2]
-                self.percent_pass_filter_clusters = parsed_data[3]
-                self.percent_pass_filter_align = parsed_data[4]
-                self.average_alignment_score = parsed_data[5]
-                self.percent_error_rate = parsed_data[6]
-            elif len(data) == 10:
-                parsed_data = [ parse_mean_range(x) for x in data[2:] ]
-                # this is the >= 0.3 summary file
-                self.lane_yield = data[1]
-                self.cluster = parsed_data[0]
-                self.cluster_pass_filter = parsed_data[1]
-                self.average_first_cycle_intensity = parsed_data[2]
-                self.percent_intensity_after_20_cycles = parsed_data[3]
-                self.percent_pass_filter_clusters = parsed_data[4]
-                self.percent_pass_filter_align = parsed_data[5]
-                self.average_alignment_score = parsed_data[6]
-                self.percent_error_rate = parsed_data[7]
-        def get_elements(self):
-            lane_result = ElementTree.Element(
-                            Summary.LaneResultSummary.LANE_RESULT_SUMMARY, 
-                            {'lane': self.lane})
-            for tag, variable_name in Summary.LaneResultSummary.TAGS.items():
-                value = getattr(self, variable_name)
-                if value is None:
-                    continue
-                # it looks like a sequence
-                elif type(value) in (types.TupleType, types.ListType):
-                    element = make_mean_range_element(
-                      lane_result,
-                      tag,
-                      *value
-                    )
-                else:
-                    element = ElementTree.SubElement(lane_result, tag)
-                    element.text = value
-            return lane_result
-        def set_elements(self, tree):
-            if tree.tag != Summary.LaneResultSummary.LANE_RESULT_SUMMARY:
-                raise ValueError('Expected %s' % (
-                        Summary.LaneResultSummary.LANE_RESULT_SUMMARY))
-            self.lane = tree.attrib['lane']
-            tags = Summary.LaneResultSummary.TAGS
-            for element in list(tree):
-                try:
-                    variable_name = tags[element.tag]
-                    setattr(self, variable_name, 
-                            parse_summary_element(element))
-                except KeyError, e:
-                    logging.warn('Unrecognized tag %s' % (element.tag,))
-    def __init__(self, filename=None, xml=None):
-        self.lane_results = {}
-        if filename is not None:
-            self._extract_lane_results(filename)
-        if xml is not None:
-            self.set_elements(xml)
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
-        return self.lane_results[key]
-    def __len__(self):
-        return len(self.lane_results)
-    def keys(self):
-        return self.lane_results.keys()
-    def values(self):
-        return self.lane_results.values()
-    def items(self):
-        return self.lane_results.items()
-    def _flattened_row(self, row):
-        """
-        flatten the children of a <tr>...</tr>
-        """
-        return [flatten(x) for x in row.getchildren() ]
-    def _parse_table(self, table):
-        """
-        assumes the first line is the header of a table, 
-        and that the remaining rows are data
-        """
-        rows = table.getchildren()
-        data = []
-        for r in rows:
-            data.append(self._flattened_row(r))
-        return data
-    def _extract_named_tables(self, pathname):
-        """
-        extract all the 'named' tables from a Summary.htm file
-        and return as a dictionary
-        Named tables are <h2>...</h2><table>...</table> pairs
-        The contents of the h2 tag is considered to the name
-        of the table.
-        """
-        tree = ElementTree.parse(pathname).getroot()
-        body = tree.find('body')
-        tables = {}
-        for i in range(len(body)):
-            if body[i].tag == 'h2' and body[i+1].tag == 'table':
-                # we have an interesting table
-                name = flatten(body[i])
-                table = body[i+1]
-                data = self._parse_table(table)
-                tables[name] = data
-        return tables
-    def _extract_lane_results(self, pathname):
-        """
-        extract the Lane Results Summary table
-        """
-        tables = self._extract_named_tables(pathname)
-        # parse lane result summary
-        lane_summary = tables['Lane Results Summary']
-        # this is version 1 of the summary file
-        if len(lane_summary[-1]) == 8:
-            # strip header
-            headers = lane_summary[0]
-            # grab the lane by lane data
-            lane_summary = lane_summary[1:]
-        # this is version 2 of the summary file
-        if len(lane_summary[-1]) == 10:
-            # lane_summary[0] is a different less specific header row
-            headers = lane_summary[1]
-            lane_summary = lane_summary[2:10]
-            # after the last lane, there's a set of chip wide averages
-        for r in lane_summary:
-            lrs = Summary.LaneResultSummary(html=r)
-            self.lane_results[lrs.lane] = lrs
-    def get_elements(self):
-        summary = ElementTree.Element(Summary.SUMMARY, 
-                                      {'version': unicode(Summary.XML_VERSION)})
-        for lane in self.lane_results.values():
-            summary.append(lane.get_elements())
-        return summary
-    def set_elements(self, tree):
-        if tree.tag != Summary.SUMMARY:
-            return ValueError("Expected %s" % (Summary.SUMMARY,))
-        xml_version = int(tree.attrib.get('version', 0))
-        if xml_version > Summary.XML_VERSION:
-            logging.warn('Summary XML tree is a higher version than this class')
-        for element in list(tree):
-            lrs = Summary.LaneResultSummary()
-            lrs.set_elements(element)
-            self.lane_results[lrs.lane] = lrs
-    def dump(self):
-        """
-        Debugging function, report current object
-        """
-        pass
-def build_genome_fasta_map(genome_dir):
-    # build fasta to fasta file map
-    genome = genome_dir.split(os.path.sep)[-1]
-    fasta_map = {}
-    for vld_file in glob(os.path.join(genome_dir, '*.vld')):
-        is_link = False
-        if os.path.islink(vld_file):
-            is_link = True
-        vld_file = os.path.realpath(vld_file)
-        path, vld_name = os.path.split(vld_file)
-        name, ext = os.path.splitext(vld_name)
-        if is_link:
-            fasta_map[name] = name
-        else:
-            fasta_map[name] = os.path.join(genome, name)
-    return fasta_map
-class ElandLane(object):
-    """
-    Process an eland result file
-    """
-    XML_VERSION = 1
-    LANE = 'ElandLane'
-    SAMPLE_NAME = 'SampleName'
-    LANE_ID = 'LaneID'
-    GENOME_MAP = 'GenomeMap'
-    GENOME_ITEM = 'GenomeItem'
-    MAPPED_READS = 'MappedReads'
-    MAPPED_ITEM = 'MappedItem'
-    MATCH_CODES = 'MatchCodes'
-    MATCH_ITEM = 'Code'
-    READS = 'Reads'
-    def __init__(self, pathname=None, genome_map=None, xml=None):
-        self.pathname = pathname
-        self._sample_name = None
-        self._lane_id = None
-        self._reads = None
-        self._mapped_reads = None
-        self._match_codes = None
-        if genome_map is None:
-            genome_map = {}
-        self.genome_map = genome_map
-        if xml is not None:
-            self.set_elements(xml)
-    def _update(self):
-        """
-        Actually read the file and actually count the reads
-        """
-        # can't do anything if we don't have a file to process
-        if self.pathname is None:
-            return
-        if os.stat(self.pathname)[stat.ST_SIZE] == 0:
-            raise RuntimeError("Eland isn't done, try again later.")
-        reads = 0
-        mapped_reads = {}
-        match_codes = {'NM':0, 'QC':0, 'RM':0, 
-                       'U0':0, 'U1':0, 'U2':0,
-                       'R0':0, 'R1':0, 'R2':0,
-                      }
-        for line in autoopen(self.pathname,'r'):
-            reads += 1
-            fields = line.split()
-            # code = fields[2]
-            # match_codes[code] = match_codes.setdefault(code, 0) + 1
-            # the QC/NM etc codes are in the 3rd field and always present
-            match_codes[fields[2]] += 1
-            # ignore lines that don't have a fasta filename
-            if len(fields) < 7:
-                continue
-            fasta = self.genome_map.get(fields[6], fields[6])
-            mapped_reads[fasta] = mapped_reads.setdefault(fasta, 0) + 1
-        self._match_codes = match_codes
-        self._mapped_reads = mapped_reads
-        self._reads = reads
-    def _update_name(self):
-        # extract the sample name
-        if self.pathname is None:
-            return
-        path, name = os.path.split(self.pathname)
-        split_name = name.split('_')
-        self._sample_name = split_name[0]
-        self._lane_id = split_name[1]
-    def _get_sample_name(self):
-        if self._sample_name is None:
-            self._update_name()
-        return self._sample_name
-    sample_name = property(_get_sample_name)
-    def _get_lane_id(self):
-        if self._lane_id is None:
-            self._update_name()
-        return self._lane_id
-    lane_id = property(_get_lane_id)
-    def _get_reads(self):
-        if self._reads is None:
-            self._update()
-        return self._reads
-    reads = property(_get_reads)
-    def _get_mapped_reads(self):
-        if self._mapped_reads is None:
-            self._update()
-        return self._mapped_reads
-    mapped_reads = property(_get_mapped_reads)
-    def _get_match_codes(self):
-        if self._match_codes is None:
-            self._update()
-        return self._match_codes
-    match_codes = property(_get_match_codes)
-    def get_elements(self):
-        lane = ElementTree.Element(ElandLane.LANE, 
-                                   {'version': 
-                                    unicode(ElandLane.XML_VERSION)})
-        sample_tag = ElementTree.SubElement(lane, ElandLane.SAMPLE_NAME)
-        sample_tag.text = self.sample_name
-        lane_tag = ElementTree.SubElement(lane, ElandLane.LANE_ID)
-        lane_tag.text = self.lane_id
-        genome_map = ElementTree.SubElement(lane, ElandLane.GENOME_MAP)
-        for k, v in self.genome_map.items():
-            item = ElementTree.SubElement(
-                genome_map, ElandLane.GENOME_ITEM, 
-                {'name':k, 'value':unicode(v)})
-        mapped_reads = ElementTree.SubElement(lane, ElandLane.MAPPED_READS)
-        for k, v in self.mapped_reads.items():
-            item = ElementTree.SubElement(
-                mapped_reads, ElandLane.MAPPED_ITEM, 
-                {'name':k, 'value':unicode(v)})
-        match_codes = ElementTree.SubElement(lane, ElandLane.MATCH_CODES)
-        for k, v in self.match_codes.items():
-            item = ElementTree.SubElement(
-                match_codes, ElandLane.MATCH_ITEM, 
-                {'name':k, 'value':unicode(v)})
-        reads = ElementTree.SubElement(lane, ElandLane.READS)
-        reads.text = unicode(self.reads)
-        return lane
-    def set_elements(self, tree):
-        if tree.tag != ElandLane.LANE:
-            raise ValueError('Exptecting %s' % (ElandLane.LANE,))
-        # reset dictionaries
-        self._mapped_reads = {}
-        self._match_codes = {}
-        for element in tree:
-            tag = element.tag.lower()
-            if tag == ElandLane.SAMPLE_NAME.lower():
-                self._sample_name = element.text
-            elif tag == ElandLane.LANE_ID.lower():
-                self._lane_id = element.text
-            elif tag == ElandLane.GENOME_MAP.lower():
-                for child in element:
-                    name = child.attrib['name']
-                    value = child.attrib['value']
-                    self.genome_map[name] = value
-            elif tag == ElandLane.MAPPED_READS.lower():
-                for child in element:
-                    name = child.attrib['name']
-                    value = child.attrib['value']
-                    self._mapped_reads[name] = int(value)
-            elif tag == ElandLane.MATCH_CODES.lower():
-                for child in element:
-                    name = child.attrib['name']
-                    value = int(child.attrib['value'])
-                    self._match_codes[name] = value
-            elif tag == ElandLane.READS.lower():
-                self._reads = int(element.text)
-            else:
-                logging.warn("ElandLane unrecognized tag %s" % (element.tag,))
-def extract_eland_sequence(instream, outstream, start, end):
-    """
-    Extract a chunk of sequence out of an eland file
-    """
-    for line in instream:
-        record = line.split()
-        if len(record) > 1:
-            result = [record[0], record[1][start:end]]
-        else:
-            result = [record[0][start:end]]
-        outstream.write("\t".join(result))
-        outstream.write(os.linesep)
-class ELAND(object):
-    """
-    Summarize information from eland files
-    """
-    XML_VERSION = 1
-    ELAND = 'ElandCollection'
-    LANE = 'Lane'
-    LANE_ID = 'id'
-    def __init__(self, xml=None):
-        # we need information from the gerald config.xml
-        self.results = {}
-        if xml is not None:
-            self.set_elements(xml)
-    def __len__(self):
-        return len(self.results)
-    def keys(self):
-        return self.results.keys()
-    def values(self):
-        return self.results.values()
-    def items(self):
-        return self.results.items()
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
-        return self.results[key]
-    def get_elements(self):
-        root = ElementTree.Element(ELAND.ELAND, 
-                                   {'version': unicode(ELAND.XML_VERSION)})
-        for lane_id, lane in self.results.items():
-            eland_lane = lane.get_elements()
-            eland_lane.attrib[ELAND.LANE_ID] = unicode(lane_id)
-            root.append(eland_lane)
-        return root
-    def set_elements(self, tree):
-        if tree.tag.lower() != ELAND.ELAND.lower():
-            raise ValueError('Expecting %s', ELAND.ELAND)
-        for element in list(tree):
-            lane_id = element.attrib[ELAND.LANE_ID]
-            lane = ElandLane(xml=element)
-            self.results[lane_id] = lane
-def eland(basedir, gerald=None, genome_maps=None):
-    e = ELAND()
-    file_list = glob(os.path.join(basedir, "*_eland_result.txt"))
-    if len(file_list) == 0:
-        # lets handle compressed eland files too
-        file_list = glob(os.path.join(basedir, "*_eland_result.txt.bz2"))
-    for pathname in file_list:
-        # yes the lane_id is also being computed in ElandLane._update
-        # I didn't want to clutter up my constructor
-        # but I needed to persist the sample_name/lane_id for
-        # runfolder summary_report
-        path, name = os.path.split(pathname)
-        split_name = name.split('_')
-        lane_id = split_name[1]
-        if genome_maps is not None:
-            genome_map = genome_maps[lane_id]
-        elif gerald is not None:
-            genome_dir = gerald.lanes[lane_id].eland_genome
-            genome_map = build_genome_fasta_map(genome_dir)
-        else:
-            genome_map = {}
-        eland_result = ElandLane(pathname, genome_map)
-        e.results[lane_id] = eland_result
-    return e
diff --git a/htsworkflow/pipeline/ b/htsworkflow/pipeline/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7f5ced6..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-from xml import sax
-def get_cycles(recipe_xml_filepath):
-  """
-  returns the number of cycles found in Recipe*.xml
-  """
-  handler = CycleXmlHandler()
-  sax.parse(recipe_xml_filepath, handler)
-  return handler.cycle_count
-class CycleXmlHandler(sax.ContentHandler):
-  def __init__(self):
-    self.cycle_count = 0
-    self.in_protocol = False
-    sax.ContentHandler.__init__(self)
-  def startDocument(self):
-    self.cycle_count = 0
-    self.in_protocol = False
-  def startElement(self, name, attrs):
-    #Only count Incorporations as cycles if within
-    # the protocol section of the xml document.
-    if name == "Incorporation" and self.in_protocol:
-      #print 'Found a cycle!'
-      self.cycle_count += 1
-      return
-    elif name == 'Protocol':
-      #print 'In protocol'
-      self.in_protocol = True
-      return
-    #print 'Skipping: %s' % (name)
-  def endElement(self, name):
-    if name == 'Protocol':
-      #print 'End protocol'
-      self.in_protocol = False
diff --git a/htsworkflow/pipeline/ b/htsworkflow/pipeline/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 72cff17..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from optparse import OptionParser, IndentedHelpFormatter
-from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
-import logging
-import os
-import sys
-import urllib2
-CONFIG_SYSTEM = '/etc/ga_frontend/ga_frontend.conf'
-CONFIG_USER = os.path.expanduser('~/.ga_frontend.conf')
-#Disable or enable commandline arg parsing; disabled by default.
-class FlowCellNotFound(Exception): pass
-class WebError404(Exception): pass
-class DummyOptions:
-  """
-  Used when command line parsing is disabled; default
-  """
-  def __init__(self):
-    self.url = None
-    self.output_filepath = None
-    self.flowcell = None
-    self.genome_dir = None
-class PreformattedDescriptionFormatter(IndentedHelpFormatter):
-  #def format_description(self, description):
-  #  
-  #  if description:
-  #      return description + "\n"
-  #  else:
-  #     return ""
-  def format_epilog(self, epilog):
-    """
-    It was removing my preformated epilog, so this should override
-    that behavior! Muhahaha!
-    """
-    if epilog:
-        return "\n" + epilog + "\n"
-    else:
-        return ""
-def constructOptionParser():
-  """
-  returns a pre-setup optparser
-  """
-    return None
-  parser = OptionParser(formatter=PreformattedDescriptionFormatter())
-  parser.set_description('Retrieves eland config file from ga_frontend web frontend.')
-  parser.epilog = """
-Config File:
-  * %s (System wide)
-  * %s (User specific; overrides system)
-  * command line overrides all config file options
-  Example Config File:
-    [config_file_server]
-    base_host_url=http://somewhere.domain:port
-  #Special formatter for allowing preformatted description.
-  ##parser.format_epilog(PreformattedDescriptionFormatter())
-  parser.add_option("-u", "--url",
-                    action="store", type="string", dest="url")
-  parser.add_option("-o", "--output",
-                    action="store", type="string", dest="output_filepath")
-  parser.add_option("-f", "--flowcell",
-                    action="store", type="string", dest="flowcell")
-  parser.add_option("-g", "--genome_dir",
-                    action="store", type="string", dest="genome_dir")
-  #parser.set_default("url", "default")
-  return parser
-def constructConfigParser():
-  """
-  returns a pre-setup config parser
-  """
-  parser = SafeConfigParser()
-  if not parser.has_section('config_file_server'):
-    parser.add_section('config_file_server')
-  if not parser.has_section('local_setup'):
-    parser.add_section('local_setup')
-  return parser
-def getCombinedOptions():
-  """
-  Returns optparse options after it has be updated with ConfigParser
-  config files and merged with parsed commandline options.
-  """
-  cl_parser = constructOptionParser()
-  conf_parser = constructConfigParser()
-  if cl_parser is None:
-    options = DummyOptions()
-  else:
-    options, args = cl_parser.parse_args()
-  if options.url is None:
-    if conf_parser.has_option('config_file_server', 'base_host_url'):
-      options.url = conf_parser.get('config_file_server', 'base_host_url')
-  if options.genome_dir is None:
-    if conf_parser.has_option('local_setup', 'genome_dir'):
-      options.genome_dir = conf_parser.get('local_setup', 'genome_dir')
-  print 'USING OPTIONS:'
-  print ' URL:', options.url
-  print ' OUT:', options.output_filepath
-  print '  FC:', options.flowcell
-  print 'GDIR:', options.genome_dir
-  print ''
-  return options
-def saveConfigFile(flowcell, base_host_url, output_filepath):
-  """
-  retrieves the flowcell eland config file, give the base_host_url
-  (i.e.
-  """
-  url = base_host_url + '/eland_config/%s/' % (flowcell)
-  f = open(output_filepath, 'w')
-  #try:
-  try:
-    web = urllib2.urlopen(url)
-  except urllib2.URLError, e:
-    errmsg = 'URLError: %d' % (e.code,)
-    logging.error(errmsg)
-    logging.error('opened %s' % (url,))
-    logging.error('%s' % (,))
-    raise IOError(errmsg)
-  #except IOError, msg:
-  #  if str(msg).find("Connection refused") >= 0:
-  #    print 'Error: Connection refused for: %s' % (url)
-  #    f.close()
-  #    sys.exit(1)
-  #  elif str(msg).find("Name or service not known") >= 0:
-  #    print 'Error: Invalid domain or ip address for: %s' % (url)
-  #    f.close()
-  #    sys.exit(2)
-  #  else:
-  #    raise IOError, msg
-  data =
-  if data.find('Hmm, config file for') >= 0:
-    msg = "Flowcell (%s) not found in DB; full url(%s)" % (flowcell, url)
-    raise FlowCellNotFound, msg
-  if data.find('404 - Not Found') >= 0:
-    msg = "404 - Not Found: Flowcell (%s); base_host_url (%s);\n full url(%s)\n " \
-          "Did you get right port #?" % (flowcell, base_host_url, url)
-    raise FlowCellNotFound, msg
-  f.write(data)
-  web.close()
-  f.close()
-'Wrote config file to %s' % (output_filepath,))
diff --git a/htsworkflow/pipeline/ b/htsworkflow/pipeline/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 39dc54c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,478 +0,0 @@
-import glob
-import re
-import os
-import sys
-import time
-import threading
-s_comment = re.compile('^#')
-s_general_read_len = re.compile('^READ_LENGTH ')
-s_read_len = re.compile('^[1-8]+:READ_LENGTH ')
-s_firecrest = None
-def _four_digit_num_in_string(num):
-  if num < 0:
-    pass
-  elif num < 10:
-    return '000' + str(num)
-  elif num < 100:
-    return '00' + str(num)
-  elif num < 1000:
-    return '0' + str(num)
-  elif num < 10000:
-    return str(num)
-  msg = 'Invalid number: %s' % (num)
-  raise ValueError, msg
-def _two_digit_num_in_string(num):
-  if num < 0:
-    pass
-  elif num < 10:
-    return '0' + str(num)
-  elif num < 100:
-    return str(num)
-  msg = 'Invalid number: %s' % (num)
-  raise ValueError, msg
-# _p2f(<pattern>, lane, tile, cycle)
-PATTERN_FIRECREST_QCM = 's_%s_%s_%s_qcm.xml'
-# _p2f(<pattern>, lane, tile)
-PATTERN_FIRECREST_INT = 's_%s_%s_02_int.txt'
-PATTERN_FIRECREST_NSE = 's_%s_%s_nse.txt.gz'
-PATTERN_FIRECREST_POS = 's_%s_%s_pos.txt'
-PATTERN_FIRECREST_IDX = 's_%s_%s_idx.txt'
-PATTERN_FIRECREST_CLU1 = 's_%s_%s_01_1_clu.txt'
-PATTERN_FIRECREST_CLU2 = 's_%s_%s_01_2_clu.txt'
-PATTERN_FIRECREST_CLU3 = 's_%s_%s_01_3_clu.txt'
-PATTERN_FIRECREST_CLU4 = 's_%s_%s_01_4_clu.txt'
-# _p2f(<pattern>, lane, tile)
-PATTERN_BUSTARD_SIG2 = 's_%s_%s_sig2.txt'
-PATTERN_BUSTARD_PRB = 's_%s_%s_prb.txt'
-# _p2f(<pattern>, lane, tile)
-PATTERN_GERALD_ALLTMP = 's_%s_%s_all.txt.tmp'
-PATTERN_GERALD_QRAWTMP = 's_%s_%s_qraw.txt.tmp'
-PATTERN_GERALD_ALLPNGTMP = 's_%s_%s_all.tmp.png'
-PATTERN_GERALD_ALIGNTMP = 's_%s_%s_align.txt.tmp'
-PATTERN_GERALD_QVALTMP = 's_%s_%s_qval.txt.tmp'
-PATTERN_GERALD_SCORETMP = 's_%s_%s_score.txt.tmp'
-PATTERN_GERALD_PREALIGNTMP = 's_%s_%s_prealign.txt.tmp'
-PATTERN_GERALD_REALIGNTMP = 's_%s_%s_realign.txt.tmp'
-PATTERN_GERALD_RESCORETMP = 's_%s_%s_rescore.txt.tmp'
-PATTERN_GERALD_RESCOREPNG = 's_%s_%s_rescore.png'
-PATTERN_GERALD_ERRORSTMPPNG = 's_%s_%s_errors.tmp.png'
-PATTERN_GERALD_QCALTMP = 's_%s_%s_qcal.txt.tmp'
-PATTERN_GERALD_QVAL = 's_%s_%s_qval.txt'
-# _p2f(<pattern>, lane)
-PATTERN_GERALD_SEQPRETMP = 's_%s_seqpre.txt.tmp'
-PATTERN_GERALD_RESULTTMP = 's_%s_eland_result.txt.tmp'
-PATTERN_GERALD_SIGMEANSTMP = 's_%s_Signal_Means.txt.tmp'
-PATTERN_GERALD_CALLPNG = 's_%s_call.png'
-PATTERN_GERALD_ALLPNG = 's_%s_all.png'
-PATTERN_GERALD_PERCENTALLPNG = 's_%s_percent_all.png'
-PATTERN_GERALD_PERCENTCALLPNG = 's_%s_percent_call.png'
-PATTERN_GERALD_PERCENTBASEPNG = 's_%s_percent_base.png'
-PATTERN_GERALD_FILTTMP = 's_%s_filt.txt.tmp'
-PATTERN_GERALD_FRAGTMP = 's_%s_frag.txt.tmp'
-PATTERN_GERALD_QREPORTTMP = 's_%s_qreport.txt.tmp'
-PATTERN_GERALD_QTABLETMP = 's_%s_qtable.txt.tmp'
-PATTERN_GERALD_QCALREPORTTMP = 's_%s_qcalreport.txt.tmp'
-PATTERN_GERALD_SEQUENCETMP = 's_%s_sequence.txt.tmp'
-PATTERN_GERALD_LANEFINISHED = 's_%s_finished.txt'
-def _p2f(pattern, lane, tile=None, cycle=None):
-  """
-  Converts a pattern plus info into file names
-  """
-  # lane, and cycle provided (INVALID)
-  if tile is None and cycle is not None:
-    msg = "Handling of cycle without tile is not currently implemented."
-    raise ValueError, msg
-  # lane, tile, cycle provided
-  elif cycle:
-    return pattern % (lane,
-                      _four_digit_num_in_string(tile),
-                      _two_digit_num_in_string(cycle))
-  # lane, tile provided
-  elif tile:
-    return pattern % (lane, _four_digit_num_in_string(tile))
-  # lane provided
-  else:
-    return pattern % (lane)
-class GARunStatus(object):
-  def __init__(self, conf_filepath):
-    """
-    Given an eland config file in the top level directory
-    of a run, predicts the files that will be generated
-    during a run and provides methods for retrieving
-    (completed, total) for each step or entire run.
-    """
-    #print 'self._conf_filepath = %s' % (conf_filepath)
-    self._conf_filepath = conf_filepath
-    self._base_dir, junk = os.path.split(conf_filepath)
-    self._image_dir = os.path.join(self._base_dir, 'Images')
-    self.lanes = []
-    self.lane_read_length = {}
-    self.tiles = None
-    self.cycles = None
-    self.status = {}
-    self.status['firecrest'] = {}
-    self.status['bustard'] = {}
-    self.status['gerald'] = {}
-    self._process_config()
-    self._count_tiles()
-    self._count_cycles()
-    self._generate_expected()
-  def _process_config(self):
-    """
-    Grabs info from self._conf_filepath
-    """
-    f = open(self._conf_filepath, 'r')
-    for line in f:
-      #Skip comment lines for now.
-      if
-        continue
-      mo =
-      if mo:
-        read_length = int(line[mo.end():])
-        #Handle general READ_LENGTH
-        for i in range(1,9):
-          self.lane_read_length[i] = read_length
-      mo =
-      if mo:
-        read_length = int(line[mo.end():])
-        lanes, junk = line.split(':')
-        #Convert lanes from string of lanes to list of lane #s.
-        lanes = [ int(i) for i in lanes ]
-        for lane in lanes:
-          #Keep track of which lanes are being run.
-          if lane not in self.lanes:
-            self.lanes.append(lane)
-          #Update with lane specific read lengths
-          self.lane_read_length[lane] = read_length
-        self.lanes.sort()
-  def _count_tiles(self):
-    """
-    Count the number of tiles being used
-    """
-    self.tiles = len(glob.glob(os.path.join(self._image_dir,
-                                            'L001',
-                                            'C1.1',
-                                            's_1_*_a.tif')))
-  def _count_cycles(self):
-    """
-    Figures out the number of cycles that are available
-    """
-    #print 'self._image_dir = %s' % (self._image_dir)
-    cycle_dirs = glob.glob(os.path.join(self._image_dir, 'L001', 'C*.1'))
-    #print 'cycle_dirs = %s' % (cycle_dirs)
-    cycle_list = []
-    for cycle_dir in cycle_dirs:
-      junk, c = os.path.split(cycle_dir)
-      cycle_list.append(int(c[1:c.find('.')]))
-    self.cycles = max(cycle_list)
-  def _generate_expected(self):
-    """
-    generates a list of files we expect to find.
-    """
-    firecrest = self.status['firecrest']
-    bustard = self.status['bustard']
-    gerald = self.status['gerald']
-    for lane in self.lanes:
-      for tile in range(1,self.tiles+1):
-        for cycle in range(1, self.cycles+1):
-          ##########################
-          # LANE, TILE, CYCLE LAYER
-          # FIRECREST
-          firecrest[_p2f(PATTERN_FIRECREST_QCM, lane, tile, cycle)] = False
-        ###################
-        # LANE, TILE LAYER
-        # FIRECREST
-        firecrest[_p2f(PATTERN_FIRECREST_INT, lane, tile)] = False
-        firecrest[_p2f(PATTERN_FIRECREST_NSE, lane, tile)] = False
-        firecrest[_p2f(PATTERN_FIRECREST_POS, lane, tile)] = False
-        firecrest[_p2f(PATTERN_FIRECREST_IDX, lane, tile)] = False
-        firecrest[_p2f(PATTERN_FIRECREST_CLU1, lane, tile)] = False
-        firecrest[_p2f(PATTERN_FIRECREST_CLU2, lane, tile)] = False
-        firecrest[_p2f(PATTERN_FIRECREST_CLU3, lane, tile)] = False
-        firecrest[_p2f(PATTERN_FIRECREST_CLU4, lane, tile)] = False
-        # BUSTARD
-        bustard[_p2f(PATTERN_BUSTARD_SIG2, lane, tile)] = False
-        bustard[_p2f(PATTERN_BUSTARD_PRB, lane, tile)] = False
-        # GERALD
-        #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_ALLTMP, lane, tile)] = False
-        #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_QRAWTMP, lane, tile)] = False
-        #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_ALLPNGTMP, lane, tile)] = False
-        #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_ALIGNTMP, lane, tile)] = False
-        #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_QVALTMP, lane, tile)] = False
-        #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_SCORETMP, lane, tile)] = False
-        #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_PREALIGNTMP, lane, tile)] = False
-        #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_REALIGNTMP, lane, tile)] = False
-        #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_RESCORETMP, lane, tile)] = False
-        gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_RESCOREPNG, lane, tile)] = False
-        #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_ERRORSTMPPNG, lane, tile)] = False
-        #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_QCALTMP, lane, tile)] = False
-        #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_QVAL, lane, tile)] = False
-      ###################
-      # LANE LAYER
-      # GERALD
-      #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_SEQPRETMP, lane)] = False
-      #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_RESULTTMP, lane)] = False
-      #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_SIGMEANSTMP, lane)] = False
-      gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_CALLPNG, lane)] = False
-      gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_ALLPNG, lane)] = False
-      gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_PERCENTALLPNG, lane)] = False
-      gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_PERCENTCALLPNG, lane)] = False
-      gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_PERCENTBASEPNG, lane)] = False
-      #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_FILTTMP, lane)] = False
-      #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_FRAGTMP, lane)] = False
-      #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_QREPORTTMP, lane)] = False
-      #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_QTABLETMP, lane)] = False
-      #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_QCALREPORTTMP, lane)] = False
-      #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_SEQUENCETMP, lane)] = False
-      gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_LANEFINISHED, lane)] = False
-    #################
-    firecrest['offsets_finished.txt'] = False
-    firecrest['finished.txt'] = False
-    # BUSTARD
-    bustard['finished.txt'] = False
-    # GERALD
-    gerald['tiles.txt'] = False
-    gerald['FullAll.htm'] = False
-    #gerald['All.htm.tmp'] = False
-    #gerald['Signal_Means.txt.tmp'] = False
-    #gerald['plotIntensity_for_IVC'] = False
-    #gerald['IVC.htm.tmp'] = False
-    gerald['FullError.htm'] = False
-    gerald['FullPerfect.htm'] = False
-    #gerald['Error.htm.tmp'] = False
-    #gerald['Perfect.htm.tmp'] = False
-    #gerald['Summary.htm.tmp'] = False
-    #gerald['Tile.htm.tmp'] = False
-    gerald['finished.txt'] = False
-  def statusFirecrest(self):
-    """
-    returns (<completed>, <total>)
-    """
-    firecrest = self.status['firecrest']
-    total = len(firecrest)
-    completed = firecrest.values().count(True)
-    return (completed, total)
-  def statusBustard(self):
-    """
-    returns (<completed>, <total>)
-    """
-    bustard = self.status['bustard']
-    total = len(bustard)
-    completed = bustard.values().count(True)
-    return (completed, total)
-  def statusGerald(self):
-    """
-    returns (<completed>, <total>)
-    """
-    gerald = self.status['gerald']
-    total = len(gerald)
-    completed = gerald.values().count(True)
-    return (completed, total)
-  def statusTotal(self):
-    """
-    returns (<completed>, <total>)
-    """
-    #f = firecrest  c = completed
-    #b = bustard    t = total
-    #g = gerald
-    fc, ft = self.statusFirecrest()
-    bc, bt = self.statusBustard()
-    gc, gt = self.statusGerald()
-    return (fc+bc+gc, ft+bt+gt)
-  def statusReport(self):
-    """
-    Generate the basic percent complete report
-    """
-    def _percentCompleted(completed, total):
-      """
-      Returns precent completed as float
-      """
-      return (completed / float(total)) * 100
-    fc, ft = self.statusFirecrest()
-    bc, bt = self.statusBustard()
-    gc, gt = self.statusGerald()
-    tc, tt = self.statusTotal()
-    fp = _percentCompleted(fc, ft)
-    bp = _percentCompleted(bc, bt)
-    gp = _percentCompleted(gc, gt)
-    tp = _percentCompleted(tc, tt)
-    report = ['Firecrest: %s%% (%s/%s)' % (fp, fc, ft),
-              '  Bustard: %s%% (%s/%s)' % (bp, bc, bt),
-              '   Gerald: %s%% (%s/%s)' % (gp, gc, gt),
-              '-----------------------',
-              '    Total: %s%% (%s/%s)' % (tp, tc, tt),
-             ]
-    return report
-  def updateFirecrest(self, filename):
-    """
-    Marks firecrest filename as being completed.
-    """
-    self.status['firecrest'][filename] = True
-  def updateBustard(self, filename):
-    """
-    Marks bustard filename as being completed.
-    """
-    self.status['bustard'][filename] = True
-  def updateGerald(self, filename):
-    """
-    Marks gerald filename as being completed.
-    """
-    self.status['gerald'][filename] = True
-# Functions to be called by Thread(target=<func>)
-def _cmdLineStatusMonitorFunc(conf_info):
-  """
-  Given a ConfigInfo object, provides status to stdout.
-  You should probably use startCmdLineStatusMonitor()
-  instead of ths function.
-  Use with:
-    t = threading.Thread(target=_cmdLineStatusMonitorFunc,
-                         args=[conf_info])
-    t.setDaemon(True)
-    t.start()
-  """
-  while 1:
-    if conf_info.status is None:
-      print "No status object yet."
-      time.sleep(SLEEP_AMOUNT)
-      continue
-    report = conf_info.status.statusReport()
-    print os.linesep.join(report)
-    print
-    time.sleep(SLEEP_AMOUNT)
-# Start monitor thread convenience functions
-def startCmdLineStatusMonitor(conf_info):
-  """
-  Starts a command line status monitor given a conf_info object.
-  """
-  t = threading.Thread(target=_cmdLineStatusMonitorFunc, args=[conf_info])
-  t.setDaemon(True)
-  t.start()
-from optparse import OptionParser
-def make_parser():
-  usage = "%prog: config file"
-  parser = OptionParser()
-  return parser
-def main(cmdline=None):
-  parser = make_parser()
-  opt, args = parser.parse_args(cmdline)
-  if len(args) != 1:
-    parser.error("need name of configuration file")
-  status = GARunStatus(args[0])
-  print os.linesep.join(status.statusReport())
-  return 0
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-  sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))
diff --git a/htsworkflow/pipeline/ b/htsworkflow/pipeline/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 492d103..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
-Core information needed to inspect a runfolder.
-from glob import glob
-import logging
-import os
-import re
-import shutil
-import stat
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import time
-  from xml.etree import ElementTree
-except ImportError, e:
-  from elementtree import ElementTree
-EUROPEAN_DATE_RE = "([0-9]{1,2}-[0-9]{1,2}-[0-9]{4,4})"
-VERSION_RE = "([0-9\.]+)"
-USER_RE = "([a-zA-Z0-9]+)"
-from htsworkflow.util.alphanum import alphanum
-from htsworkflow.util.ethelp import indent, flatten
-class PipelineRun(object):
-    """
-    Capture "interesting" information about a pipeline run
-    """
-    XML_VERSION = 1
-    PIPELINE_RUN = 'PipelineRun'
-    FLOWCELL_ID = 'FlowcellID'
-    def __init__(self, pathname=None, firecrest=None, bustard=None, gerald=None, xml=None):
-        if pathname is not None:
-          self.pathname = os.path.normpath(pathname)
-        else:
-          self.pathname = None
-        self._name = None
-        self._flowcell_id = None
-        self.firecrest = firecrest
-        self.bustard = bustard
-        self.gerald = gerald
-        if xml is not None:
-          self.set_elements(xml)
-    def _get_flowcell_id(self):
-        # extract flowcell ID
-        if self._flowcell_id is None:
-          config_dir = os.path.join(self.pathname, 'Config')
-          flowcell_id_path = os.path.join(config_dir, 'FlowcellId.xml')
-         if os.path.exists(flowcell_id_path):
-            flowcell_id_tree = ElementTree.parse(flowcell_id_path)
-            self._flowcell_id = flowcell_id_tree.findtext('Text')
-         else:
-            path_fields = self.pathname.split('_')
-            if len(path_fields) > 0:
-              # guessing last element of filename
-              flowcell_id = path_fields[-1]
-            else:
-              flowcell_id = 'unknown'
-           logging.warning(
-             "Flowcell id was not found, guessing %s" % (
-                flowcell_id))
-           self._flowcell_id = flowcell_id
-        return self._flowcell_id
-    flowcell_id = property(_get_flowcell_id)
-    def get_elements(self):
-        """
-        make one master xml file from all of our sub-components.
-        """
-        root = ElementTree.Element(PipelineRun.PIPELINE_RUN)
-        flowcell = ElementTree.SubElement(root, PipelineRun.FLOWCELL_ID)
-        flowcell.text = self.flowcell_id
-        root.append(self.firecrest.get_elements())
-        root.append(self.bustard.get_elements())
-        root.append(self.gerald.get_elements())
-        return root
-    def set_elements(self, tree):
-        # this file gets imported by all the others,
-        # so we need to hide the imports to avoid a cyclic imports
-        from htsworkflow.pipeline import firecrest
-        from htsworkflow.pipeline import bustard
-        from htsworkflow.pipeline import gerald
-        tag = tree.tag.lower()
-        if tag != PipelineRun.PIPELINE_RUN.lower():
-          raise ValueError('Pipeline Run Expecting %s got %s' % (
-              PipelineRun.PIPELINE_RUN, tag))
-        for element in tree:
-          tag = element.tag.lower()
-          if tag == PipelineRun.FLOWCELL_ID.lower():
-            self._flowcell_id = element.text
-          #ok the xword.Xword.XWORD pattern for module.class.constant is lame
-          elif tag == firecrest.Firecrest.FIRECREST.lower():
-            self.firecrest = firecrest.Firecrest(xml=element)
-          elif tag == bustard.Bustard.BUSTARD.lower():
-            self.bustard = bustard.Bustard(xml=element)
-          elif tag == gerald.Gerald.GERALD.lower():
-            self.gerald = gerald.Gerald(xml=element)
-          else:
-            logging.warn('PipelineRun unrecognized tag %s' % (tag,))
-    def _get_run_name(self):
-        """
-        Given a run tuple, find the latest date and use that as our name
-        """
-        if self._name is None:
-          tmax = max(self.firecrest.time, self.bustard.time, self.gerald.time)
-          timestamp = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime(tmax))
-          self._name = 'run_'+self.flowcell_id+"_"+timestamp+'.xml'
-        return self._name
-    name = property(_get_run_name)
-    def save(self, destdir=None):
-        if destdir is None:
-            destdir = ''
-"Saving run report "+
-        xml = self.get_elements()
-        indent(xml)
-        dest_pathname = os.path.join(destdir,
-        ElementTree.ElementTree(xml).write(dest_pathname)
-    def load(self, filename):
-"Loading run report from " + filename)
-        tree = ElementTree.parse(filename).getroot()
-        self.set_elements(tree)
-def get_runs(runfolder):
-    """
-    Search through a run folder for all the various sub component runs
-    and then return a PipelineRun for each different combination.
-    For example if there are two different GERALD runs, this will
-    generate two different PipelineRun objects, that differ
-    in there gerald component.
-    """
-    from htsworkflow.pipeline import firecrest
-    from htsworkflow.pipeline import bustard
-    from htsworkflow.pipeline import gerald
-    datadir = os.path.join(runfolder, 'Data')
-'Searching for runs in ' + datadir)
-    runs = []
-    for firecrest_pathname in glob(os.path.join(datadir,"*Firecrest*")):
-        f = firecrest.firecrest(firecrest_pathname)
-        bustard_glob = os.path.join(firecrest_pathname, "Bustard*")
-        for bustard_pathname in glob(bustard_glob):
-            b = bustard.bustard(bustard_pathname)
-            gerald_glob = os.path.join(bustard_pathname, 'GERALD*')
-            for gerald_pathname in glob(gerald_glob):
-                try:
-                    g = gerald.gerald(gerald_pathname)
-                    runs.append(PipelineRun(runfolder, f, b, g))
-                except IOError, e:
-                    print "Ignoring", str(e)
-    return runs
-def extract_run_parameters(runs):
-    """
-    Search through runfolder_path for various runs and grab their parameters
-    """
-    for run in runs:
-def summarize_mapped_reads(mapped_reads):
-    """
-    Summarize per chromosome reads into a genome count
-    But handle spike-in/contamination symlinks seperately.
-    """
-    summarized_reads = {}
-    genome_reads = 0
-    genome = 'unknown'
-    for k, v in mapped_reads.items():
-        path, k = os.path.split(k)
-        if len(path) > 0:
-            genome = path
-            genome_reads += v
-        else:
-            summarized_reads[k] = summarized_reads.setdefault(k, 0) + v
-    summarized_reads[genome] = genome_reads
-    return summarized_reads
-def summary_report(runs):
-    """
-    Summarize cluster numbers and mapped read counts for a runfolder
-    """
-    report = []
-    for run in runs:
-        # print a run name?
-        report.append('Summary for %s' % (,))
-       # sort the report
-       eland_keys = run.gerald.eland_results.results.keys()
-       eland_keys.sort(alphanum)
-        lane_results = run.gerald.summary.lane_results
-       for lane_id in eland_keys:
-           result = run.gerald.eland_results.results[lane_id]
-            report.append("Sample name %s" % (result.sample_name))
-            report.append("Lane id %s" % (result.lane_id,))
-            cluster = lane_results[result.lane_id].cluster
-            report.append("Clusters %d +/- %d" % (cluster[0], cluster[1]))
-            report.append("Total Reads: %d" % (result.reads))
-            mc = result._match_codes
-            nm = mc['NM']
-            nm_percent = float(nm)/result.reads  * 100
-            qc = mc['QC']
-            qc_percent = float(qc)/result.reads * 100
-           report.append("No Match: %d (%2.2g %%)" % (nm, nm_percent))
-           report.append("QC Failed: %d (%2.2g %%)" % (qc, qc_percent))
-            report.append('Unique (0,1,2 mismatches) %d %d %d' % \
-                          (mc['U0'], mc['U1'], mc['U2']))
-            report.append('Repeat (0,1,2 mismatches) %d %d %d' % \
-                          (mc['R0'], mc['R1'], mc['R2']))
-            report.append("Mapped Reads")
-            mapped_reads = summarize_mapped_reads(result.mapped_reads)
-            for name, counts in mapped_reads.items():
-              report.append("  %s: %d" % (name, counts))
-            report.append('---')
-            report.append('')
-        return os.linesep.join(report)
-def extract_results(runs, output_base_dir=None):
-    if output_base_dir is None:
-        output_base_dir = os.getcwd()
-    for r in runs:
-      result_dir = os.path.join(output_base_dir, r.flowcell_id)
-"Using %s as result directory" % (result_dir,))
-      if not os.path.exists(result_dir):
-        os.mkdir(result_dir)
-      # create cycle_dir
-      cycle = "C%d-%d" % (r.firecrest.start, r.firecrest.stop)
-"Filling in %s" % (cycle,))
-      cycle_dir = os.path.join(result_dir, cycle)
-      if os.path.exists(cycle_dir):
-        logging.error("%s already exists, not overwriting" % (cycle_dir,))
-        continue
-      else:
-        os.mkdir(cycle_dir)
-      # copy stuff out of the main run
-      g = r.gerald
-      # save run file
-      # Copy Summary.htm
-      summary_path = os.path.join(r.gerald.pathname, 'Summary.htm')
-      if os.path.exists(summary_path):
-'Copying %s to %s' % (summary_path, cycle_dir))
-          shutil.copy(summary_path, cycle_dir)
-      else:
-'Summary file %s was not found' % (summary_path,))
-      # tar score files
-      score_files = []
-      for f in os.listdir(g.pathname):
-          if re.match('.*_score.txt', f):
-              score_files.append(f)
-      tar_cmd = ['/bin/tar', 'c'] + score_files
-      bzip_cmd = [ 'bzip2', '-9', '-c' ]
-      tar_dest_name =os.path.join(cycle_dir, 'scores.tar.bz2')
-      tar_dest = open(tar_dest_name, 'w')
-"Compressing score files in %s" % (g.pathname,))
-"Running tar: " + " ".join(tar_cmd[:10]))
-"Running bzip2: " + " ".join(bzip_cmd))
-"Writing to %s" %(tar_dest_name))
-      tar = subprocess.Popen(tar_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False, cwd=g.pathname)
-      bzip = subprocess.Popen(bzip_cmd, stdin=tar.stdout, stdout=tar_dest)
-      tar.wait()
-      # copy & bzip eland files
-      for eland_lane in g.eland_results.values():
-          source_name = eland_lane.pathname
-          path, name = os.path.split(eland_lane.pathname)
-          dest_name = os.path.join(cycle_dir, name+'.bz2')
-          args = ['bzip2', '-9', '-c', source_name]
-'Running: %s' % ( " ".join(args) ))
-          bzip_dest = open(dest_name, 'w')
-          bzip = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=bzip_dest)
-'Saving to %s' % (dest_name, ))
-          bzip.wait()
-def clean_runs(runs):
-    """
-    Clean up run folders to optimize for compression.
-    """
-    # TODO: implement this.
-    # rm RunLog*.xml
-    # rm pipeline_*.txt
-    # rm gclog.txt
-    # rm NetCopy.log
-    # rm nfn.log
-    # rm Images/L*
-    # cd Data/C1-*_Firecrest*
-    # make clean_intermediate
-    pass
diff --git a/htsworkflow/pipeline/test/ b/htsworkflow/pipeline/test/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 8916965..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-import unittest
-from StringIO import StringIO
-from htsworkflow.pipeline import genome_mapper
-class testGenomeMapper(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_construct_mapper(self):
-        genomes = {
-        'Arabidopsis thaliana': {'v01212004': '/arabidopsis'},
-        'Homo sapiens': {'hg18': '/hg18'},
-        'Mus musculus': {'mm8': '/mm8',
-                        'mm9': '/mm9',
-                        'mm10': '/mm10'},
-        'Phage': {'174': '/phi'},
-        }
-        genome_map = genome_mapper.constructMapperDict(genomes)
-        self.failUnlessEqual("%(Mus musculus|mm8)s" % (genome_map), "/mm8")
-        self.failUnlessEqual("%(Phage|174)s" % (genome_map), "/phi")
-        self.failUnlessEqual("%(Mus musculus)s" % (genome_map), "/mm10")
-        self.failUnlessEqual("%(Mus musculus|mm8)s" % (genome_map), "/mm8")
-        self.failUnlessEqual("%(Mus musculus|mm10)s" % (genome_map), "/mm10")
-        self.failUnlessEqual(len(genome_map.keys()), 6)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(len(genome_map.values()), 6)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(len(genome_map.items()), 6)
-def suite():
-    return unittest.makeSuite(testGenomeMapper,'test')
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    unittest.main(defaultTest="suite")
diff --git a/htsworkflow/pipeline/test/ b/htsworkflow/pipeline/test/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 74247a6..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,601 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from datetime import datetime, date
-import os
-import tempfile
-import shutil
-import unittest
-from htsworkflow.pipeline import firecrest
-from htsworkflow.pipeline import bustard
-from htsworkflow.pipeline import gerald
-from htsworkflow.pipeline import runfolder
-from htsworkflow.pipeline.runfolder import ElementTree
-def make_flowcell_id(runfolder_dir, flowcell_id=None):
-    if flowcell_id is None:
-        flowcell_id = '207BTAAXY'
-    config = """<?xml version="1.0"?>
-  <Text>%s</Text>
-</FlowcellId>""" % (flowcell_id,)
-    config_dir = os.path.join(runfolder_dir, 'Config')
-    if not os.path.exists(config_dir):
-        os.mkdir(config_dir)
-    pathname = os.path.join(config_dir, 'FlowcellId.xml')
-    f = open(pathname,'w')
-    f.write(config)
-    f.close()
-def make_matrix(matrix_dir):
-    contents = """# Auto-generated frequency response matrix
-> A
-> C
-> G
-> T
-0.77 0.15 -0.04 -0.04 
-0.76 1.02 -0.05 -0.06 
--0.10 -0.10 1.17 -0.03 
--0.13 -0.12 0.80 1.27 
-    s_matrix = os.path.join(matrix_dir, 's_matrix.txt')
-    f = open(s_matrix, 'w')
-    f.write(contents)
-    f.close()
-def make_phasing_params(bustard_dir):
-    for lane in range(1,9):
-        pathname = os.path.join(bustard_dir, 'params%d.xml' % (lane))
-        f = open(pathname, 'w')
-        f.write("""<Parameters>
-  <Phasing>0.009900</Phasing>
-  <Prephasing>0.003500</Prephasing>
-        f.close()
-def make_gerald_config(gerald_dir):
-    config_xml = """<RunParameters>
-  <ELAND_GENOME>Need_to_specify_ELAND_genome_directory</ELAND_GENOME>
-  <EMAIL_SERVER>localhost:25</EMAIL_SERVER>
-  <EXPT_DIR>/home/diane/gec/080416_HWI-EAS229_0024_207BTAAXX/Data/C1-33_Firecrest1.8.28_19-04-2008_diane/Bustard1.8.28_19-04-2008_diane</EXPT_DIR>
-  <EXPT_DIR_ROOT>/home/diane/gec</EXPT_DIR_ROOT>
-  <GENOME_DIR>/home/diane/proj/SolexaPipeline-</GENOME_DIR>
-  <GENOME_FILE>Need_to_specify_genome_file_name</GENOME_FILE>
-  <OUT_DIR>/home/diane/gec/080416_HWI-EAS229_0024_207BTAAXX/Data/C1-33_Firecrest1.8.28_19-04-2008_diane/Bustard1.8.28_19-04-2008_diane/GERALD_19-04-2008_diane</OUT_DIR>
-  <QF_PARAMS>'((CHASTITY&gt;=0.6))'</QF_PARAMS>
-  <SOFTWARE_VERSION>@(#) Id:,v 2007/06/13 11:08:49 km Exp</SOFTWARE_VERSION>
-  <TILE_REGEX>s_[1-8]_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]</TILE_REGEX>
-  <TIME_STAMP>Sat Apr 19 19:08:30 2008</TIME_STAMP>
-  <TOOLS_DIR>/home/diane/proj/SolexaPipeline-</TOOLS_DIR>
-    <s_1>eland</s_1>
-    <s_2>eland</s_2>
-    <s_3>eland</s_3>
-    <s_4>eland</s_4>
-    <s_5>eland</s_5>
-    <s_6>eland</s_6>
-    <s_7>eland</s_7>
-    <s_8>eland</s_8>
-    <s_1>/g/dm3</s_1>
-    <s_2>/g/equcab1</s_2>
-    <s_3>/g/equcab1</s_3>
-    <s_4>/g/canfam2</s_4>
-    <s_5>/g/hg18</s_5>
-    <s_6>/g/hg18</s_6>
-    <s_7>/g/hg18</s_7>
-    <s_8>/g/hg18</s_8>
-    <s_1>32</s_1>
-    <s_2>32</s_2>
-    <s_3>32</s_3>
-    <s_4>32</s_4>
-    <s_5>32</s_5>
-    <s_6>32</s_6>
-    <s_7>32</s_7>
-    <s_8>32</s_8>
-    pathname = os.path.join(gerald_dir, 'config.xml')
-    f = open(pathname,'w')
-    f.write(config_xml)
-    f.close()
-def make_summary_htm(gerald_dir):
-    summary_htm = """<!--RUN_TIME Mon Apr 21 11:52:25 2008 -->
-<!--SOFTWARE_VERSION @(#) $Id:,v 1.31 2007/03/05 17:52:15 km Exp $-->
-<a name="Top"><h2><title>080416_HWI-EAS229_0024_207BTAAXX Summary</title></h2></a>
-<h1>Summary Information For Experiment 080416_HWI-EAS229_0024_207BTAAXX on Machine HWI-EAS229</h1>
-<h2><br></br>Chip Summary<br></br></h2>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
-<tr><td>Run Folder</td><td>080416_HWI-EAS229_0024_207BTAAXX</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Chip ID</td><td>unknown</td></tr>
-<h2><br></br>Lane Parameter Summary<br></br></h2>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
-<td>Sample ID</td>
-<td>Sample Target</td>
-<td>Sample Type</td>
-<td><a href="#Lane1">Lane 1</a></td>
-<td><a href="#Lane2">Lane 2</a></td>
-<td><a href="#Lane3">Lane 3</a></td>
-<td><a href="#Lane4">Lane 4</a></td>
-<td><a href="#Lane5">Lane 5</a></td>
-<td><a href="#Lane6">Lane 6</a></td>
-<td><a href="#Lane7">Lane 7</a></td>
-<td><a href="#Lane8">Lane 8</a></td>
-<h2><br></br>Lane Results Summary<br></br></h2>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
-<td>Lane </td>
-<td>Clusters </td>
-<td>Av 1st Cycle Int </td>
-<td>% intensity after 20 cycles </td>
-<td>% PF Clusters </td>
-<td>% Align (PF) </td>
-<td>Av Alignment Score (PF) </td>
-<td> % Error Rate (PF) </td>
-<td>17421 +/- 2139</td>
-<td>7230 +/- 801</td>
-<td>23.73 +/- 10.79</td>
-<td>13.00 +/- 22.91</td>
-<td>32.03 +/- 18.45</td>
-<td>6703.57 +/- 3753.85</td>
-<td>4.55 +/- 4.81</td>
-<td>20311 +/- 2402</td>
-<td>7660 +/- 678</td>
-<td>17.03 +/- 4.40</td>
-<td>40.74 +/- 30.33</td>
-<td>29.54 +/- 9.03</td>
-<td>5184.02 +/- 1631.54</td>
-<td>3.27 +/- 3.94</td>
-<td>20193 +/- 2399</td>
-<td>7700 +/- 797</td>
-<td>15.75 +/- 3.30</td>
-<td>56.56 +/- 17.16</td>
-<td>27.33 +/- 7.48</td>
-<td>4803.49 +/- 1313.31</td>
-<td>3.07 +/- 2.86</td>
-<td>15537 +/- 2531</td>
-<td>7620 +/- 1392</td>
-<td>15.37 +/- 3.79</td>
-<td>63.05 +/- 18.30</td>
-<td>15.88 +/- 4.99</td>
-<td>3162.13 +/- 962.59</td>
-<td>3.11 +/- 2.22</td>
-<td>32047 +/- 3356</td>
-<td>8093 +/- 831</td>
-<td>23.79 +/- 6.18</td>
-<td>53.36 +/- 18.06</td>
-<td>48.04 +/- 13.77</td>
-<td>9866.23 +/- 2877.30</td>
-<td>2.26 +/- 1.16</td>
-<td>32946 +/- 4753</td>
-<td>8227 +/- 736</td>
-<td>24.07 +/- 4.69</td>
-<td>54.65 +/- 12.57</td>
-<td>50.98 +/- 10.54</td>
-<td>10468.86 +/- 2228.53</td>
-<td>2.21 +/- 2.33</td>
-<td>39504 +/- 4171</td>
-<td>8401 +/- 785</td>
-<td>22.55 +/- 4.56</td>
-<td>45.22 +/- 10.34</td>
-<td>48.41 +/- 9.67</td>
-<td>9829.40 +/- 1993.20</td>
-<td>2.26 +/- 1.11</td>
-<td>37998 +/- 3792</td>
-<td>8443 +/- 1211</td>
-<td>39.03 +/- 7.52</td>
-<td>42.16 +/- 12.35</td>
-<td>40.98 +/- 14.89</td>
-<td>8128.87 +/- 3055.34</td>
-<td>3.57 +/- 2.77</td>
-    pathname = os.path.join(gerald_dir, 'Summary.htm')
-    f = open(pathname, 'w')
-    f.write(summary_htm)
-    f.close()
-def make_eland_results(gerald_dir):
-    eland_result = """>HWI-EAS229_24_207BTAAXX:1:7:599:759    ACATAGNCACAGACATAAACATAGACATAGAC U0      1       1       3       chrUextra.fa    28189829        R       D.
->HWI-EAS229_24_207BTAAXX:1:7:205:842    AAACAANNCTCCCAAACACGTAAACTGGAAAA  U1      0       1       0       chr2L.fa        8796855 R       DD      24T
->HWI-EAS229_24_207BTAAXX:1:7:776:582    AGCTCANCCGATCGAAAACCTCNCCAAGCAAT        NM      0       0       0
->HWI-EAS229_24_207BTAAXX:1:7:205:842    AAACAANNCTCCCAAACACGTAAACTGGAAAA        U1      0       1       0       Lambda.fa        8796855 R       DD      24T
-    for i in range(1,9):
-        pathname = os.path.join(gerald_dir, 
-                                's_%d_eland_result.txt' % (i,))
-        f = open(pathname, 'w')
-        f.write(eland_result)
-        f.close()
-class RunfolderTests(unittest.TestCase):
-    """
-    Test components of the runfolder processing code
-    which includes firecrest, bustard, and gerald
-    """
-    def setUp(self):
-        # make a fake runfolder directory
-        self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='tmp_runfolder_')
-        self.runfolder_dir = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 
-                                          '080102_HWI-EAS229_0010_207BTAAXX')
-        os.mkdir(self.runfolder_dir)
-        self.data_dir = os.path.join(self.runfolder_dir, 'Data')
-        os.mkdir(self.data_dir)
-        self.firecrest_dir = os.path.join(self.data_dir, 
-                               'C1-33_Firecrest1.8.28_12-04-2008_diane'
-                             )
-        os.mkdir(self.firecrest_dir)
-        self.matrix_dir = os.path.join(self.firecrest_dir, 'Matrix')
-        os.mkdir(self.matrix_dir)
-        make_matrix(self.matrix_dir)
-        self.bustard_dir = os.path.join(self.firecrest_dir, 
-                                        'Bustard1.8.28_12-04-2008_diane')
-        os.mkdir(self.bustard_dir)
-        make_phasing_params(self.bustard_dir)
-        self.gerald_dir = os.path.join(self.bustard_dir,
-                                       'GERALD_12-04-2008_diane')
-        os.mkdir(self.gerald_dir)
-        make_gerald_config(self.gerald_dir)
-        make_summary_htm(self.gerald_dir)
-        make_eland_results(self.gerald_dir)
-    def tearDown(self):
-        shutil.rmtree(self.temp_dir)
-    def test_firecrest(self):
-        """
-        Construct a firecrest object
-        """
-        f = firecrest.firecrest(self.firecrest_dir)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(f.version, '1.8.28')
-        self.failUnlessEqual(f.start, 1)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(f.stop, 33)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(f.user, 'diane')
-        self.failUnlessEqual(, date(2008,4,12))
-        xml = f.get_elements()
-        # just make sure that element tree can serialize the tree
-        xml_str = ElementTree.tostring(xml)
-        f2 = firecrest.Firecrest(xml=xml)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(f.version, f2.version)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(f.start,   f2.start)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(f.stop,    f2.stop)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(f.user,    f2.user)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(,
-    def test_bustard(self):
-        """
-        construct a bustard object
-        """
-        b = bustard.bustard(self.bustard_dir)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(b.version, '1.8.28')
-        self.failUnlessEqual(,    date(2008,4,12))
-        self.failUnlessEqual(b.user,    'diane')
-        self.failUnlessEqual(len(b.phasing), 8)
-        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(b.phasing[8].phasing, 0.0099)
-        xml = b.get_elements()
-        b2 = bustard.Bustard(xml=xml)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(b.version, b2.version)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(, )
-        self.failUnlessEqual(b.user,    b2.user)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(len(b.phasing), len(b2.phasing))
-        for key in b.phasing.keys():
-            self.failUnlessEqual(b.phasing[key].lane, 
-                                 b2.phasing[key].lane)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(b.phasing[key].phasing, 
-                                 b2.phasing[key].phasing)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(b.phasing[key].prephasing, 
-                                 b2.phasing[key].prephasing)
-    def test_gerald(self):
-        # need to update gerald and make tests for it
-        g = gerald.gerald(self.gerald_dir) 
-        self.failUnlessEqual(g.version, 
-            '@(#) Id:,v 2007/06/13 11:08:49 km Exp')
-        self.failUnlessEqual(, datetime(2008,4,19,19,8,30))
-        self.failUnlessEqual(len(g.lanes), len(g.lanes.keys()))
-        self.failUnlessEqual(len(g.lanes), len(g.lanes.items()))
-        # list of genomes, matches what was defined up in 
-        # make_gerald_config.
-        # the first None is to offset the genomes list to be 1..9
-        # instead of pythons default 0..8
-        genomes = [None, '/g/dm3', '/g/equcab1', '/g/equcab1', '/g/canfam2',
-                         '/g/hg18', '/g/hg18', '/g/hg18', '/g/hg18', ]
-        # test lane specific parameters from gerald config file
-        for i in range(1,9):
-            cur_lane = g.lanes[str(i)]
-            self.failUnlessEqual(cur_lane.analysis, 'eland')
-            self.failUnlessEqual(cur_lane.eland_genome, genomes[i])
-            self.failUnlessEqual(cur_lane.read_length, '32')
-            self.failUnlessEqual(cur_lane.use_bases, 'Y'*32)
-        # test data extracted from summary file
-        clusters = [None, 
-                    (17421, 2139), (20311, 2402), (20193, 2399), (15537, 2531),
-                    (32047, 3356), (32946, 4753), (39504, 4171), (37998, 3792)]
-        for i in range(1,9):
-            summary_lane = g.summary[str(i)]
-            self.failUnlessEqual(summary_lane.cluster, clusters[i])
-            self.failUnlessEqual(summary_lane.lane, str(i))
-        xml = g.get_elements()
-        # just make sure that element tree can serialize the tree
-        xml_str = ElementTree.tostring(xml)
-        g2 = gerald.Gerald(xml=xml)
-        # do it all again after extracting from the xml file
-        self.failUnlessEqual(g.version, g2.version)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(,
-        self.failUnlessEqual(len(g.lanes.keys()), len(g2.lanes.keys()))
-        self.failUnlessEqual(len(g.lanes.items()), len(g2.lanes.items()))
-        # test lane specific parameters from gerald config file
-        for i in range(1,9):
-            g_lane = g.lanes[str(i)]
-            g2_lane = g2.lanes[str(i)]
-            self.failUnlessEqual(g_lane.analysis, g2_lane.analysis)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(g_lane.eland_genome, g2_lane.eland_genome)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(g_lane.read_length, g2_lane.read_length)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(g_lane.use_bases, g2_lane.use_bases)
-        # test (some) summary elements
-        for i in range(1,9):
-            g_summary = g.summary[str(i)]
-            g2_summary = g2.summary[str(i)]
-            self.failUnlessEqual(g_summary.cluster, g2_summary.cluster)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(g_summary.lane, g2_summary.lane)
-            g_eland = g.eland_results
-            g2_eland = g2.eland_results
-            for lane in g_eland.keys():
-                self.failUnlessEqual(g_eland[lane].reads, 
-                                     g2_eland[lane].reads)
-                self.failUnlessEqual(len(g_eland[lane].mapped_reads), 
-                                     len(g2_eland[lane].mapped_reads))
-                for k in g_eland[lane].mapped_reads.keys():
-                    self.failUnlessEqual(g_eland[lane].mapped_reads[k],
-                                         g2_eland[lane].mapped_reads[k])
-                self.failUnlessEqual(len(g_eland[lane].match_codes), 
-                                     len(g2_eland[lane].match_codes))
-                for k in g_eland[lane].match_codes.keys():
-                    self.failUnlessEqual(g_eland[lane].match_codes[k],
-                                         g2_eland[lane].match_codes[k])
-    def test_eland(self):
-        dm3_map = { 'chrUextra.fa' : 'dm3/chrUextra.fa',
-                    'chr2L.fa': 'dm3/chr2L.fa',
-                    'Lambda.fa': 'Lambda.fa'}
-        genome_maps = { '1':dm3_map, '2':dm3_map, '3':dm3_map, '4':dm3_map,
-                        '5':dm3_map, '6':dm3_map, '7':dm3_map, '8':dm3_map }
-        eland = gerald.eland(self.gerald_dir, genome_maps=genome_maps)
-        for i in range(1,9):
-            lane = eland[str(i)]
-            self.failUnlessEqual(lane.reads, 4)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(lane.sample_name, "s")
-            self.failUnlessEqual(lane.lane_id, unicode(i))
-            self.failUnlessEqual(len(lane.mapped_reads), 3)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(lane.mapped_reads['Lambda.fa'], 1)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(lane.mapped_reads['dm3/chr2L.fa'], 1)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(lane.match_codes['U1'], 2)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(lane.match_codes['NM'], 1)
-        xml = eland.get_elements()
-        # just make sure that element tree can serialize the tree
-        xml_str = ElementTree.tostring(xml)
-        e2 = gerald.ELAND(xml=xml)
-        for i in range(1,9):
-            l1 = eland[str(i)]
-            l2 = e2[str(i)]
-            self.failUnlessEqual(l1.reads, l2.reads)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(l1.sample_name, l2.sample_name)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(l1.lane_id, l2.lane_id)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(len(l1.mapped_reads), len(l2.mapped_reads))
-            self.failUnlessEqual(len(l1.mapped_reads), 3)
-            for k in l1.mapped_reads.keys():
-                self.failUnlessEqual(l1.mapped_reads[k],
-                                     l2.mapped_reads[k])
-            self.failUnlessEqual(len(l1.match_codes), 9)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(len(l1.match_codes), len(l2.match_codes))
-            for k in l1.match_codes.keys():
-                self.failUnlessEqual(l1.match_codes[k], 
-                                     l2.match_codes[k])
-    def test_runfolder(self):
-        runs = runfolder.get_runs(self.runfolder_dir)
-        # do we get the flowcell id from the filename?
-        self.failUnlessEqual(len(runs), 1)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(runs[0].name, 'run_207BTAAXX_2008-04-19.xml')
-        # do we get the flowcell id from the FlowcellId.xml file
-        make_flowcell_id(self.runfolder_dir, '207BTAAXY')
-        runs = runfolder.get_runs(self.runfolder_dir)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(len(runs), 1)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(runs[0].name, 'run_207BTAAXY_2008-04-19.xml')
-        r1 = runs[0]
-        xml = r1.get_elements()
-        xml_str = ElementTree.tostring(xml)
-        r2 = runfolder.PipelineRun(xml=xml)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(,
-        self.failIfEqual(r2.firecrest, None)
-        self.failIfEqual(r2.bustard, None)
-        self.failIfEqual(r2.gerald, None)
-def suite():
-    return unittest.makeSuite(RunfolderTests,'test')
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    unittest.main(defaultTest="suite")
diff --git a/htsworkflow/pipeline/test/ b/htsworkflow/pipeline/test/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e5d1ea1..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1024 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from datetime import datetime, date
-import os
-import tempfile
-import shutil
-import unittest
-from htsworkflow.pipeline import firecrest
-from htsworkflow.pipeline import bustard
-from htsworkflow.pipeline import gerald
-from htsworkflow.pipeline import runfolder
-from htsworkflow.pipeline.runfolder import ElementTree
-def make_flowcell_id(runfolder_dir, flowcell_id=None):
-    if flowcell_id is None:
-        flowcell_id = '207BTAAXY'
-    config = """<?xml version="1.0"?>
-  <Text>%s</Text>
-</FlowcellId>""" % (flowcell_id,)
-    config_dir = os.path.join(runfolder_dir, 'Config')
-    if not os.path.exists(config_dir):
-        os.mkdir(config_dir)
-    pathname = os.path.join(config_dir, 'FlowcellId.xml')
-    f = open(pathname,'w')
-    f.write(config)
-    f.close()
-def make_matrix(matrix_dir):
-    contents = """# Auto-generated frequency response matrix
-> A
-> C
-> G
-> T
-0.77 0.15 -0.04 -0.04 
-0.76 1.02 -0.05 -0.06 
--0.10 -0.10 1.17 -0.03 
--0.13 -0.12 0.80 1.27 
-    s_matrix = os.path.join(matrix_dir, 's_matrix.txt')
-    f = open(s_matrix, 'w')
-    f.write(contents)
-    f.close()
-def make_phasing_params(bustard_dir):
-    for lane in range(1,9):
-        pathname = os.path.join(bustard_dir, 'params%d.xml' % (lane))
-        f = open(pathname, 'w')
-        f.write("""<Parameters>
-  <Phasing>0.009900</Phasing>
-  <Prephasing>0.003500</Prephasing>
-        f.close()
-def make_gerald_config(gerald_dir):
-    config_xml = """<RunParameters>
-  <ELAND_GENOME>Need_to_specify_ELAND_genome_directory</ELAND_GENOME>
-  <EMAIL_SERVER>localhost:25</EMAIL_SERVER>
-  <EXPT_DIR>/home/diane/gec/080416_HWI-EAS229_0024_207BTAAXX/Data/C1-33_Firecrest1.8.28_19-04-2008_diane/Bustard1.8.28_19-04-2008_diane</EXPT_DIR>
-  <EXPT_DIR_ROOT>/home/diane/gec</EXPT_DIR_ROOT>
-  <GENOME_DIR>/home/diane/proj/SolexaPipeline-</GENOME_DIR>
-  <GENOME_FILE>Need_to_specify_genome_file_name</GENOME_FILE>
-  <OUT_DIR>/home/diane/gec/080416_HWI-EAS229_0024_207BTAAXX/Data/C1-33_Firecrest1.8.28_19-04-2008_diane/Bustard1.8.28_19-04-2008_diane/GERALD_19-04-2008_diane</OUT_DIR>
-  <QF_PARAMS>'((CHASTITY&gt;=0.6))'</QF_PARAMS>
-  <SOFTWARE_VERSION>@(#) Id:,v 2007/06/13 11:08:49 km Exp</SOFTWARE_VERSION>
-  <TILE_REGEX>s_[1-8]_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]</TILE_REGEX>
-  <TIME_STAMP>Sat Apr 19 19:08:30 2008</TIME_STAMP>
-  <TOOLS_DIR>/home/diane/proj/SolexaPipeline-</TOOLS_DIR>
-    <s_1>eland</s_1>
-    <s_2>eland</s_2>
-    <s_3>eland</s_3>
-    <s_4>eland</s_4>
-    <s_5>eland</s_5>
-    <s_6>eland</s_6>
-    <s_7>eland</s_7>
-    <s_8>eland</s_8>
-    <s_1>/g/dm3</s_1>
-    <s_2>/g/equcab1</s_2>
-    <s_3>/g/equcab1</s_3>
-    <s_4>/g/canfam2</s_4>
-    <s_5>/g/hg18</s_5>
-    <s_6>/g/hg18</s_6>
-    <s_7>/g/hg18</s_7>
-    <s_8>/g/hg18</s_8>
-    <s_1>32</s_1>
-    <s_2>32</s_2>
-    <s_3>32</s_3>
-    <s_4>32</s_4>
-    <s_5>32</s_5>
-    <s_6>32</s_6>
-    <s_7>32</s_7>
-    <s_8>32</s_8>
-    pathname = os.path.join(gerald_dir, 'config.xml')
-    f = open(pathname,'w')
-    f.write(config_xml)
-    f.close()
-def make_summary_htm(gerald_dir):
-    summary_htm="""<!--RUN_TIME Wed Jul  2 06:47:44 2008 -->
-<!--SOFTWARE_VERSION @(#) $Id:,v 1.94 2007/12/04 09:59:07 rshaw Exp $-->
-<a name="Top"><h2><title>080627_HWI-EAS229_0036_3055HAXX Summary</title></h2></a>
-<h1>Summary Information For Experiment 080627_HWI-EAS229_0036_3055HAXX on Machine HWI-EAS229</h1>
-<h2><br></br>Chip Summary<br></br></h2>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
-<tr><td>Run Folder</td><td>080627_HWI-EAS229_0036_3055HAXX</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Chip ID</td><td>unknown</td></tr>
-<h2><br></br>Chip Results Summary<br></br></h2>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
-<td>Clusters (PF)</td>
-<td>Yield (kbases)</td>
-<h2><br></br>Lane Parameter Summary<br></br></h2>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
-<td>Sample ID</td>
-<td>Sample Target</td>
-<td>Sample Type</td>
-<td>Num Tiles</td>
-<td><a href="#Lane1">Lane 1</a></td>
-<td><a href="#Lane2">Lane 2</a></td>
-<td><a href="#Lane3">Lane 3</a></td>
-<td><a href="#Lane4">Lane 4</a></td>
-<td><a href="#Lane5">Lane 5</a></td>
-<td><a href="#Lane6">Lane 6</a></td>
-<td><a href="#Lane7">Lane 7</a></td>
-<td><a href="#Lane8">Lane 8</a></td>
-<h2><br></br>Lane Results Summary<br></br></h2>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
-<td colspan="2">Lane Info</td>
-<td colspan="8">Tile Mean +/- SD for Lane</td>
-<td>Lane </td>
-<td>Lane Yield (kbases) </td>
-<td>Clusters (raw)</td>
-<td>Clusters (PF) </td>
-<td>1st Cycle Int (PF) </td>
-<td>% intensity after 20 cycles (PF) </td>
-<td>% PF Clusters </td>
-<td>% Align (PF) </td>
-<td>Alignment Score (PF) </td>
-<td> % Error Rate (PF) </td>
-<td>96483 +/- 9074</td>
-<td>60787 +/- 4240</td>
-<td>329 +/- 35</td>
-<td>101.88 +/- 6.03</td>
-<td>63.21 +/- 3.29</td>
-<td>70.33 +/- 0.24</td>
-<td>9054.08 +/- 59.16</td>
-<td>0.46 +/- 0.18</td>
-<td>133738 +/- 7938</td>
-<td>60217 +/- 1926</td>
-<td>444 +/- 39</td>
-<td>92.62 +/- 7.58</td>
-<td>45.20 +/- 3.31</td>
-<td>51.98 +/- 0.74</td>
-<td>6692.04 +/- 92.49</td>
-<td>0.46 +/- 0.09</td>
-<td>152142 +/- 10002</td>
-<td>71468 +/- 2827</td>
-<td>366 +/- 36</td>
-<td>91.53 +/- 8.66</td>
-<td>47.19 +/- 3.80</td>
-<td>82.24 +/- 0.44</td>
-<td>10598.68 +/- 64.13</td>
-<td>0.41 +/- 0.04</td>
-<td>15784 +/- 2162</td>
-<td>13443 +/- 1728</td>
-<td>328 +/- 40</td>
-<td>97.53 +/- 9.87</td>
-<td>85.29 +/- 1.91</td>
-<td>80.02 +/- 0.53</td>
-<td>10368.82 +/- 71.08</td>
-<td>0.15 +/- 0.05</td>
-<td>119735 +/- 8465</td>
-<td>64590 +/- 2529</td>
-<td>417 +/- 37</td>
-<td>88.69 +/- 14.79</td>
-<td>54.10 +/- 2.59</td>
-<td>76.95 +/- 0.32</td>
-<td>9936.47 +/- 65.75</td>
-<td>0.28 +/- 0.02</td>
-<td>152177 +/- 8146</td>
-<td>66716 +/- 2493</td>
-<td>372 +/- 39</td>
-<td>87.06 +/- 9.86</td>
-<td>43.98 +/- 3.12</td>
-<td>78.80 +/- 0.43</td>
-<td>10162.28 +/- 49.65</td>
-<td>0.38 +/- 0.03</td>
-<td>84649 +/- 7325</td>
-<td>57418 +/- 3617</td>
-<td>295 +/- 28</td>
-<td>89.40 +/- 8.23</td>
-<td>67.97 +/- 1.82</td>
-<td>33.38 +/- 0.25</td>
-<td>4247.92 +/- 32.37</td>
-<td>1.00 +/- 0.03</td>
-<td>54622 +/- 4812</td>
-<td>41136 +/- 3309</td>
-<td>284 +/- 37</td>
-<td>90.21 +/- 9.10</td>
-<td>75.39 +/- 2.27</td>
-<td>48.33 +/- 0.29</td>
-<td>6169.21 +/- 169.50</td>
-<td>0.86 +/- 1.22</td>
-<tr><td colspan="13">Tile mean across chip</td></tr>
-<h2><br></br>Expanded Lane Summary<br></br></h2>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
-<tr><td colspan="2">Lane Info</td>
-<td colspan="2">Phasing Info</td>
-<td colspan="2">Raw Data (tile mean)</td>
-<td colspan="7">Filtered Data (tile mean)</td></tr>
-<td>Lane </td>
-<td>Clusters (tile mean) (raw)</td>
-<td>% Phasing </td>
-<td>% Prephasing </td>
-<td>% Error Rate (raw) </td>
-<td> Equiv Perfect Clusters (raw) </td>
-<td>% retained </td>
-<td>Cycle 2-4 Av Int (PF) </td>
-<td>Cycle 2-10 Av % Loss (PF) </td>
-<td>Cycle 10-20 Av % Loss (PF) </td>
-<td>% Align (PF) </td>
-<td>% Error Rate (PF) </td>
-<td> Equiv Perfect Clusters (PF) </td>
-<td>317 +/- 32</td>
-<td>0.13 +/- 0.44</td>
-<td>-1.14 +/- 0.34</td>
-<td>415 +/- 33</td>
-<td>0.29 +/- 0.40</td>
-<td>-0.79 +/- 0.35</td>
-<td>344 +/- 26</td>
-<td>0.68 +/- 0.51</td>
-<td>-0.77 +/- 0.42</td>
-<td>306 +/- 34</td>
-<td>0.20 +/- 0.69</td>
-<td>-1.28 +/- 0.66</td>
-<td>380 +/- 32</td>
-<td>0.34 +/- 0.49</td>
-<td>-1.55 +/- 4.69</td>
-<td>333 +/- 27</td>
-<td>0.57 +/- 0.50</td>
-<td>-0.91 +/- 0.39</td>
-<td>272 +/- 20</td>
-<td>1.15 +/- 0.52</td>
-<td>-0.84 +/- 0.58</td>
-<td>262 +/- 31</td>
-<td>1.10 +/- 0.59</td>
-<td>-1.01 +/- 0.47</td>
-<b><br></br>IVC Plots</b>
-<p> <a href='IVC.htm' target="_blank"> IVC.htm
- </a></p>
-<b><br></br>All Intensity Plots</b>
-<p> <a href='All.htm' target="_blank"> All.htm
- </a></p>
-<b><br></br>Error graphs: </b>
-<p> <a href='Error.htm' target="_blank"> Error.htm
- </a></p>
-<td><a href="#Top">Back to top</a></td>
-<a name="Lane1"><h2><br></br>Lane 1<br></br></h2></a>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
-<td>Lane </td>
-<td>Tile </td>
-<td>Clusters (raw)</td>
-<td>Av 1st Cycle Int (PF) </td>
-<td>Av % intensity after 20 cycles (PF) </td>
-<td>% PF Clusters </td>
-<td>% Align (PF) </td>
-<td>Av Alignment Score (PF) </td>
-<td>% Error Rate (PF) </td>
-<td><a href="#Top">Back to top</a></td>
-<a name="Lane2"><h2><br></br>Lane 2<br></br></h2></a>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
-<td>Lane </td>
-<td>Tile </td>
-<td>Clusters (raw)</td>
-<td>Av 1st Cycle Int (PF) </td>
-<td>Av % intensity after 20 cycles (PF) </td>
-<td>% PF Clusters </td>
-<td>% Align (PF) </td>
-<td>Av Alignment Score (PF) </td>
-<td>% Error Rate (PF) </td>
-<td><a href="#Top">Back to top</a></td>
-<a name="Lane3"><h2><br></br>Lane 3<br></br></h2></a>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
-<td>Lane </td>
-<td>Tile </td>
-<td>Clusters (raw)</td>
-<td>Av 1st Cycle Int (PF) </td>
-<td>Av % intensity after 20 cycles (PF) </td>
-<td>% PF Clusters </td>
-<td>% Align (PF) </td>
-<td>Av Alignment Score (PF) </td>
-<td>% Error Rate (PF) </td>
-<td><a href="#Top">Back to top</a></td>
-<a name="Lane4"><h2><br></br>Lane 4<br></br></h2></a>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
-<td>Lane </td>
-<td>Tile </td>
-<td>Clusters (raw)</td>
-<td>Av 1st Cycle Int (PF) </td>
-<td>Av % intensity after 20 cycles (PF) </td>
-<td>% PF Clusters </td>
-<td>% Align (PF) </td>
-<td>Av Alignment Score (PF) </td>
-<td>% Error Rate (PF) </td>
-<td><a href="#Top">Back to top</a></td>
-<a name="Lane5"><h2><br></br>Lane 5<br></br></h2></a>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
-<td>Lane </td>
-<td>Tile </td>
-<td>Clusters (raw)</td>
-<td>Av 1st Cycle Int (PF) </td>
-<td>Av % intensity after 20 cycles (PF) </td>
-<td>% PF Clusters </td>
-<td>% Align (PF) </td>
-<td>Av Alignment Score (PF) </td>
-<td>% Error Rate (PF) </td>
-<td><a href="#Top">Back to top</a></td>
-<a name="Lane6"><h2><br></br>Lane 6<br></br></h2></a>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
-<td>Lane </td>
-<td>Tile </td>
-<td>Clusters (raw)</td>
-<td>Av 1st Cycle Int (PF) </td>
-<td>Av % intensity after 20 cycles (PF) </td>
-<td>% PF Clusters </td>
-<td>% Align (PF) </td>
-<td>Av Alignment Score (PF) </td>
-<td>% Error Rate (PF) </td>
-<td><a href="#Top">Back to top</a></td>
-<a name="Lane7"><h2><br></br>Lane 7<br></br></h2></a>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
-<td>Lane </td>
-<td>Tile </td>
-<td>Clusters (raw)</td>
-<td>Av 1st Cycle Int (PF) </td>
-<td>Av % intensity after 20 cycles (PF) </td>
-<td>% PF Clusters </td>
-<td>% Align (PF) </td>
-<td>Av Alignment Score (PF) </td>
-<td>% Error Rate (PF) </td>
-<td><a href="#Top">Back to top</a></td>
-<a name="Lane8"><h2><br></br>Lane 8<br></br></h2></a>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
-<td>Lane </td>
-<td>Tile </td>
-<td>Clusters (raw)</td>
-<td>Av 1st Cycle Int (PF) </td>
-<td>Av % intensity after 20 cycles (PF) </td>
-<td>% PF Clusters </td>
-<td>% Align (PF) </td>
-<td>Av Alignment Score (PF) </td>
-<td>% Error Rate (PF) </td>
-<td><a href="#Top">Back to top</a></td>
-    pathname = os.path.join(gerald_dir, 'Summary.htm')
-    f = open(pathname, 'w')
-    f.write(summary_htm)
-    f.close()
-def make_eland_results(gerald_dir):
-    eland_result = """>HWI-EAS229_24_207BTAAXX:1:7:599:759    ACATAGNCACAGACATAAACATAGACATAGAC U0      1       1       3       chrUextra.fa    28189829        R       D.
->HWI-EAS229_24_207BTAAXX:1:7:205:842    AAACAANNCTCCCAAACACGTAAACTGGAAAA  U1      0       1       0       chr2L.fa        8796855 R       DD      24T
->HWI-EAS229_24_207BTAAXX:1:7:776:582    AGCTCANCCGATCGAAAACCTCNCCAAGCAAT        NM      0       0       0
->HWI-EAS229_24_207BTAAXX:1:7:205:842    AAACAANNCTCCCAAACACGTAAACTGGAAAA        U1      0       1       0       Lambda.fa        8796855 R       DD      24T
-    for i in range(1,9):
-        pathname = os.path.join(gerald_dir, 
-                                's_%d_eland_result.txt' % (i,))
-        f = open(pathname, 'w')
-        f.write(eland_result)
-        f.close()
-def make_runfolder(obj=None):
-    """
-    Make a fake runfolder, attach all the directories to obj if defined
-    """
-    # make a fake runfolder directory
-    temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='tmp_runfolder_')
-    runfolder_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, 
-                                 '080102_HWI-EAS229_0010_207BTAAXX')
-    os.mkdir(runfolder_dir)
-    data_dir = os.path.join(runfolder_dir, 'Data')
-    os.mkdir(data_dir)
-    firecrest_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, 
-                                 'C1-33_Firecrest1.8.28_12-04-2008_diane'
-                                 )
-    os.mkdir(firecrest_dir)
-    matrix_dir = os.path.join(firecrest_dir, 'Matrix')
-    os.mkdir(matrix_dir)
-    make_matrix(matrix_dir)
-    bustard_dir = os.path.join(firecrest_dir, 
-                               'Bustard1.8.28_12-04-2008_diane')
-    os.mkdir(bustard_dir)
-    make_phasing_params(bustard_dir)
-    gerald_dir = os.path.join(bustard_dir,
-                              'GERALD_12-04-2008_diane')
-    os.mkdir(gerald_dir)
-    make_gerald_config(gerald_dir)
-    make_summary_htm(gerald_dir)
-    make_eland_results(gerald_dir)
-    if obj is not None:
-        obj.temp_dir = temp_dir
-        obj.runfolder_dir = runfolder_dir
-        obj.data_dir = data_dir
-        obj.firecrest_dir = firecrest_dir
-        obj.matrix_dir = matrix_dir
-        obj.bustard_dir = bustard_dir
-        obj.gerald_dir = gerald_dir
-class RunfolderTests(unittest.TestCase):
-    """
-    Test components of the runfolder processing code
-    which includes firecrest, bustard, and gerald
-    """
-    def setUp(self):
-        # attaches all the directories to the object passed in
-        make_runfolder(self)
-    def tearDown(self):
-        shutil.rmtree(self.temp_dir)
-    def test_firecrest(self):
-        """
-        Construct a firecrest object
-        """
-        f = firecrest.firecrest(self.firecrest_dir)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(f.version, '1.8.28')
-        self.failUnlessEqual(f.start, 1)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(f.stop, 33)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(f.user, 'diane')
-        self.failUnlessEqual(, date(2008,4,12))
-        xml = f.get_elements()
-        # just make sure that element tree can serialize the tree
-        xml_str = ElementTree.tostring(xml)
-        f2 = firecrest.Firecrest(xml=xml)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(f.version, f2.version)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(f.start,   f2.start)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(f.stop,    f2.stop)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(f.user,    f2.user)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(,
-    def test_bustard(self):
-        """
-        construct a bustard object
-        """
-        b = bustard.bustard(self.bustard_dir)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(b.version, '1.8.28')
-        self.failUnlessEqual(,    date(2008,4,12))
-        self.failUnlessEqual(b.user,    'diane')
-        self.failUnlessEqual(len(b.phasing), 8)
-        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(b.phasing[8].phasing, 0.0099)
-        xml = b.get_elements()
-        b2 = bustard.Bustard(xml=xml)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(b.version, b2.version)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(, )
-        self.failUnlessEqual(b.user,    b2.user)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(len(b.phasing), len(b2.phasing))
-        for key in b.phasing.keys():
-            self.failUnlessEqual(b.phasing[key].lane, 
-                                 b2.phasing[key].lane)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(b.phasing[key].phasing, 
-                                 b2.phasing[key].phasing)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(b.phasing[key].prephasing, 
-                                 b2.phasing[key].prephasing)
-    def test_gerald(self):
-        # need to update gerald and make tests for it
-        g = gerald.gerald(self.gerald_dir) 
-        self.failUnlessEqual(g.version, 
-            '@(#) Id:,v 2007/06/13 11:08:49 km Exp')
-        self.failUnlessEqual(, datetime(2008,4,19,19,8,30))
-        self.failUnlessEqual(len(g.lanes), len(g.lanes.keys()))
-        self.failUnlessEqual(len(g.lanes), len(g.lanes.items()))
-        # list of genomes, matches what was defined up in 
-        # make_gerald_config.
-        # the first None is to offset the genomes list to be 1..9
-        # instead of pythons default 0..8
-        genomes = [None, '/g/dm3', '/g/equcab1', '/g/equcab1', '/g/canfam2',
-                         '/g/hg18', '/g/hg18', '/g/hg18', '/g/hg18', ]
-        # test lane specific parameters from gerald config file
-        for i in range(1,9):
-            cur_lane = g.lanes[str(i)]
-            self.failUnlessEqual(cur_lane.analysis, 'eland')
-            self.failUnlessEqual(cur_lane.eland_genome, genomes[i])
-            self.failUnlessEqual(cur_lane.read_length, '32')
-            self.failUnlessEqual(cur_lane.use_bases, 'Y'*32)
-        # test data extracted from summary file
-        clusters = [None, 
-                    (96483, 9074), (133738, 7938), 
-                    (152142, 10002), (15784, 2162), 
-                    (119735, 8465), (152177, 8146),
-                    (84649, 7325), (54622, 4812),]
-        for i in range(1,9):
-            summary_lane = g.summary[str(i)]
-            self.failUnlessEqual(summary_lane.cluster, clusters[i])
-            self.failUnlessEqual(summary_lane.lane, str(i))
-        xml = g.get_elements()
-        # just make sure that element tree can serialize the tree
-        xml_str = ElementTree.tostring(xml)
-        g2 = gerald.Gerald(xml=xml)
-        # do it all again after extracting from the xml file
-        self.failUnlessEqual(g.version, g2.version)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(,
-        self.failUnlessEqual(len(g.lanes.keys()), len(g2.lanes.keys()))
-        self.failUnlessEqual(len(g.lanes.items()), len(g2.lanes.items()))
-        # test lane specific parameters from gerald config file
-        for i in range(1,9):
-            g_lane = g.lanes[str(i)]
-            g2_lane = g2.lanes[str(i)]
-            self.failUnlessEqual(g_lane.analysis, g2_lane.analysis)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(g_lane.eland_genome, g2_lane.eland_genome)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(g_lane.read_length, g2_lane.read_length)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(g_lane.use_bases, g2_lane.use_bases)
-        # test (some) summary elements
-        for i in range(1,9):
-            g_summary = g.summary[str(i)]
-            g2_summary = g2.summary[str(i)]
-            self.failUnlessEqual(g_summary.cluster, g2_summary.cluster)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(g_summary.lane, g2_summary.lane)
-            g_eland = g.eland_results
-            g2_eland = g2.eland_results
-            for lane in g_eland.keys():
-                self.failUnlessEqual(g_eland[lane].reads, 
-                                     g2_eland[lane].reads)
-                self.failUnlessEqual(len(g_eland[lane].mapped_reads), 
-                                     len(g2_eland[lane].mapped_reads))
-                for k in g_eland[lane].mapped_reads.keys():
-                    self.failUnlessEqual(g_eland[lane].mapped_reads[k],
-                                         g2_eland[lane].mapped_reads[k])
-                self.failUnlessEqual(len(g_eland[lane].match_codes), 
-                                     len(g2_eland[lane].match_codes))
-                for k in g_eland[lane].match_codes.keys():
-                    self.failUnlessEqual(g_eland[lane].match_codes[k],
-                                         g2_eland[lane].match_codes[k])
-    def test_eland(self):
-        dm3_map = { 'chrUextra.fa' : 'dm3/chrUextra.fa',
-                    'chr2L.fa': 'dm3/chr2L.fa',
-                    'Lambda.fa': 'Lambda.fa'}
-        genome_maps = { '1':dm3_map, '2':dm3_map, '3':dm3_map, '4':dm3_map,
-                        '5':dm3_map, '6':dm3_map, '7':dm3_map, '8':dm3_map }
-        eland = gerald.eland(self.gerald_dir, genome_maps=genome_maps)
-        for i in range(1,9):
-            lane = eland[str(i)]
-            self.failUnlessEqual(lane.reads, 4)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(lane.sample_name, "s")
-            self.failUnlessEqual(lane.lane_id, unicode(i))
-            self.failUnlessEqual(len(lane.mapped_reads), 3)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(lane.mapped_reads['Lambda.fa'], 1)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(lane.mapped_reads['dm3/chr2L.fa'], 1)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(lane.match_codes['U1'], 2)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(lane.match_codes['NM'], 1)
-        xml = eland.get_elements()
-        # just make sure that element tree can serialize the tree
-        xml_str = ElementTree.tostring(xml)
-        e2 = gerald.ELAND(xml=xml)
-        for i in range(1,9):
-            l1 = eland[str(i)]
-            l2 = e2[str(i)]
-            self.failUnlessEqual(l1.reads, l2.reads)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(l1.sample_name, l2.sample_name)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(l1.lane_id, l2.lane_id)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(len(l1.mapped_reads), len(l2.mapped_reads))
-            self.failUnlessEqual(len(l1.mapped_reads), 3)
-            for k in l1.mapped_reads.keys():
-                self.failUnlessEqual(l1.mapped_reads[k],
-                                     l2.mapped_reads[k])
-            self.failUnlessEqual(len(l1.match_codes), 9)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(len(l1.match_codes), len(l2.match_codes))
-            for k in l1.match_codes.keys():
-                self.failUnlessEqual(l1.match_codes[k], 
-                                     l2.match_codes[k])
-    def test_runfolder(self):
-        runs = runfolder.get_runs(self.runfolder_dir)
-        # do we get the flowcell id from the filename?
-        self.failUnlessEqual(len(runs), 1)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(runs[0].name, 'run_207BTAAXX_2008-04-19.xml')
-        # do we get the flowcell id from the FlowcellId.xml file
-        make_flowcell_id(self.runfolder_dir, '207BTAAXY')
-        runs = runfolder.get_runs(self.runfolder_dir)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(len(runs), 1)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(runs[0].name, 'run_207BTAAXY_2008-04-19.xml')
-        r1 = runs[0]
-        xml = r1.get_elements()
-        xml_str = ElementTree.tostring(xml)
-        r2 = runfolder.PipelineRun(xml=xml)
-        self.failUnlessEqual(,
-        self.failIfEqual(r2.firecrest, None)
-        self.failIfEqual(r2.bustard, None)
-        self.failIfEqual(r2.gerald, None)
-def suite():
-    return unittest.makeSuite(RunfolderTests,'test')
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    unittest.main(defaultTest="suite")
diff --git a/htsworkflow/pipelines/ b/htsworkflow/pipelines/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..beabfd1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Provide code to interact with the vendor tools to produce useable "raw" data.
+the illumina sub-package contains components to interact with the Illumina provided
diff --git a/htsworkflow/pipelines/ b/htsworkflow/pipelines/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1658b17
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+from datetime import date
+from glob import glob
+import logging
+import os
+import time
+import re
+from htsworkflow.pipelines.runfolder import \
+   ElementTree, \
+class Phasing(object):
+    PHASING = 'Phasing'
+    PREPHASING = 'Prephasing'
+    def __init__(self, fromfile=None, xml=None):
+        self.lane = None
+        self.phasing = None
+        self.prephasing = None
+        if fromfile is not None:
+            self._initialize_from_file(fromfile)
+        elif xml is not None:
+            self.set_elements(xml)
+    def _initialize_from_file(self, pathname):
+        path, name = os.path.split(pathname)
+        basename, ext = os.path.splitext(name)
+        # the last character of the param base filename should be the
+        # lane number
+        tree = ElementTree.parse(pathname).getroot()
+        self.set_elements(tree)
+        self.lane = int(basename[-1])
+    def get_elements(self):
+        root = ElementTree.Element(Phasing.PHASING, {'lane': str(self.lane)})
+        phasing = ElementTree.SubElement(root, Phasing.PHASING)
+        phasing.text = str(self.phasing)
+        prephasing = ElementTree.SubElement(root, Phasing.PREPHASING)
+        prephasing.text = str(self.prephasing)
+        return root
+    def set_elements(self, tree):
+        if tree.tag not in ('Phasing', 'Parameters'):
+            raise ValueError('exptected Phasing or Parameters')
+        lane = tree.attrib.get('lane', None)
+        if lane is not None:
+            self.lane = int(lane)
+        for element in list(tree):
+            if element.tag == Phasing.PHASING:
+                self.phasing = float(element.text)
+            elif element.tag == Phasing.PREPHASING:
+                self.prephasing = float(element.text)
+class Bustard(object):
+    XML_VERSION = 1
+    # Xml Tags
+    BUSTARD = 'Bustard'
+    SOFTWARE_VERSION = 'version'
+    DATE = 'run_time'
+    USER = 'user'
+    PARAMETERS = 'Parameters'
+    def __init__(self, xml=None):
+        self.version = None
+ =
+        self.user = None
+        self.phasing = {}
+        if xml is not None:
+            self.set_elements(xml)
+    def _get_time(self):
+        return time.mktime(
+    time = property(_get_time, doc='return run time as seconds since epoch')
+    def dump(self):
+        print "Bustard version:", self.version
+        print "Run date",
+        print "user:", self.user
+        for lane, tree in self.phasing.items():
+            print lane
+            print tree
+    def get_elements(self):
+        root = ElementTree.Element('Bustard', 
+                                   {'version': str(Bustard.XML_VERSION)})
+        version = ElementTree.SubElement(root, Bustard.SOFTWARE_VERSION)
+        version.text = self.version
+        run_date = ElementTree.SubElement(root, Bustard.DATE)
+        run_date.text = str(self.time)
+        user = ElementTree.SubElement(root, Bustard.USER)
+        user.text = self.user
+        params = ElementTree.SubElement(root, Bustard.PARAMETERS)
+        for p in self.phasing.values():
+            params.append(p.get_elements())
+        return root
+    def set_elements(self, tree):
+        if tree.tag != Bustard.BUSTARD:
+            raise ValueError('Expected "Bustard" SubElements')
+        xml_version = int(tree.attrib.get('version', 0))
+        if xml_version > Bustard.XML_VERSION:
+            logging.warn('Bustard XML tree is a higher version than this class')
+        for element in list(tree):
+            if element.tag == Bustard.SOFTWARE_VERSION:
+                self.version = element.text
+            elif element.tag == Bustard.DATE:
+       = date.fromtimestamp(float(element.text))
+            elif element.tag == Bustard.USER:
+                self.user = element.text
+            elif element.tag == Bustard.PARAMETERS:
+                for param in element:
+                    p = Phasing(xml=param)
+                    self.phasing[p.lane] = p
+            else:
+                raise ValueError("Unrecognized tag: %s" % (element.tag,))
+def bustard(pathname):
+    """
+    Construct a Bustard object from pathname
+    """
+    b = Bustard()
+    path, name = os.path.split(pathname)
+    groups = name.split("_")
+    version =, groups[0])
+    b.version =
+    t = time.strptime(groups[1], EUROPEAN_STRPTIME)
+ = date(*t[0:3])
+    b.user = groups[2]
+    paramfiles = glob(os.path.join(pathname, "params?.xml"))
+    for paramfile in paramfiles:
+        phasing = Phasing(paramfile)
+        assert (phasing.lane >= 1 and phasing.lane <= 8)
+        b.phasing[phasing.lane] = phasing
+    return b
+def fromxml(tree):
+    b = Bustard()
+    b.set_elements(tree)
+    return b
diff --git a/htsworkflow/pipelines/ b/htsworkflow/pipelines/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0c1dc8b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,606 @@
+import subprocess
+import logging
+import time
+import re
+import os
+from htsworkflow.pipelines.retrieve_config import getCombinedOptions, saveConfigFile
+from htsworkflow.pipelines.retrieve_config import FlowCellNotFound, WebError404
+from htsworkflow.pipelines.genome_mapper import DuplicateGenome, getAvailableGenomes, constructMapperDict
+from htsworkflow.pipelines.run_status import GARunStatus
+from pyinotify import WatchManager, ThreadedNotifier
+from pyinotify import EventsCodes, ProcessEvent
+class ConfigInfo:
+  def __init__(self):
+    #run_path = firecrest analysis directory to run analysis from
+    self.run_path = None
+    self.bustard_path = None
+    self.config_filepath = None
+    self.status = None
+    #top level directory where all analyses are placed
+    self.base_analysis_dir = None
+    #analysis_dir, top level analysis dir...
+    # base_analysis_dir + '/070924_USI-EAS44_0022_FC12150'
+    self.analysis_dir = None
+  def createStatusObject(self):
+    """
+    Creates a status object which can be queried for
+    status of running the pipeline
+    returns True if object created
+    returns False if object cannot be created
+    """
+    if self.config_filepath is None:
+      return False
+    self.status = GARunStatus(self.config_filepath)
+    return True
+# inotify event processor
+s_firecrest_finished = re.compile('Firecrest[0-9\._\-A-Za-z]+/finished.txt')
+s_bustard_finished = re.compile('Bustard[0-9\._\-A-Za-z]+/finished.txt')
+s_gerald_finished = re.compile('GERALD[0-9\._\-A-Za-z]+/finished.txt')
+s_gerald_all = re.compile('Firecrest[0-9\._\-A-Za-z]+/Bustard[0-9\._\-A-Za-z]+/GERALD[0-9\._\-A-Za-z]+/')
+s_bustard_all = re.compile('Firecrest[0-9\._\-A-Za-z]+/Bustard[0-9\._\-A-Za-z]+/')
+s_firecrest_all = re.compile('Firecrest[0-9\._\-A-Za-z]+/')
+class RunEvent(ProcessEvent):
+  def __init__(self, conf_info):
+    self.run_status_dict = {'firecrest': False,
+                            'bustard': False,
+                            'gerald': False}
+    self._ci = conf_info
+    ProcessEvent.__init__(self)
+  def process_IN_CREATE(self, event):
+    fullpath = os.path.join(event.path,
+    if
+"File Found: %s" % (fullpath))
+      if
+        self.run_status_dict['firecrest'] = True
+        self._ci.status.updateFirecrest(
+      elif
+        self.run_status_dict['bustard'] = True
+        self._ci.status.updateBustard(
+      elif
+        self.run_status_dict['gerald'] = True
+        self._ci.status.updateGerald(
+    #WARNING: The following order is important!!
+    # Firecrest regex will catch all gerald, bustard, and firecrest
+    # Bustard regex will catch all gerald and bustard
+    # Gerald regex will catch all gerald
+    # So, order needs to be Gerald, Bustard, Firecrest, or this
+    #  won't work properly.
+    elif
+      self._ci.status.updateGerald(
+    elif
+      self._ci.status.updateBustard(
+    elif
+      self._ci.status.updateFirecrest(
+    #print "Create: %s" % (os.path.join(event.path,
+  def process_IN_DELETE(self, event):
+    #print "Remove %s" % (os.path.join(event.path,
+    pass
+# Config Step Error
+RUN_ABORT = 'abort'
+# Run Step Error
+RUN_FAILED = 'failed'
+# Configure Step (
+s_start = re.compile('Starting Genome Analyzer Pipeline')
+s_gerald = re.compile("[\S\s]+--GERALD[\S\s]+--make[\S\s]+")
+s_generating = re.compile('^Generating journals, Makefiles')
+s_seq_folder = re.compile('^Sequence folder: ')
+s_seq_folder_sub = re.compile('want to make ')
+s_stderr_taskcomplete = re.compile('^Task complete, exiting')
+s_invalid_cmdline = re.compile('Usage:[\S\s]*')
+s_species_dir_err = re.compile('Error: Lane [1-8]:')
+s_goat_traceb = re.compile("^Traceback \(most recent call last\):")
+s_missing_cycles = re.compile('^Error: Tile s_[1-8]_[0-9]+: Different number of cycles: [0-9]+ instead of [0-9]+')
+##Ignore - Example of out above each ignore regex.
+#NOTE: Commenting out an ignore will cause it to be
+# logged as DEBUG with the logging module.
+s_skip = re.compile('s_[0-8]_[0-9]+')
+# Pipeline Run Step (make -j8 recursive)
+s_finished = re.compile('finished')
+s_make_error = re.compile('^make[\S\s]+Error')
+s_no_gnuplot = re.compile('gnuplot: command not found')
+s_no_convert = re.compile('^Can\'t exec "convert"')
+s_no_ghostscript = re.compile('gs: command not found')
+##Ignore - Example of out above each ignore regex.
+#NOTE: Commenting out an ignore will cause it to be
+# logged as DEBUG with the logging module.
+# Info: PF 11802
+PL_STDERR_IGNORE_LIST.append( re.compile('^Info: PF') )
+# About to analyse intensity file s_4_0101_sig2.txt
+PL_STDERR_IGNORE_LIST.append( re.compile('^About to analyse intensity file') )
+# Will send output to standard output
+PL_STDERR_IGNORE_LIST.append( re.compile('^Will send output to standard output') )
+# Found 31877 clusters
+PL_STDERR_IGNORE_LIST.append( re.compile('^Found [0-9]+ clusters') )
+# Will use quality criterion ((CHASTITY>=0.6)
+PL_STDERR_IGNORE_LIST.append( re.compile('^Will use quality criterion') )
+# Quality criterion translated to (($F[5]>=0.6))
+PL_STDERR_IGNORE_LIST.append( re.compile('^Quality criterion translated to') )
+# opened /woldlab/trog/data1/king/070924_USI-EAS44_0022_FC12150/Data/C1-36_Firecrest1.9.1_14-11-2007_king.4/Bustard1.9.1_14-11-2007_king/s_4_0101_qhg.txt
+#  AND
+# opened s_4_0103_qhg.txt
+PL_STDERR_IGNORE_LIST.append( re.compile('^opened[\S\s]+qhg.txt') )
+# 81129 sequences out of 157651 passed filter criteria
+PL_STDERR_IGNORE_LIST.append( re.compile('^[0-9]+ sequences out of [0-9]+ passed filter criteria') )
+def pl_stderr_ignore(line):
+  """
+  Searches lines for lines to ignore (i.e. not to log)
+  returns True if line should be ignored
+  returns False if line should NOT be ignored
+  """
+    if
+      return True
+  return False
+def config_stdout_handler(line, conf_info):
+  """
+  Processes each line of output from GOAT
+  and stores useful information using the logging module
+  Loads useful information into conf_info as well, for future
+  use outside the function.
+  returns True if found condition that signifies success.
+  """
+  # Skip irrelevant line (without logging)
+  if
+    pass
+  # Detect invalid command-line arguments
+  elif
+    logging.error("Invalid commandline options!")
+  # Detect starting of configuration
+  elif
+'START: Configuring pipeline')
+  # Detect it made it past invalid arguments
+  elif
+'Running make now')
+  # Detect that make files have been generated (based on output)
+  elif
+'Make files generted')
+    return True
+  # Capture run directory
+  elif
+    mo =
+    #Output changed when using --tiles=<tiles>
+    # at least in pipeline v0.3.0b2
+    if mo:
+      firecrest_bustard_gerald_makefile = line[mo.end():]
+      firecrest_bustard_gerald, junk = \
+                                os.path.split(firecrest_bustard_gerald_makefile)
+      firecrest_bustard, junk = os.path.split(firecrest_bustard_gerald)
+      firecrest, junk = os.path.split(firecrest_bustard)
+      conf_info.bustard_path = firecrest_bustard
+      conf_info.run_path = firecrest
+    #Standard output handling
+    else:
+      print 'Sequence line:', line
+      mo =
+      conf_info.bustard_path = line[mo.end():]
+      conf_info.run_path, temp = os.path.split(conf_info.bustard_path)
+  # Log all other output for debugging purposes
+  else:
+    logging.warning('CONF:?: %s' % (line))
+  return False
+def config_stderr_handler(line, conf_info):
+  """
+  Processes each line of output from GOAT
+  and stores useful information using the logging module
+  Loads useful information into conf_info as well, for future
+  use outside the function.
+  returns RUN_ABORT upon detecting failure;
+          True on success message;
+          False if neutral message
+            (i.e. doesn't signify failure or success)
+  """
+  # Detect invalid species directory error
+  if
+    logging.error(line)
+    return RUN_ABORT
+  # Detect traceback
+  elif
+    logging.error("Goat config script died, traceback in debug output")
+    return RUN_ABORT
+  # Detect indication of successful configuration (from stderr; odd, but ok)
+  elif
+'Configure step successful (from: stderr)')
+    return True
+  # Detect missing cycles
+  elif
+    # Only display error once
+      logging.error("Missing cycles detected; Not all cycles copied?")
+      logging.debug("CONF:STDERR:MISSING_CYCLES: %s" % (line))
+    return RUN_ABORT
+  # Log all other output as debug output
+  else:
+    logging.debug('CONF:STDERR:?: %s' % (line))
+  # Neutral (not failure; nor success)
+  return False
+#def pipeline_stdout_handler(line, conf_info):
+#  """
+#  Processes each line of output from running the pipeline
+#  and stores useful information using the logging module
+#  Loads useful information into conf_info as well, for future
+#  use outside the function.
+#  returns True if found condition that signifies success.
+#  """
+#  #f.write(line + '\n')
+#  return True
+def pipeline_stderr_handler(line, conf_info):
+  """
+  Processes each line of stderr from pipelien run
+  and stores useful information using the logging module
+  ##FIXME: Future feature (doesn't actually do this yet)
+  #Loads useful information into conf_info as well, for future
+  #use outside the function.
+  returns RUN_FAILED upon detecting failure;
+          #True on success message; (no clear success state)
+          False if neutral message
+            (i.e. doesn't signify failure or success)
+  """
+  if pl_stderr_ignore(line):
+    pass
+  elif
+    logging.error("make error detected; run failed")
+    return RUN_FAILED
+  elif
+    logging.error("gnuplot not found")
+    return RUN_FAILED
+  elif
+    logging.error("imagemagick's convert command not found")
+    return RUN_FAILED
+  elif
+    logging.error("ghostscript not found")
+    return RUN_FAILED
+  else:
+    logging.debug('PIPE:STDERR:?: %s' % (line))
+  return False
+def retrieve_config(conf_info, flowcell, cfg_filepath, genome_dir):
+  """
+  Gets the config file from server...
+  requires config file in:
+    /etc/ga_frontend/ga_frontend.conf
+   or
+    ~/.ga_frontend.conf
+  with:
+  [config_file_server]
+  base_host_url: http://host:port
+  return True if successful, False is failure
+  """
+  options = getCombinedOptions()
+  if options.url is None:
+    logging.error("~/.ga_frontend.conf or /etc/ga_frontend/ga_frontend.conf" \
+                  " missing base_host_url option")
+    return False
+  try:
+    saveConfigFile(flowcell, options.url, cfg_filepath)
+    conf_info.config_filepath = cfg_filepath
+  except FlowCellNotFound, e:
+    logging.error(e)
+    return False
+  except WebError404, e:
+    logging.error(e)
+    return False
+  except IOError, e:
+    logging.error(e)
+    return False
+  except Exception, e:
+    logging.error(e)
+    return False
+  f = open(cfg_filepath, 'r')
+  data =
+  f.close()
+  genome_dict = getAvailableGenomes(genome_dir)
+  mapper_dict = constructMapperDict(genome_dict)
+  logging.debug(data)
+  f = open(cfg_filepath, 'w')
+  f.write(data % (mapper_dict))
+  f.close()
+  return True
+def configure(conf_info):
+  """
+  Attempts to configure the GA pipeline using goat.
+  Uses logging module to store information about status.
+  returns True if configuration successful, otherwise False.
+  """
+  #ERROR Test:
+  #pipe = subprocess.Popen(['',
+  #                         '--GERALD=config32bk.txt',
+  #                         '--make .',],
+  #                         #'.'],
+  #                        stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+  #                        stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+  #ERROR Test (2), causes traceback
+  #pipe = subprocess.Popen(['',
+  #                  '--GERALD=%s' % (conf_info.config_filepath),
+  #                         '--tiles=s_4_100,s_4_101,s_4_102,s_4_103,s_4_104',
+  #                         '--make',
+  #                         '.'],
+  #                        stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+  #                        stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+  ##########################
+  # Run configuration step
+  #   Not a test; actual configure attempt.
+  #pipe = subprocess.Popen(['',
+  #                  '--GERALD=%s' % (conf_info.config_filepath),
+  #                         '--make',
+  #                         '.'],
+  #                        stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+  #                        stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+  stdout_filepath = os.path.join(conf_info.analysis_dir,
+                                 "pipeline_configure_stdout.txt")
+  stderr_filepath = os.path.join(conf_info.analysis_dir,
+                                 "pipeline_configure_stderr.txt")
+  fout = open(stdout_filepath, 'w')
+  ferr = open(stderr_filepath, 'w')
+  pipe = subprocess.Popen(['',
+                    '--GERALD=%s' % (conf_info.config_filepath),
+                           #'--tiles=s_4_0100,s_4_0101,s_4_0102,s_4_0103,s_4_0104',
+                           '--make',
+                           conf_info.analysis_dir],
+                          stdout=fout,
+                          stderr=ferr)
+  print "Configuring pipeline: %s" % (time.ctime())
+  error_code = pipe.wait()
+  # Clean up
+  fout.close()
+  ferr.close()
+  ##################
+  # Process stdout
+  fout = open(stdout_filepath, 'r')
+  stdout_line = fout.readline()
+  complete = False
+  while stdout_line != '':
+    # Handle stdout
+    if config_stdout_handler(stdout_line, conf_info):
+      complete = True
+    stdout_line = fout.readline()
+  fout.close()
+  #error_code = pipe.wait()
+  if error_code:
+    logging.error('Recieved error_code: %s' % (error_code))
+  else:
+'We are go for launch!')
+  #Process stderr
+  ferr = open(stderr_filepath, 'r')
+  stderr_line = ferr.readline()
+  abort = 'NO!'
+  stderr_success = False
+  while stderr_line != '':
+    stderr_status = config_stderr_handler(stderr_line, conf_info)
+    if stderr_status == RUN_ABORT:
+      abort = RUN_ABORT
+    elif stderr_status is True:
+      stderr_success = True
+    stderr_line = ferr.readline()
+  ferr.close()
+  #Success requirements:
+  # 1) The stdout completed without error
+  # 2) The program exited with status 0
+  # 3) No errors found in stdout
+  print '#Expect: True, False, True, True'
+  print complete, bool(error_code), abort != RUN_ABORT, stderr_success is True
+  status = complete is True and \
+           bool(error_code) is False and \
+           abort != RUN_ABORT and \
+           stderr_success is True
+  # If everything was successful, but for some reason
+  #  we didn't retrieve the path info, log it.
+  if status is True:
+    if conf_info.bustard_path is None or conf_info.run_path is None:
+      logging.error("Failed to retrieve run_path")
+      return False
+  return status
+def run_pipeline(conf_info):
+  """
+  Run the pipeline and monitor status.
+  """
+  # Fail if the run_path doesn't actually exist
+  if not os.path.exists(conf_info.run_path):
+    logging.error('Run path does not exist: %s' \
+              % (conf_info.run_path))
+    return False
+  # Change cwd to run_path
+  stdout_filepath = os.path.join(conf_info.analysis_dir, 'pipeline_run_stdout.txt')
+  stderr_filepath = os.path.join(conf_info.analysis_dir, 'pipeline_run_stderr.txt')
+  # Create status object
+  conf_info.createStatusObject()
+  # Monitor file creation
+  wm = WatchManager()
+  mask = EventsCodes.IN_DELETE | EventsCodes.IN_CREATE
+  event = RunEvent(conf_info)
+  notifier = ThreadedNotifier(wm, event)
+  notifier.start()
+  wdd = wm.add_watch(conf_info.run_path, mask, rec=True)
+  # Log pipeline starting
+'STARTING PIPELINE @ %s' % (time.ctime()))
+  # Start the pipeline (and hide!)
+  #pipe = subprocess.Popen(['make',
+  #                         '-j8',
+  #                         'recursive'],
+  #                        stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+  #                        stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+  fout = open(stdout_filepath, 'w')
+  ferr = open(stderr_filepath, 'w')
+  pipe = subprocess.Popen(['make',
+                           '--directory=%s' % (conf_info.run_path),
+                           '-j8',
+                           'recursive'],
+                           stdout=fout,
+                           stderr=ferr)
+                           #shell=True)
+  # Wait for run to finish
+  retcode = pipe.wait()
+  # Clean up
+  notifier.stop()
+  fout.close()
+  ferr.close()
+  # Process stderr
+  ferr = open(stderr_filepath, 'r')
+  run_failed_stderr = False
+  for line in ferr:
+    err_status = pipeline_stderr_handler(line, conf_info)
+    if err_status == RUN_FAILED:
+      run_failed_stderr = True
+  ferr.close()
+  # Finished file check!
+  for key, value in event.run_status_dict.items():
+    print '  %s: %s' % (key, value)
+  dstatus = event.run_status_dict
+  # Success or failure check
+  status = (retcode == 0) and \
+           run_failed_stderr is False and \
+           dstatus['firecrest'] is True and \
+           dstatus['bustard'] is True and \
+           dstatus['gerald'] is True
+  return status
diff --git a/htsworkflow/pipelines/ b/htsworkflow/pipelines/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ee6fded
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+Extract information about the Firecrest run
+Firecrest - class holding the properties we found
+firecrest - Firecrest factory function initalized from a directory name
+fromxml - Firecrest factory function initalized from an xml dump from
+          the Firecrest object.
+from datetime import date
+import os
+import re
+import time
+from htsworkflow.pipelines.runfolder import \
+   ElementTree, \
+class Firecrest(object):
+    # xml tag names
+    FIRECREST = 'Firecrest'
+    SOFTWARE_VERSION = 'version'
+    START = 'FirstCycle'
+    STOP = 'LastCycle'
+    DATE = 'run_time'
+    USER = 'user'
+    MATRIX = 'matrix'
+    def __init__(self, xml=None):
+        self.start = None
+        self.stop = None
+        self.version = None
+ =
+        self.user = None
+        self.matrix = None
+        if xml is not None:
+            self.set_elements(xml)
+    def _get_time(self):
+        return time.mktime(
+    time = property(_get_time, doc='return run time as seconds since epoch')
+    def dump(self):
+        print "Starting cycle:", self.start
+        print "Ending cycle:", self.stop
+        print "Firecrest version:", self.version
+        print "Run date:",
+        print "user:", self.user
+    def get_elements(self):
+        attribs = {'version': str(Firecrest.XML_VERSION) }
+        root = ElementTree.Element(Firecrest.FIRECREST, attrib=attribs)
+        version = ElementTree.SubElement(root, Firecrest.SOFTWARE_VERSION)
+        version.text = self.version
+        start_cycle = ElementTree.SubElement(root, Firecrest.START)
+        start_cycle.text = str(self.start)
+        stop_cycle = ElementTree.SubElement(root, Firecrest.STOP)
+        stop_cycle.text = str(self.stop)
+        run_date = ElementTree.SubElement(root, Firecrest.DATE)
+        run_date.text = str(self.time)
+        user = ElementTree.SubElement(root, Firecrest.USER)
+        user.text = self.user
+        matrix = ElementTree.SubElement(root, Firecrest.MATRIX)
+        matrix.text = self.matrix
+        return root
+    def set_elements(self, tree):
+        if tree.tag != Firecrest.FIRECREST:
+            raise ValueError('Expected "Firecrest" SubElements')
+        xml_version = int(tree.attrib.get('version', 0))
+        if xml_version > Firecrest.XML_VERSION:
+            logging.warn('Firecrest XML tree is a higher version than this class')
+        for element in list(tree):
+            if element.tag == Firecrest.SOFTWARE_VERSION:
+                self.version = element.text
+            elif element.tag == Firecrest.START:
+                self.start = int(element.text)
+            elif element.tag == Firecrest.STOP:
+                self.stop = int(element.text)
+            elif element.tag == Firecrest.DATE:
+       = date.fromtimestamp(float(element.text))
+            elif element.tag == Firecrest.USER:
+                self.user = element.text
+            elif element.tag == Firecrest.MATRIX:
+                self.matrix = element.text
+            else:
+                raise ValueError("Unrecognized tag: %s" % (element.tag,))
+def firecrest(pathname):
+    """
+    Examine the directory at pathname and initalize a Firecrest object
+    """
+    f = Firecrest()
+    # parse firecrest directory name
+    path, name = os.path.split(pathname)
+    groups = name.split('_')
+    # grab the start/stop cycle information
+    cycle = re.match("C([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)", groups[0])
+    f.start = int(
+    f.stop = int(
+    # firecrest version
+    version =, groups[1])
+    f.version = (
+    # datetime
+    t = time.strptime(groups[2], EUROPEAN_STRPTIME)
+ = date(*t[0:3])
+    # username
+    f.user = groups[3]
+    # should I parse this deeper than just stashing the 
+    # contents of the matrix file?
+    matrix_pathname = os.path.join(pathname, 'Matrix', 's_matrix.txt')
+    f.matrix = open(matrix_pathname, 'r').read()
+    return f
+def fromxml(tree):
+    """
+    Initialize a Firecrest object from an element tree node
+    """
+    f = Firecrest()
+    f.set_elements(tree)
+    return f
diff --git a/htsworkflow/pipelines/ b/htsworkflow/pipelines/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a8ea871
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+import glob
+import sys
+import os
+import re
+import logging
+from htsworkflow.util.alphanum import alphanum
+class DuplicateGenome(Exception): pass
+def _has_metainfo(genome_dir):
+  metapath = os.path.join(genome_dir, '_metainfo_')
+  if os.path.isfile(metapath):
+    return True
+  else:
+    return False
+def getAvailableGenomes(genome_base_dir):
+  """
+  raises IOError (on genome_base_dir not found)
+  raises DuplicateGenome on duplicate genomes found.
+  returns a double dictionary (i.e. d[species][build] = path)
+  """
+  # Need valid directory
+  if not os.path.exists(genome_base_dir):
+    msg = "Directory does not exist: %s" % (genome_base_dir)
+    raise IOError, msg
+  # Find all subdirectories
+  filepath_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(genome_base_dir, '*'))
+  potential_genome_dirs = \
+    [ filepath for filepath in filepath_list if os.path.isdir(filepath)]
+  # Get list of metadata files
+  genome_dir_list = \
+    [ dirpath \
+      for dirpath in potential_genome_dirs \
+      if _has_metainfo(dirpath) ]
+  # Genome double dictionary
+  d = {}
+  for genome_dir in genome_dir_list:
+    line = open(os.path.join(genome_dir, '_metainfo_'), 'r').readline().strip()
+    # Get species, build... log and skip on failure
+    try:
+      species, build = line.split('|')
+    except:
+      logging.warning('Skipping: Invalid metafile (%s) line: %s' \
+                      % (metafile, line))
+      continue
+    build_dict = d.setdefault(species, {})
+    if build in build_dict:
+      msg = "Duplicate genome for %s|%s" % (species, build)
+      raise DuplicateGenome, msg
+    build_dict[build] = genome_dir
+  return d
+class constructMapperDict(object):
+    """
+    Emulate a dictionary to map genome|build names to paths.
+    It uses the dictionary generated by getAvailableGenomes.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, genome_dict):
+        self.genome_dict = genome_dict
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        """
+        Return the best match for key
+        """
+        elements = re.split("\|", key)
+        if len(elements) == 1:
+            # we just the species name
+            # get the set of builds
+            builds = self.genome_dict[elements[0]]
+            # sort build names the way humans would
+            keys = builds.keys()
+            keys.sort(cmp=alphanum)
+            # return the path from the 'last' build name
+            return builds[keys[-1]]
+        elif len(elements) == 2:
+            # we have species, and build name
+            return self.genome_dict[elements[0]][elements[1]]
+        else:
+            raise KeyError("Unrecognized key")
+    def keys(self):
+        keys = []
+        for species in self.genome_dict.keys():
+            for build in self.genome_dict[species]:
+                keys.append([species+'|'+build])
+        return keys
+    def values(self):
+        values = []
+        for species in self.genome_dict.keys():
+            for build in self.genome_dict[species]:
+                values.append(self.genome_dict[species][build])
+        return values
+    def items(self):
+        items = []
+        for species in self.genome_dict.keys():
+            for build in self.genome_dict[species]:
+                key = [species+'|'+build]
+                value = self.genome_dict[species][build]
+                items.append((key, value))
+        return items
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  if len(sys.argv) != 2:
+    print 'useage: %s <base_genome_dir>' % (sys.argv[0])
+    sys.exit(1)
+  d = getAvailableGenomes(sys.argv[1])
+  d2 = constructMapperDict(d)
+  for k,v in d2.items():
+    print '%s: %s' % (k,v)
diff --git a/htsworkflow/pipelines/ b/htsworkflow/pipelines/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..109c6a8
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,719 @@
+Provide access to information stored in the GERALD directory.
+from datetime import datetime, date
+from glob import glob
+import logging
+import os
+import stat
+import time
+import types
+from htsworkflow.pipelines.runfolder import \
+   ElementTree, \
+from htsworkflow.util.ethelp import indent, flatten
+from htsworkflow.util.opener import autoopen
+class Gerald(object):
+    """
+    Capture meaning out of the GERALD directory
+    """
+    XML_VERSION = 1
+    GERALD='Gerald'
+    RUN_PARAMETERS='RunParameters'
+    SUMMARY='Summary'
+    class LaneParameters(object):
+        """
+        Make it easy to access elements of LaneSpecificRunParameters from python
+        """
+        def __init__(self, gerald, key):
+            self._gerald = gerald
+            self._key = key
+        def __get_attribute(self, xml_tag):
+            subtree = self._gerald.tree.find('LaneSpecificRunParameters')
+            container = subtree.find(xml_tag)
+            if container is None:
+                return None
+            if len(container.getchildren()) > LANES_PER_FLOWCELL:
+                raise RuntimeError('GERALD config.xml file changed')
+            lanes = [x.tag.split('_')[1] for x in container.getchildren()]
+            index = lanes.index(self._key)
+            element = container[index]
+            return element.text
+        def _get_analysis(self):
+            return self.__get_attribute('ANALYSIS')
+        analysis = property(_get_analysis)
+        def _get_eland_genome(self):
+            genome = self.__get_attribute('ELAND_GENOME')
+            # default to the chipwide parameters if there isn't an
+            # entry in the lane specific paramaters
+            if genome is None:
+                subtree = self._gerald.tree.find('ChipWideRunParameters')
+                container = subtree.find('ELAND_GENOME')
+                genome = container.text
+            return genome
+        eland_genome = property(_get_eland_genome)
+        def _get_read_length(self):
+            return self.__get_attribute('READ_LENGTH')
+        read_length = property(_get_read_length)
+        def _get_use_bases(self):
+            return self.__get_attribute('USE_BASES')
+        use_bases = property(_get_use_bases)
+    class LaneSpecificRunParameters(object):
+        """
+        Provide access to LaneSpecificRunParameters
+        """
+        def __init__(self, gerald):
+            self._gerald = gerald
+            self._keys = None
+        def __getitem__(self, key):
+            return Gerald.LaneParameters(self._gerald, key)
+        def keys(self):
+            if self._keys is None:
+                tree = self._gerald.tree
+                analysis = tree.find('LaneSpecificRunParameters/ANALYSIS')
+                # according to the pipeline specs I think their fields 
+                # are sampleName_laneID, with sampleName defaulting to s
+                # since laneIDs are constant lets just try using 
+                # those consistently.
+                self._keys = [ x.tag.split('_')[1] for x in analysis]
+            return self._keys
+        def values(self):
+            return [ self[x] for x in self.keys() ]
+        def items(self):
+            return zip(self.keys(), self.values())
+        def __len__(self):
+            return len(self.keys())
+    def __init__(self, xml=None):
+        self.pathname = None
+        self.tree = None
+        # parse lane parameters out of the config.xml file
+        self.lanes = Gerald.LaneSpecificRunParameters(self)
+        self.summary = None
+        self.eland_results = None
+        if xml is not None:
+            self.set_elements(xml)
+    def _get_date(self):
+        if self.tree is None:
+            return
+        timestamp = self.tree.findtext('ChipWideRunParameters/TIME_STAMP')
+        epochstamp = time.mktime(time.strptime(timestamp, '%c'))
+        return datetime.fromtimestamp(epochstamp)
+    date = property(_get_date)
+    def _get_time(self):
+        return time.mktime(
+    time = property(_get_time, doc='return run time as seconds since epoch')
+    def _get_version(self):
+        if self.tree is None:
+            return None
+        return self.tree.findtext('ChipWideRunParameters/SOFTWARE_VERSION')
+    version = property(_get_version)
+    def dump(self):
+        """
+        Debugging function, report current object
+        """
+        print 'Gerald version:', self.version
+        print 'Gerald run date:',
+        print 'Gerald config.xml:', self.tree
+        self.summary.dump()
+    def get_elements(self):
+        if self.tree is None or self.summary is None:
+            return None
+        gerald = ElementTree.Element(Gerald.GERALD, 
+                                     {'version': unicode(Gerald.XML_VERSION)})
+        gerald.append(self.tree)
+        gerald.append(self.summary.get_elements())
+        if self.eland_results:
+            gerald.append(self.eland_results.get_elements())
+        return gerald
+    def set_elements(self, tree):
+        if tree.tag !=  Gerald.GERALD:
+            raise ValueError('exptected GERALD')
+        xml_version = int(tree.attrib.get('version', 0))
+        if xml_version > Gerald.XML_VERSION:
+            logging.warn('XML tree is a higher version than this class')
+        for element in list(tree):
+            tag = element.tag.lower()
+            if tag == Gerald.RUN_PARAMETERS.lower():
+                self.tree = element
+            elif tag == Gerald.SUMMARY.lower():
+                self.summary = Summary(xml=element)
+            elif tag == ELAND.ELAND.lower():
+                self.eland_results = ELAND(xml=element)
+            else:
+                logging.warn("Unrecognized tag %s" % (element.tag,))
+def gerald(pathname):
+    g = Gerald()
+    g.pathname = pathname
+    path, name = os.path.split(pathname)
+    config_pathname = os.path.join(pathname, 'config.xml')
+    g.tree = ElementTree.parse(config_pathname).getroot()
+    # parse Summary.htm file
+    summary_pathname = os.path.join(pathname, 'Summary.htm')
+    g.summary = Summary(summary_pathname)
+    # parse eland files
+    g.eland_results = eland(g.pathname, g)
+    return g
+def tonumber(v):
+    """
+    Convert a value to int if its an int otherwise a float.
+    """
+    try:
+        v = int(v)
+    except ValueError, e:
+        v = float(v)
+    return v
+def parse_mean_range(value):
+    """
+    Parse values like 123 +/- 4.5
+    """
+    if value.strip() == 'unknown':
+       return 0, 0
+    average, pm, deviation = value.split()
+    if pm != '+/-':
+        raise RuntimeError("Summary.htm file format changed")
+    return tonumber(average), tonumber(deviation)
+def make_mean_range_element(parent, name, mean, deviation):
+    """
+    Make an ElementTree subelement <Name mean='mean', deviation='deviation'/>
+    """
+    element = ElementTree.SubElement(parent, name,
+                                     { 'mean': unicode(mean),
+                                       'deviation': unicode(deviation)})
+    return element
+def parse_mean_range_element(element):
+    """
+    Grab mean/deviation out of element
+    """
+    return (tonumber(element.attrib['mean']), 
+            tonumber(element.attrib['deviation']))
+def parse_summary_element(element):
+    """
+    Determine if we have a simple element or a mean/deviation element
+    """
+    if len(element.attrib) > 0:
+        return parse_mean_range_element(element)
+    else:
+        return element.text
+class Summary(object):
+    """
+    Extract some useful information from the Summary.htm file
+    """
+    XML_VERSION = 2
+    SUMMARY = 'Summary'
+    class LaneResultSummary(object):
+        """
+        Parse the LaneResultSummary table out of Summary.htm
+        Mostly for the cluster number
+        """
+        LANE_RESULT_SUMMARY = 'LaneResultSummary'
+        TAGS = { 
+          'LaneYield': 'lane_yield',
+          'Cluster': 'cluster', # Raw
+          'ClusterPF': 'cluster_pass_filter',
+          'AverageFirstCycleIntensity': 'average_first_cycle_intensity',
+          'PercentIntensityAfter20Cycles': 'percent_intensity_after_20_cycles',
+          'PercentPassFilterClusters': 'percent_pass_filter_clusters',
+          'PercentPassFilterAlign': 'percent_pass_filter_align',
+          'AverageAlignmentScore': 'average_alignment_score',
+          'PercentErrorRate': 'percent_error_rate'
+        }
+        def __init__(self, html=None, xml=None):
+            self.lane = None
+            self.lane_yield = None
+            self.cluster = None
+            self.cluster_pass_filter = None
+            self.average_first_cycle_intensity = None
+            self.percent_intensity_after_20_cycles = None
+            self.percent_pass_filter_clusters = None
+            self.percent_pass_filter_align = None
+            self.average_alignment_score = None
+            self.percent_error_rate = None
+            if html is not None:
+                self.set_elements_from_html(html)
+            if xml is not None:
+                self.set_elements(xml)
+        def set_elements_from_html(self, data):
+            if not len(data) in (8,10):
+                raise RuntimeError("Summary.htm file format changed")
+            # same in pre-0.3.0 Summary file and 0.3 summary file
+            self.lane = data[0]
+            if len(data) == 8:
+                parsed_data = [ parse_mean_range(x) for x in data[1:] ]
+                # this is the < 0.3 Pipeline version
+                self.cluster = parsed_data[0]
+                self.average_first_cycle_intensity = parsed_data[1]
+                self.percent_intensity_after_20_cycles = parsed_data[2]
+                self.percent_pass_filter_clusters = parsed_data[3]
+                self.percent_pass_filter_align = parsed_data[4]
+                self.average_alignment_score = parsed_data[5]
+                self.percent_error_rate = parsed_data[6]
+            elif len(data) == 10:
+                parsed_data = [ parse_mean_range(x) for x in data[2:] ]
+                # this is the >= 0.3 summary file
+                self.lane_yield = data[1]
+                self.cluster = parsed_data[0]
+                self.cluster_pass_filter = parsed_data[1]
+                self.average_first_cycle_intensity = parsed_data[2]
+                self.percent_intensity_after_20_cycles = parsed_data[3]
+                self.percent_pass_filter_clusters = parsed_data[4]
+                self.percent_pass_filter_align = parsed_data[5]
+                self.average_alignment_score = parsed_data[6]
+                self.percent_error_rate = parsed_data[7]
+        def get_elements(self):
+            lane_result = ElementTree.Element(
+                            Summary.LaneResultSummary.LANE_RESULT_SUMMARY, 
+                            {'lane': self.lane})
+            for tag, variable_name in Summary.LaneResultSummary.TAGS.items():
+                value = getattr(self, variable_name)
+                if value is None:
+                    continue
+                # it looks like a sequence
+                elif type(value) in (types.TupleType, types.ListType):
+                    element = make_mean_range_element(
+                      lane_result,
+                      tag,
+                      *value
+                    )
+                else:
+                    element = ElementTree.SubElement(lane_result, tag)
+                    element.text = value
+            return lane_result
+        def set_elements(self, tree):
+            if tree.tag != Summary.LaneResultSummary.LANE_RESULT_SUMMARY:
+                raise ValueError('Expected %s' % (
+                        Summary.LaneResultSummary.LANE_RESULT_SUMMARY))
+            self.lane = tree.attrib['lane']
+            tags = Summary.LaneResultSummary.TAGS
+            for element in list(tree):
+                try:
+                    variable_name = tags[element.tag]
+                    setattr(self, variable_name, 
+                            parse_summary_element(element))
+                except KeyError, e:
+                    logging.warn('Unrecognized tag %s' % (element.tag,))
+    def __init__(self, filename=None, xml=None):
+        self.lane_results = {}
+        if filename is not None:
+            self._extract_lane_results(filename)
+        if xml is not None:
+            self.set_elements(xml)
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        return self.lane_results[key]
+    def __len__(self):
+        return len(self.lane_results)
+    def keys(self):
+        return self.lane_results.keys()
+    def values(self):
+        return self.lane_results.values()
+    def items(self):
+        return self.lane_results.items()
+    def _flattened_row(self, row):
+        """
+        flatten the children of a <tr>...</tr>
+        """
+        return [flatten(x) for x in row.getchildren() ]
+    def _parse_table(self, table):
+        """
+        assumes the first line is the header of a table, 
+        and that the remaining rows are data
+        """
+        rows = table.getchildren()
+        data = []
+        for r in rows:
+            data.append(self._flattened_row(r))
+        return data
+    def _extract_named_tables(self, pathname):
+        """
+        extract all the 'named' tables from a Summary.htm file
+        and return as a dictionary
+        Named tables are <h2>...</h2><table>...</table> pairs
+        The contents of the h2 tag is considered to the name
+        of the table.
+        """
+        tree = ElementTree.parse(pathname).getroot()
+        body = tree.find('body')
+        tables = {}
+        for i in range(len(body)):
+            if body[i].tag == 'h2' and body[i+1].tag == 'table':
+                # we have an interesting table
+                name = flatten(body[i])
+                table = body[i+1]
+                data = self._parse_table(table)
+                tables[name] = data
+        return tables
+    def _extract_lane_results(self, pathname):
+        """
+        extract the Lane Results Summary table
+        """
+        tables = self._extract_named_tables(pathname)
+        # parse lane result summary
+        lane_summary = tables['Lane Results Summary']
+        # this is version 1 of the summary file
+        if len(lane_summary[-1]) == 8:
+            # strip header
+            headers = lane_summary[0]
+            # grab the lane by lane data
+            lane_summary = lane_summary[1:]
+        # this is version 2 of the summary file
+        if len(lane_summary[-1]) == 10:
+            # lane_summary[0] is a different less specific header row
+            headers = lane_summary[1]
+            lane_summary = lane_summary[2:10]
+            # after the last lane, there's a set of chip wide averages
+        for r in lane_summary:
+            lrs = Summary.LaneResultSummary(html=r)
+            self.lane_results[lrs.lane] = lrs
+    def get_elements(self):
+        summary = ElementTree.Element(Summary.SUMMARY, 
+                                      {'version': unicode(Summary.XML_VERSION)})
+        for lane in self.lane_results.values():
+            summary.append(lane.get_elements())
+        return summary
+    def set_elements(self, tree):
+        if tree.tag != Summary.SUMMARY:
+            return ValueError("Expected %s" % (Summary.SUMMARY,))
+        xml_version = int(tree.attrib.get('version', 0))
+        if xml_version > Summary.XML_VERSION:
+            logging.warn('Summary XML tree is a higher version than this class')
+        for element in list(tree):
+            lrs = Summary.LaneResultSummary()
+            lrs.set_elements(element)
+            self.lane_results[lrs.lane] = lrs
+    def dump(self):
+        """
+        Debugging function, report current object
+        """
+        pass
+def build_genome_fasta_map(genome_dir):
+    # build fasta to fasta file map
+    genome = genome_dir.split(os.path.sep)[-1]
+    fasta_map = {}
+    for vld_file in glob(os.path.join(genome_dir, '*.vld')):
+        is_link = False
+        if os.path.islink(vld_file):
+            is_link = True
+        vld_file = os.path.realpath(vld_file)
+        path, vld_name = os.path.split(vld_file)
+        name, ext = os.path.splitext(vld_name)
+        if is_link:
+            fasta_map[name] = name
+        else:
+            fasta_map[name] = os.path.join(genome, name)
+    return fasta_map
+class ElandLane(object):
+    """
+    Process an eland result file
+    """
+    XML_VERSION = 1
+    LANE = 'ElandLane'
+    SAMPLE_NAME = 'SampleName'
+    LANE_ID = 'LaneID'
+    GENOME_MAP = 'GenomeMap'
+    GENOME_ITEM = 'GenomeItem'
+    MAPPED_READS = 'MappedReads'
+    MAPPED_ITEM = 'MappedItem'
+    MATCH_CODES = 'MatchCodes'
+    MATCH_ITEM = 'Code'
+    READS = 'Reads'
+    def __init__(self, pathname=None, genome_map=None, xml=None):
+        self.pathname = pathname
+        self._sample_name = None
+        self._lane_id = None
+        self._reads = None
+        self._mapped_reads = None
+        self._match_codes = None
+        if genome_map is None:
+            genome_map = {}
+        self.genome_map = genome_map
+        if xml is not None:
+            self.set_elements(xml)
+    def _update(self):
+        """
+        Actually read the file and actually count the reads
+        """
+        # can't do anything if we don't have a file to process
+        if self.pathname is None:
+            return
+        if os.stat(self.pathname)[stat.ST_SIZE] == 0:
+            raise RuntimeError("Eland isn't done, try again later.")
+        reads = 0
+        mapped_reads = {}
+        match_codes = {'NM':0, 'QC':0, 'RM':0, 
+                       'U0':0, 'U1':0, 'U2':0,
+                       'R0':0, 'R1':0, 'R2':0,
+                      }
+        for line in autoopen(self.pathname,'r'):
+            reads += 1
+            fields = line.split()
+            # code = fields[2]
+            # match_codes[code] = match_codes.setdefault(code, 0) + 1
+            # the QC/NM etc codes are in the 3rd field and always present
+            match_codes[fields[2]] += 1
+            # ignore lines that don't have a fasta filename
+            if len(fields) < 7:
+                continue
+            fasta = self.genome_map.get(fields[6], fields[6])
+            mapped_reads[fasta] = mapped_reads.setdefault(fasta, 0) + 1
+        self._match_codes = match_codes
+        self._mapped_reads = mapped_reads
+        self._reads = reads
+    def _update_name(self):
+        # extract the sample name
+        if self.pathname is None:
+            return
+        path, name = os.path.split(self.pathname)
+        split_name = name.split('_')
+        self._sample_name = split_name[0]
+        self._lane_id = split_name[1]
+    def _get_sample_name(self):
+        if self._sample_name is None:
+            self._update_name()
+        return self._sample_name
+    sample_name = property(_get_sample_name)
+    def _get_lane_id(self):
+        if self._lane_id is None:
+            self._update_name()
+        return self._lane_id
+    lane_id = property(_get_lane_id)
+    def _get_reads(self):
+        if self._reads is None:
+            self._update()
+        return self._reads
+    reads = property(_get_reads)
+    def _get_mapped_reads(self):
+        if self._mapped_reads is None:
+            self._update()
+        return self._mapped_reads
+    mapped_reads = property(_get_mapped_reads)
+    def _get_match_codes(self):
+        if self._match_codes is None:
+            self._update()
+        return self._match_codes
+    match_codes = property(_get_match_codes)
+    def get_elements(self):
+        lane = ElementTree.Element(ElandLane.LANE, 
+                                   {'version': 
+                                    unicode(ElandLane.XML_VERSION)})
+        sample_tag = ElementTree.SubElement(lane, ElandLane.SAMPLE_NAME)
+        sample_tag.text = self.sample_name
+        lane_tag = ElementTree.SubElement(lane, ElandLane.LANE_ID)
+        lane_tag.text = self.lane_id
+        genome_map = ElementTree.SubElement(lane, ElandLane.GENOME_MAP)
+        for k, v in self.genome_map.items():
+            item = ElementTree.SubElement(
+                genome_map, ElandLane.GENOME_ITEM, 
+                {'name':k, 'value':unicode(v)})
+        mapped_reads = ElementTree.SubElement(lane, ElandLane.MAPPED_READS)
+        for k, v in self.mapped_reads.items():
+            item = ElementTree.SubElement(
+                mapped_reads, ElandLane.MAPPED_ITEM, 
+                {'name':k, 'value':unicode(v)})
+        match_codes = ElementTree.SubElement(lane, ElandLane.MATCH_CODES)
+        for k, v in self.match_codes.items():
+            item = ElementTree.SubElement(
+                match_codes, ElandLane.MATCH_ITEM, 
+                {'name':k, 'value':unicode(v)})
+        reads = ElementTree.SubElement(lane, ElandLane.READS)
+        reads.text = unicode(self.reads)
+        return lane
+    def set_elements(self, tree):
+        if tree.tag != ElandLane.LANE:
+            raise ValueError('Exptecting %s' % (ElandLane.LANE,))
+        # reset dictionaries
+        self._mapped_reads = {}
+        self._match_codes = {}
+        for element in tree:
+            tag = element.tag.lower()
+            if tag == ElandLane.SAMPLE_NAME.lower():
+                self._sample_name = element.text
+            elif tag == ElandLane.LANE_ID.lower():
+                self._lane_id = element.text
+            elif tag == ElandLane.GENOME_MAP.lower():
+                for child in element:
+                    name = child.attrib['name']
+                    value = child.attrib['value']
+                    self.genome_map[name] = value
+            elif tag == ElandLane.MAPPED_READS.lower():
+                for child in element:
+                    name = child.attrib['name']
+                    value = child.attrib['value']
+                    self._mapped_reads[name] = int(value)
+            elif tag == ElandLane.MATCH_CODES.lower():
+                for child in element:
+                    name = child.attrib['name']
+                    value = int(child.attrib['value'])
+                    self._match_codes[name] = value
+            elif tag == ElandLane.READS.lower():
+                self._reads = int(element.text)
+            else:
+                logging.warn("ElandLane unrecognized tag %s" % (element.tag,))
+def extract_eland_sequence(instream, outstream, start, end):
+    """
+    Extract a chunk of sequence out of an eland file
+    """
+    for line in instream:
+        record = line.split()
+        if len(record) > 1:
+            result = [record[0], record[1][start:end]]
+        else:
+            result = [record[0][start:end]]
+        outstream.write("\t".join(result))
+        outstream.write(os.linesep)
+class ELAND(object):
+    """
+    Summarize information from eland files
+    """
+    XML_VERSION = 1
+    ELAND = 'ElandCollection'
+    LANE = 'Lane'
+    LANE_ID = 'id'
+    def __init__(self, xml=None):
+        # we need information from the gerald config.xml
+        self.results = {}
+        if xml is not None:
+            self.set_elements(xml)
+    def __len__(self):
+        return len(self.results)
+    def keys(self):
+        return self.results.keys()
+    def values(self):
+        return self.results.values()
+    def items(self):
+        return self.results.items()
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        return self.results[key]
+    def get_elements(self):
+        root = ElementTree.Element(ELAND.ELAND, 
+                                   {'version': unicode(ELAND.XML_VERSION)})
+        for lane_id, lane in self.results.items():
+            eland_lane = lane.get_elements()
+            eland_lane.attrib[ELAND.LANE_ID] = unicode(lane_id)
+            root.append(eland_lane)
+        return root
+    def set_elements(self, tree):
+        if tree.tag.lower() != ELAND.ELAND.lower():
+            raise ValueError('Expecting %s', ELAND.ELAND)
+        for element in list(tree):
+            lane_id = element.attrib[ELAND.LANE_ID]
+            lane = ElandLane(xml=element)
+            self.results[lane_id] = lane
+def eland(basedir, gerald=None, genome_maps=None):
+    e = ELAND()
+    file_list = glob(os.path.join(basedir, "*_eland_result.txt"))
+    if len(file_list) == 0:
+        # lets handle compressed eland files too
+        file_list = glob(os.path.join(basedir, "*_eland_result.txt.bz2"))
+    for pathname in file_list:
+        # yes the lane_id is also being computed in ElandLane._update
+        # I didn't want to clutter up my constructor
+        # but I needed to persist the sample_name/lane_id for
+        # runfolder summary_report
+        path, name = os.path.split(pathname)
+        split_name = name.split('_')
+        lane_id = split_name[1]
+        if genome_maps is not None:
+            genome_map = genome_maps[lane_id]
+        elif gerald is not None:
+            genome_dir = gerald.lanes[lane_id].eland_genome
+            genome_map = build_genome_fasta_map(genome_dir)
+        else:
+            genome_map = {}
+        eland_result = ElandLane(pathname, genome_map)
+        e.results[lane_id] = eland_result
+    return e
diff --git a/htsworkflow/pipelines/ b/htsworkflow/pipelines/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7f5ced6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+from xml import sax
+def get_cycles(recipe_xml_filepath):
+  """
+  returns the number of cycles found in Recipe*.xml
+  """
+  handler = CycleXmlHandler()
+  sax.parse(recipe_xml_filepath, handler)
+  return handler.cycle_count
+class CycleXmlHandler(sax.ContentHandler):
+  def __init__(self):
+    self.cycle_count = 0
+    self.in_protocol = False
+    sax.ContentHandler.__init__(self)
+  def startDocument(self):
+    self.cycle_count = 0
+    self.in_protocol = False
+  def startElement(self, name, attrs):
+    #Only count Incorporations as cycles if within
+    # the protocol section of the xml document.
+    if name == "Incorporation" and self.in_protocol:
+      #print 'Found a cycle!'
+      self.cycle_count += 1
+      return
+    elif name == 'Protocol':
+      #print 'In protocol'
+      self.in_protocol = True
+      return
+    #print 'Skipping: %s' % (name)
+  def endElement(self, name):
+    if name == 'Protocol':
+      #print 'End protocol'
+      self.in_protocol = False
diff --git a/htsworkflow/pipelines/ b/htsworkflow/pipelines/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..380c0de
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from optparse import OptionParser, IndentedHelpFormatter
+from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
+import logging
+import os
+import sys
+import urllib2
+CONFIG_SYSTEM = '/etc/hts_frontend/hts_frontend.conf'
+CONFIG_USER = os.path.expanduser('~/.hts_frontend.conf')
+#Disable or enable commandline arg parsing; disabled by default.
+class FlowCellNotFound(Exception): pass
+class WebError404(Exception): pass
+class DummyOptions:
+  """
+  Used when command line parsing is disabled; default
+  """
+  def __init__(self):
+    self.url = None
+    self.output_filepath = None
+    self.flowcell = None
+    self.genome_dir = None
+class PreformattedDescriptionFormatter(IndentedHelpFormatter):
+  #def format_description(self, description):
+  #  
+  #  if description:
+  #      return description + "\n"
+  #  else:
+  #     return ""
+  def format_epilog(self, epilog):
+    """
+    It was removing my preformated epilog, so this should override
+    that behavior! Muhahaha!
+    """
+    if epilog:
+        return "\n" + epilog + "\n"
+    else:
+        return ""
+def constructOptionParser():
+  """
+  returns a pre-setup optparser
+  """
+    return None
+  parser = OptionParser(formatter=PreformattedDescriptionFormatter())
+  parser.set_description('Retrieves eland config file from hts_frontend web frontend.')
+  parser.epilog = """
+Config File:
+  * %s (System wide)
+  * %s (User specific; overrides system)
+  * command line overrides all config file options
+  Example Config File:
+    [config_file_server]
+    base_host_url=http://somewhere.domain:port
+  #Special formatter for allowing preformatted description.
+  ##parser.format_epilog(PreformattedDescriptionFormatter())
+  parser.add_option("-u", "--url",
+                    action="store", type="string", dest="url")
+  parser.add_option("-o", "--output",
+                    action="store", type="string", dest="output_filepath")
+  parser.add_option("-f", "--flowcell",
+                    action="store", type="string", dest="flowcell")
+  parser.add_option("-g", "--genome_dir",
+                    action="store", type="string", dest="genome_dir")
+  #parser.set_default("url", "default")
+  return parser
+def constructConfigParser():
+  """
+  returns a pre-setup config parser
+  """
+  parser = SafeConfigParser()
+  if not parser.has_section('config_file_server'):
+    parser.add_section('config_file_server')
+  if not parser.has_section('local_setup'):
+    parser.add_section('local_setup')
+  return parser
+def getCombinedOptions():
+  """
+  Returns optparse options after it has be updated with ConfigParser
+  config files and merged with parsed commandline options.
+  """
+  cl_parser = constructOptionParser()
+  conf_parser = constructConfigParser()
+  if cl_parser is None:
+    options = DummyOptions()
+  else:
+    options, args = cl_parser.parse_args()
+  if options.url is None:
+    if conf_parser.has_option('config_file_server', 'base_host_url'):
+      options.url = conf_parser.get('config_file_server', 'base_host_url')
+  if options.genome_dir is None:
+    if conf_parser.has_option('local_setup', 'genome_dir'):
+      options.genome_dir = conf_parser.get('local_setup', 'genome_dir')
+  print 'USING OPTIONS:'
+  print ' URL:', options.url
+  print ' OUT:', options.output_filepath
+  print '  FC:', options.flowcell
+  print 'GDIR:', options.genome_dir
+  print ''
+  return options
+def saveConfigFile(flowcell, base_host_url, output_filepath):
+  """
+  retrieves the flowcell eland config file, give the base_host_url
+  (i.e.
+  """
+  url = base_host_url + '/eland_config/%s/' % (flowcell)
+  f = open(output_filepath, 'w')
+  #try:
+  try:
+    web = urllib2.urlopen(url)
+  except urllib2.URLError, e:
+    errmsg = 'URLError: %d' % (e.code,)
+    logging.error(errmsg)
+    logging.error('opened %s' % (url,))
+    logging.error('%s' % (,))
+    raise IOError(errmsg)
+  #except IOError, msg:
+  #  if str(msg).find("Connection refused") >= 0:
+  #    print 'Error: Connection refused for: %s' % (url)
+  #    f.close()
+  #    sys.exit(1)
+  #  elif str(msg).find("Name or service not known") >= 0:
+  #    print 'Error: Invalid domain or ip address for: %s' % (url)
+  #    f.close()
+  #    sys.exit(2)
+  #  else:
+  #    raise IOError, msg
+  data =
+  if data.find('Hmm, config file for') >= 0:
+    msg = "Flowcell (%s) not found in DB; full url(%s)" % (flowcell, url)
+    raise FlowCellNotFound, msg
+  if data.find('404 - Not Found') >= 0:
+    msg = "404 - Not Found: Flowcell (%s); base_host_url (%s);\n full url(%s)\n " \
+          "Did you get right port #?" % (flowcell, base_host_url, url)
+    raise FlowCellNotFound, msg
+  f.write(data)
+  web.close()
+  f.close()
+'Wrote config file to %s' % (output_filepath,))
diff --git a/htsworkflow/pipelines/ b/htsworkflow/pipelines/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..39dc54c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
+import glob
+import re
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+import threading
+s_comment = re.compile('^#')
+s_general_read_len = re.compile('^READ_LENGTH ')
+s_read_len = re.compile('^[1-8]+:READ_LENGTH ')
+s_firecrest = None
+def _four_digit_num_in_string(num):
+  if num < 0:
+    pass
+  elif num < 10:
+    return '000' + str(num)
+  elif num < 100:
+    return '00' + str(num)
+  elif num < 1000:
+    return '0' + str(num)
+  elif num < 10000:
+    return str(num)
+  msg = 'Invalid number: %s' % (num)
+  raise ValueError, msg
+def _two_digit_num_in_string(num):
+  if num < 0:
+    pass
+  elif num < 10:
+    return '0' + str(num)
+  elif num < 100:
+    return str(num)
+  msg = 'Invalid number: %s' % (num)
+  raise ValueError, msg
+# _p2f(<pattern>, lane, tile, cycle)
+PATTERN_FIRECREST_QCM = 's_%s_%s_%s_qcm.xml'
+# _p2f(<pattern>, lane, tile)
+PATTERN_FIRECREST_INT = 's_%s_%s_02_int.txt'
+PATTERN_FIRECREST_NSE = 's_%s_%s_nse.txt.gz'
+PATTERN_FIRECREST_POS = 's_%s_%s_pos.txt'
+PATTERN_FIRECREST_IDX = 's_%s_%s_idx.txt'
+PATTERN_FIRECREST_CLU1 = 's_%s_%s_01_1_clu.txt'
+PATTERN_FIRECREST_CLU2 = 's_%s_%s_01_2_clu.txt'
+PATTERN_FIRECREST_CLU3 = 's_%s_%s_01_3_clu.txt'
+PATTERN_FIRECREST_CLU4 = 's_%s_%s_01_4_clu.txt'
+# _p2f(<pattern>, lane, tile)
+PATTERN_BUSTARD_SIG2 = 's_%s_%s_sig2.txt'
+PATTERN_BUSTARD_PRB = 's_%s_%s_prb.txt'
+# _p2f(<pattern>, lane, tile)
+PATTERN_GERALD_ALLTMP = 's_%s_%s_all.txt.tmp'
+PATTERN_GERALD_QRAWTMP = 's_%s_%s_qraw.txt.tmp'
+PATTERN_GERALD_ALLPNGTMP = 's_%s_%s_all.tmp.png'
+PATTERN_GERALD_ALIGNTMP = 's_%s_%s_align.txt.tmp'
+PATTERN_GERALD_QVALTMP = 's_%s_%s_qval.txt.tmp'
+PATTERN_GERALD_SCORETMP = 's_%s_%s_score.txt.tmp'
+PATTERN_GERALD_PREALIGNTMP = 's_%s_%s_prealign.txt.tmp'
+PATTERN_GERALD_REALIGNTMP = 's_%s_%s_realign.txt.tmp'
+PATTERN_GERALD_RESCORETMP = 's_%s_%s_rescore.txt.tmp'
+PATTERN_GERALD_RESCOREPNG = 's_%s_%s_rescore.png'
+PATTERN_GERALD_ERRORSTMPPNG = 's_%s_%s_errors.tmp.png'
+PATTERN_GERALD_QCALTMP = 's_%s_%s_qcal.txt.tmp'
+PATTERN_GERALD_QVAL = 's_%s_%s_qval.txt'
+# _p2f(<pattern>, lane)
+PATTERN_GERALD_SEQPRETMP = 's_%s_seqpre.txt.tmp'
+PATTERN_GERALD_RESULTTMP = 's_%s_eland_result.txt.tmp'
+PATTERN_GERALD_SIGMEANSTMP = 's_%s_Signal_Means.txt.tmp'
+PATTERN_GERALD_CALLPNG = 's_%s_call.png'
+PATTERN_GERALD_ALLPNG = 's_%s_all.png'
+PATTERN_GERALD_PERCENTALLPNG = 's_%s_percent_all.png'
+PATTERN_GERALD_PERCENTCALLPNG = 's_%s_percent_call.png'
+PATTERN_GERALD_PERCENTBASEPNG = 's_%s_percent_base.png'
+PATTERN_GERALD_FILTTMP = 's_%s_filt.txt.tmp'
+PATTERN_GERALD_FRAGTMP = 's_%s_frag.txt.tmp'
+PATTERN_GERALD_QREPORTTMP = 's_%s_qreport.txt.tmp'
+PATTERN_GERALD_QTABLETMP = 's_%s_qtable.txt.tmp'
+PATTERN_GERALD_QCALREPORTTMP = 's_%s_qcalreport.txt.tmp'
+PATTERN_GERALD_SEQUENCETMP = 's_%s_sequence.txt.tmp'
+PATTERN_GERALD_LANEFINISHED = 's_%s_finished.txt'
+def _p2f(pattern, lane, tile=None, cycle=None):
+  """
+  Converts a pattern plus info into file names
+  """
+  # lane, and cycle provided (INVALID)
+  if tile is None and cycle is not None:
+    msg = "Handling of cycle without tile is not currently implemented."
+    raise ValueError, msg
+  # lane, tile, cycle provided
+  elif cycle:
+    return pattern % (lane,
+                      _four_digit_num_in_string(tile),
+                      _two_digit_num_in_string(cycle))
+  # lane, tile provided
+  elif tile:
+    return pattern % (lane, _four_digit_num_in_string(tile))
+  # lane provided
+  else:
+    return pattern % (lane)
+class GARunStatus(object):
+  def __init__(self, conf_filepath):
+    """
+    Given an eland config file in the top level directory
+    of a run, predicts the files that will be generated
+    during a run and provides methods for retrieving
+    (completed, total) for each step or entire run.
+    """
+    #print 'self._conf_filepath = %s' % (conf_filepath)
+    self._conf_filepath = conf_filepath
+    self._base_dir, junk = os.path.split(conf_filepath)
+    self._image_dir = os.path.join(self._base_dir, 'Images')
+    self.lanes = []
+    self.lane_read_length = {}
+    self.tiles = None
+    self.cycles = None
+    self.status = {}
+    self.status['firecrest'] = {}
+    self.status['bustard'] = {}
+    self.status['gerald'] = {}
+    self._process_config()
+    self._count_tiles()
+    self._count_cycles()
+    self._generate_expected()
+  def _process_config(self):
+    """
+    Grabs info from self._conf_filepath
+    """
+    f = open(self._conf_filepath, 'r')
+    for line in f:
+      #Skip comment lines for now.
+      if
+        continue
+      mo =
+      if mo:
+        read_length = int(line[mo.end():])
+        #Handle general READ_LENGTH
+        for i in range(1,9):
+          self.lane_read_length[i] = read_length
+      mo =
+      if mo:
+        read_length = int(line[mo.end():])
+        lanes, junk = line.split(':')
+        #Convert lanes from string of lanes to list of lane #s.
+        lanes = [ int(i) for i in lanes ]
+        for lane in lanes:
+          #Keep track of which lanes are being run.
+          if lane not in self.lanes:
+            self.lanes.append(lane)
+          #Update with lane specific read lengths
+          self.lane_read_length[lane] = read_length
+        self.lanes.sort()
+  def _count_tiles(self):
+    """
+    Count the number of tiles being used
+    """
+    self.tiles = len(glob.glob(os.path.join(self._image_dir,
+                                            'L001',
+                                            'C1.1',
+                                            's_1_*_a.tif')))
+  def _count_cycles(self):
+    """
+    Figures out the number of cycles that are available
+    """
+    #print 'self._image_dir = %s' % (self._image_dir)
+    cycle_dirs = glob.glob(os.path.join(self._image_dir, 'L001', 'C*.1'))
+    #print 'cycle_dirs = %s' % (cycle_dirs)
+    cycle_list = []
+    for cycle_dir in cycle_dirs:
+      junk, c = os.path.split(cycle_dir)
+      cycle_list.append(int(c[1:c.find('.')]))
+    self.cycles = max(cycle_list)
+  def _generate_expected(self):
+    """
+    generates a list of files we expect to find.
+    """
+    firecrest = self.status['firecrest']
+    bustard = self.status['bustard']
+    gerald = self.status['gerald']
+    for lane in self.lanes:
+      for tile in range(1,self.tiles+1):
+        for cycle in range(1, self.cycles+1):
+          ##########################
+          # LANE, TILE, CYCLE LAYER
+          # FIRECREST
+          firecrest[_p2f(PATTERN_FIRECREST_QCM, lane, tile, cycle)] = False
+        ###################
+        # LANE, TILE LAYER
+        # FIRECREST
+        firecrest[_p2f(PATTERN_FIRECREST_INT, lane, tile)] = False
+        firecrest[_p2f(PATTERN_FIRECREST_NSE, lane, tile)] = False
+        firecrest[_p2f(PATTERN_FIRECREST_POS, lane, tile)] = False
+        firecrest[_p2f(PATTERN_FIRECREST_IDX, lane, tile)] = False
+        firecrest[_p2f(PATTERN_FIRECREST_CLU1, lane, tile)] = False
+        firecrest[_p2f(PATTERN_FIRECREST_CLU2, lane, tile)] = False
+        firecrest[_p2f(PATTERN_FIRECREST_CLU3, lane, tile)] = False
+        firecrest[_p2f(PATTERN_FIRECREST_CLU4, lane, tile)] = False
+        # BUSTARD
+        bustard[_p2f(PATTERN_BUSTARD_SIG2, lane, tile)] = False
+        bustard[_p2f(PATTERN_BUSTARD_PRB, lane, tile)] = False
+        # GERALD
+        #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_ALLTMP, lane, tile)] = False
+        #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_QRAWTMP, lane, tile)] = False
+        #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_ALLPNGTMP, lane, tile)] = False
+        #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_ALIGNTMP, lane, tile)] = False
+        #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_QVALTMP, lane, tile)] = False
+        #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_SCORETMP, lane, tile)] = False
+        #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_PREALIGNTMP, lane, tile)] = False
+        #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_REALIGNTMP, lane, tile)] = False
+        #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_RESCORETMP, lane, tile)] = False
+        gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_RESCOREPNG, lane, tile)] = False
+        #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_ERRORSTMPPNG, lane, tile)] = False
+        #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_QCALTMP, lane, tile)] = False
+        #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_QVAL, lane, tile)] = False
+      ###################
+      # LANE LAYER
+      # GERALD
+      #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_SEQPRETMP, lane)] = False
+      #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_RESULTTMP, lane)] = False
+      #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_SIGMEANSTMP, lane)] = False
+      gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_CALLPNG, lane)] = False
+      gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_ALLPNG, lane)] = False
+      gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_PERCENTALLPNG, lane)] = False
+      gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_PERCENTCALLPNG, lane)] = False
+      gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_PERCENTBASEPNG, lane)] = False
+      #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_FILTTMP, lane)] = False
+      #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_FRAGTMP, lane)] = False
+      #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_QREPORTTMP, lane)] = False
+      #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_QTABLETMP, lane)] = False
+      #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_QCALREPORTTMP, lane)] = False
+      #gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_SEQUENCETMP, lane)] = False
+      gerald[_p2f(PATTERN_GERALD_LANEFINISHED, lane)] = False
+    #################
+    firecrest['offsets_finished.txt'] = False
+    firecrest['finished.txt'] = False
+    # BUSTARD
+    bustard['finished.txt'] = False
+    # GERALD
+    gerald['tiles.txt'] = False
+    gerald['FullAll.htm'] = False
+    #gerald['All.htm.tmp'] = False
+    #gerald['Signal_Means.txt.tmp'] = False
+    #gerald['plotIntensity_for_IVC'] = False
+    #gerald['IVC.htm.tmp'] = False
+    gerald['FullError.htm'] = False
+    gerald['FullPerfect.htm'] = False
+    #gerald['Error.htm.tmp'] = False
+    #gerald['Perfect.htm.tmp'] = False
+    #gerald['Summary.htm.tmp'] = False
+    #gerald['Tile.htm.tmp'] = False
+    gerald['finished.txt'] = False
+  def statusFirecrest(self):
+    """
+    returns (<completed>, <total>)
+    """
+    firecrest = self.status['firecrest']
+    total = len(firecrest)
+    completed = firecrest.values().count(True)
+    return (completed, total)
+  def statusBustard(self):
+    """
+    returns (<completed>, <total>)
+    """
+    bustard = self.status['bustard']
+    total = len(bustard)
+    completed = bustard.values().count(True)
+    return (completed, total)
+  def statusGerald(self):
+    """
+    returns (<completed>, <total>)
+    """
+    gerald = self.status['gerald']
+    total = len(gerald)
+    completed = gerald.values().count(True)
+    return (completed, total)
+  def statusTotal(self):
+    """
+    returns (<completed>, <total>)
+    """
+    #f = firecrest  c = completed
+    #b = bustard    t = total
+    #g = gerald
+    fc, ft = self.statusFirecrest()
+    bc, bt = self.statusBustard()
+    gc, gt = self.statusGerald()
+    return (fc+bc+gc, ft+bt+gt)
+  def statusReport(self):
+    """
+    Generate the basic percent complete report
+    """
+    def _percentCompleted(completed, total):
+      """
+      Returns precent completed as float
+      """
+      return (completed / float(total)) * 100
+    fc, ft = self.statusFirecrest()
+    bc, bt = self.statusBustard()
+    gc, gt = self.statusGerald()
+    tc, tt = self.statusTotal()
+    fp = _percentCompleted(fc, ft)
+    bp = _percentCompleted(bc, bt)
+    gp = _percentCompleted(gc, gt)
+    tp = _percentCompleted(tc, tt)
+    report = ['Firecrest: %s%% (%s/%s)' % (fp, fc, ft),
+              '  Bustard: %s%% (%s/%s)' % (bp, bc, bt),
+              '   Gerald: %s%% (%s/%s)' % (gp, gc, gt),
+              '-----------------------',
+              '    Total: %s%% (%s/%s)' % (tp, tc, tt),
+             ]
+    return report
+  def updateFirecrest(self, filename):
+    """
+    Marks firecrest filename as being completed.
+    """
+    self.status['firecrest'][filename] = True
+  def updateBustard(self, filename):
+    """
+    Marks bustard filename as being completed.
+    """
+    self.status['bustard'][filename] = True
+  def updateGerald(self, filename):
+    """
+    Marks gerald filename as being completed.
+    """
+    self.status['gerald'][filename] = True
+# Functions to be called by Thread(target=<func>)
+def _cmdLineStatusMonitorFunc(conf_info):
+  """
+  Given a ConfigInfo object, provides status to stdout.
+  You should probably use startCmdLineStatusMonitor()
+  instead of ths function.
+  Use with:
+    t = threading.Thread(target=_cmdLineStatusMonitorFunc,
+                         args=[conf_info])
+    t.setDaemon(True)
+    t.start()
+  """
+  while 1:
+    if conf_info.status is None:
+      print "No status object yet."
+      time.sleep(SLEEP_AMOUNT)
+      continue
+    report = conf_info.status.statusReport()
+    print os.linesep.join(report)
+    print
+    time.sleep(SLEEP_AMOUNT)
+# Start monitor thread convenience functions
+def startCmdLineStatusMonitor(conf_info):
+  """
+  Starts a command line status monitor given a conf_info object.
+  """
+  t = threading.Thread(target=_cmdLineStatusMonitorFunc, args=[conf_info])
+  t.setDaemon(True)
+  t.start()
+from optparse import OptionParser
+def make_parser():
+  usage = "%prog: config file"
+  parser = OptionParser()
+  return parser
+def main(cmdline=None):
+  parser = make_parser()
+  opt, args = parser.parse_args(cmdline)
+  if len(args) != 1:
+    parser.error("need name of configuration file")
+  status = GARunStatus(args[0])
+  print os.linesep.join(status.statusReport())
+  return 0
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))
diff --git a/htsworkflow/pipelines/ b/htsworkflow/pipelines/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..dee3231
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+Core information needed to inspect a runfolder.
+from glob import glob
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+import stat
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import time
+  from xml.etree import ElementTree
+except ImportError, e:
+  from elementtree import ElementTree
+EUROPEAN_DATE_RE = "([0-9]{1,2}-[0-9]{1,2}-[0-9]{4,4})"
+VERSION_RE = "([0-9\.]+)"
+USER_RE = "([a-zA-Z0-9]+)"
+from htsworkflow.util.alphanum import alphanum
+from htsworkflow.util.ethelp import indent, flatten
+class PipelineRun(object):
+    """
+    Capture "interesting" information about a pipeline run
+    """
+    XML_VERSION = 1
+    PIPELINE_RUN = 'PipelineRun'
+    FLOWCELL_ID = 'FlowcellID'
+    def __init__(self, pathname=None, firecrest=None, bustard=None, gerald=None, xml=None):
+        if pathname is not None:
+          self.pathname = os.path.normpath(pathname)
+        else:
+          self.pathname = None
+        self._name = None
+        self._flowcell_id = None
+        self.firecrest = firecrest
+        self.bustard = bustard
+        self.gerald = gerald
+        if xml is not None:
+          self.set_elements(xml)
+    def _get_flowcell_id(self):
+        # extract flowcell ID
+        if self._flowcell_id is None:
+          config_dir = os.path.join(self.pathname, 'Config')
+          flowcell_id_path = os.path.join(config_dir, 'FlowcellId.xml')
+         if os.path.exists(flowcell_id_path):
+            flowcell_id_tree = ElementTree.parse(flowcell_id_path)
+            self._flowcell_id = flowcell_id_tree.findtext('Text')
+         else:
+            path_fields = self.pathname.split('_')
+            if len(path_fields) > 0:
+              # guessing last element of filename
+              flowcell_id = path_fields[-1]
+            else:
+              flowcell_id = 'unknown'
+           logging.warning(
+             "Flowcell id was not found, guessing %s" % (
+                flowcell_id))
+           self._flowcell_id = flowcell_id
+        return self._flowcell_id
+    flowcell_id = property(_get_flowcell_id)
+    def get_elements(self):
+        """
+        make one master xml file from all of our sub-components.
+        """
+        root = ElementTree.Element(PipelineRun.PIPELINE_RUN)
+        flowcell = ElementTree.SubElement(root, PipelineRun.FLOWCELL_ID)
+        flowcell.text = self.flowcell_id
+        root.append(self.firecrest.get_elements())
+        root.append(self.bustard.get_elements())
+        root.append(self.gerald.get_elements())
+        return root
+    def set_elements(self, tree):
+        # this file gets imported by all the others,
+        # so we need to hide the imports to avoid a cyclic imports
+        from htsworkflow.pipelines import firecrest
+        from htsworkflow.pipelines import bustard
+        from htsworkflow.pipelines import gerald
+        tag = tree.tag.lower()
+        if tag != PipelineRun.PIPELINE_RUN.lower():
+          raise ValueError('Pipeline Run Expecting %s got %s' % (
+              PipelineRun.PIPELINE_RUN, tag))
+        for element in tree:
+          tag = element.tag.lower()
+          if tag == PipelineRun.FLOWCELL_ID.lower():
+            self._flowcell_id = element.text
+          #ok the xword.Xword.XWORD pattern for module.class.constant is lame
+          elif tag == firecrest.Firecrest.FIRECREST.lower():
+            self.firecrest = firecrest.Firecrest(xml=element)
+          elif tag == bustard.Bustard.BUSTARD.lower():
+            self.bustard = bustard.Bustard(xml=element)
+          elif tag == gerald.Gerald.GERALD.lower():
+            self.gerald = gerald.Gerald(xml=element)
+          else:
+            logging.warn('PipelineRun unrecognized tag %s' % (tag,))
+    def _get_run_name(self):
+        """
+        Given a run tuple, find the latest date and use that as our name
+        """
+        if self._name is None:
+          tmax = max(self.firecrest.time, self.bustard.time, self.gerald.time)
+          timestamp = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime(tmax))
+          self._name = 'run_'+self.flowcell_id+"_"+timestamp+'.xml'
+        return self._name
+    name = property(_get_run_name)
+    def save(self, destdir=None):
+        if destdir is None:
+            destdir = ''
+"Saving run report "+
+        xml = self.get_elements()
+        indent(xml)
+        dest_pathname = os.path.join(destdir,
+        ElementTree.ElementTree(xml).write(dest_pathname)
+    def load(self, filename):
+"Loading run report from " + filename)
+        tree = ElementTree.parse(filename).getroot()
+        self.set_elements(tree)
+def get_runs(runfolder):
+    """
+    Search through a run folder for all the various sub component runs
+    and then return a PipelineRun for each different combination.
+    For example if there are two different GERALD runs, this will
+    generate two different PipelineRun objects, that differ
+    in there gerald component.
+    """
+    from htsworkflow.pipelines import firecrest
+    from htsworkflow.pipelines import bustard
+    from htsworkflow.pipelines import gerald
+    datadir = os.path.join(runfolder, 'Data')
+'Searching for runs in ' + datadir)
+    runs = []
+    for firecrest_pathname in glob(os.path.join(datadir,"*Firecrest*")):
+        f = firecrest.firecrest(firecrest_pathname)
+        bustard_glob = os.path.join(firecrest_pathname, "Bustard*")
+        for bustard_pathname in glob(bustard_glob):
+            b = bustard.bustard(bustard_pathname)
+            gerald_glob = os.path.join(bustard_pathname, 'GERALD*')
+            for gerald_pathname in glob(gerald_glob):
+                try:
+                    g = gerald.gerald(gerald_pathname)
+                    runs.append(PipelineRun(runfolder, f, b, g))
+                except IOError, e:
+                    print "Ignoring", str(e)
+    return runs
+def extract_run_parameters(runs):
+    """
+    Search through runfolder_path for various runs and grab their parameters
+    """
+    for run in runs:
+def summarize_mapped_reads(mapped_reads):
+    """
+    Summarize per chromosome reads into a genome count
+    But handle spike-in/contamination symlinks seperately.
+    """
+    summarized_reads = {}
+    genome_reads = 0
+    genome = 'unknown'
+    for k, v in mapped_reads.items():
+        path, k = os.path.split(k)
+        if len(path) > 0:
+            genome = path
+            genome_reads += v
+        else:
+            summarized_reads[k] = summarized_reads.setdefault(k, 0) + v
+    summarized_reads[genome] = genome_reads
+    return summarized_reads
+def summary_report(runs):
+    """
+    Summarize cluster numbers and mapped read counts for a runfolder
+    """
+    report = []
+    for run in runs:
+        # print a run name?
+        report.append('Summary for %s' % (,))
+       # sort the report
+       eland_keys = run.gerald.eland_results.results.keys()
+       eland_keys.sort(alphanum)
+        lane_results = run.gerald.summary.lane_results
+       for lane_id in eland_keys:
+           result = run.gerald.eland_results.results[lane_id]
+            report.append("Sample name %s" % (result.sample_name))
+            report.append("Lane id %s" % (result.lane_id,))
+            cluster = lane_results[result.lane_id].cluster
+            report.append("Clusters %d +/- %d" % (cluster[0], cluster[1]))
+            report.append("Total Reads: %d" % (result.reads))
+            mc = result._match_codes
+            nm = mc['NM']
+            nm_percent = float(nm)/result.reads  * 100
+            qc = mc['QC']
+            qc_percent = float(qc)/result.reads * 100
+           report.append("No Match: %d (%2.2g %%)" % (nm, nm_percent))
+           report.append("QC Failed: %d (%2.2g %%)" % (qc, qc_percent))
+            report.append('Unique (0,1,2 mismatches) %d %d %d' % \
+                          (mc['U0'], mc['U1'], mc['U2']))
+            report.append('Repeat (0,1,2 mismatches) %d %d %d' % \
+                          (mc['R0'], mc['R1'], mc['R2']))
+            report.append("Mapped Reads")
+            mapped_reads = summarize_mapped_reads(result.mapped_reads)
+            for name, counts in mapped_reads.items():
+              report.append("  %s: %d" % (name, counts))
+            report.append('---')
+            report.append('')
+        return os.linesep.join(report)
+def extract_results(runs, output_base_dir=None):
+    if output_base_dir is None:
+        output_base_dir = os.getcwd()
+    for r in runs:
+      result_dir = os.path.join(output_base_dir, r.flowcell_id)
+"Using %s as result directory" % (result_dir,))
+      if not os.path.exists(result_dir):
+        os.mkdir(result_dir)
+      # create cycle_dir
+      cycle = "C%d-%d" % (r.firecrest.start, r.firecrest.stop)
+"Filling in %s" % (cycle,))
+      cycle_dir = os.path.join(result_dir, cycle)
+      if os.path.exists(cycle_dir):
+        logging.error("%s already exists, not overwriting" % (cycle_dir,))
+        continue
+      else:
+        os.mkdir(cycle_dir)
+      # copy stuff out of the main run
+      g = r.gerald
+      # save run file
+      # Copy Summary.htm
+      summary_path = os.path.join(r.gerald.pathname, 'Summary.htm')
+      if os.path.exists(summary_path):
+'Copying %s to %s' % (summary_path, cycle_dir))
+          shutil.copy(summary_path, cycle_dir)
+      else:
+'Summary file %s was not found' % (summary_path,))
+      # tar score files
+      score_files = []
+      for f in os.listdir(g.pathname):
+          if re.match('.*_score.txt', f):
+              score_files.append(f)
+      tar_cmd = ['/bin/tar', 'c'] + score_files
+      bzip_cmd = [ 'bzip2', '-9', '-c' ]
+      tar_dest_name =os.path.join(cycle_dir, 'scores.tar.bz2')
+      tar_dest = open(tar_dest_name, 'w')
+"Compressing score files in %s" % (g.pathname,))
+"Running tar: " + " ".join(tar_cmd[:10]))
+"Running bzip2: " + " ".join(bzip_cmd))
+"Writing to %s" %(tar_dest_name))
+      tar = subprocess.Popen(tar_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False, cwd=g.pathname)
+      bzip = subprocess.Popen(bzip_cmd, stdin=tar.stdout, stdout=tar_dest)
+      tar.wait()
+      # copy & bzip eland files
+      for eland_lane in g.eland_results.values():
+          source_name = eland_lane.pathname
+          path, name = os.path.split(eland_lane.pathname)
+          dest_name = os.path.join(cycle_dir, name+'.bz2')
+          args = ['bzip2', '-9', '-c', source_name]
+'Running: %s' % ( " ".join(args) ))
+          bzip_dest = open(dest_name, 'w')
+          bzip = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=bzip_dest)
+'Saving to %s' % (dest_name, ))
+          bzip.wait()
+def clean_runs(runs):
+    """
+    Clean up run folders to optimize for compression.
+    """
+    # TODO: implement this.
+    # rm RunLog*.xml
+    # rm pipeline_*.txt
+    # rm gclog.txt
+    # rm NetCopy.log
+    # rm nfn.log
+    # rm Images/L*
+    # cd Data/C1-*_Firecrest*
+    # make clean_intermediate
+    pass
diff --git a/htsworkflow/pipelines/test/ b/htsworkflow/pipelines/test/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8ba1ba5
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import unittest
+from StringIO import StringIO
+from htsworkflow.pipelines import genome_mapper
+class testGenomeMapper(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_construct_mapper(self):
+        genomes = {
+        'Arabidopsis thaliana': {'v01212004': '/arabidopsis'},
+        'Homo sapiens': {'hg18': '/hg18'},
+        'Mus musculus': {'mm8': '/mm8',
+                        'mm9': '/mm9',
+                        'mm10': '/mm10'},
+        'Phage': {'174': '/phi'},
+        }
+        genome_map = genome_mapper.constructMapperDict(genomes)
+        self.failUnlessEqual("%(Mus musculus|mm8)s" % (genome_map), "/mm8")
+        self.failUnlessEqual("%(Phage|174)s" % (genome_map), "/phi")
+        self.failUnlessEqual("%(Mus musculus)s" % (genome_map), "/mm10")
+        self.failUnlessEqual("%(Mus musculus|mm8)s" % (genome_map), "/mm8")
+        self.failUnlessEqual("%(Mus musculus|mm10)s" % (genome_map), "/mm10")
+        self.failUnlessEqual(len(genome_map.keys()), 6)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(len(genome_map.values()), 6)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(len(genome_map.items()), 6)
+def suite():
+    return unittest.makeSuite(testGenomeMapper,'test')
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main(defaultTest="suite")
diff --git a/htsworkflow/pipelines/test/ b/htsworkflow/pipelines/test/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..40d29cf
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,601 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from datetime import datetime, date
+import os
+import tempfile
+import shutil
+import unittest
+from htsworkflow.pipelines import firecrest
+from htsworkflow.pipelines import bustard
+from htsworkflow.pipelines import gerald
+from htsworkflow.pipelines import runfolder
+from htsworkflow.pipelines.runfolder import ElementTree
+def make_flowcell_id(runfolder_dir, flowcell_id=None):
+    if flowcell_id is None:
+        flowcell_id = '207BTAAXY'
+    config = """<?xml version="1.0"?>
+  <Text>%s</Text>
+</FlowcellId>""" % (flowcell_id,)
+    config_dir = os.path.join(runfolder_dir, 'Config')
+    if not os.path.exists(config_dir):
+        os.mkdir(config_dir)
+    pathname = os.path.join(config_dir, 'FlowcellId.xml')
+    f = open(pathname,'w')
+    f.write(config)
+    f.close()
+def make_matrix(matrix_dir):
+    contents = """# Auto-generated frequency response matrix
+> A
+> C
+> G
+> T
+0.77 0.15 -0.04 -0.04 
+0.76 1.02 -0.05 -0.06 
+-0.10 -0.10 1.17 -0.03 
+-0.13 -0.12 0.80 1.27 
+    s_matrix = os.path.join(matrix_dir, 's_matrix.txt')
+    f = open(s_matrix, 'w')
+    f.write(contents)
+    f.close()
+def make_phasing_params(bustard_dir):
+    for lane in range(1,9):
+        pathname = os.path.join(bustard_dir, 'params%d.xml' % (lane))
+        f = open(pathname, 'w')
+        f.write("""<Parameters>
+  <Phasing>0.009900</Phasing>
+  <Prephasing>0.003500</Prephasing>
+        f.close()
+def make_gerald_config(gerald_dir):
+    config_xml = """<RunParameters>
+  <ELAND_GENOME>Need_to_specify_ELAND_genome_directory</ELAND_GENOME>
+  <EMAIL_SERVER>localhost:25</EMAIL_SERVER>
+  <EXPT_DIR>/home/diane/gec/080416_HWI-EAS229_0024_207BTAAXX/Data/C1-33_Firecrest1.8.28_19-04-2008_diane/Bustard1.8.28_19-04-2008_diane</EXPT_DIR>
+  <EXPT_DIR_ROOT>/home/diane/gec</EXPT_DIR_ROOT>
+  <GENOME_DIR>/home/diane/proj/SolexaPipeline-</GENOME_DIR>
+  <GENOME_FILE>Need_to_specify_genome_file_name</GENOME_FILE>
+  <OUT_DIR>/home/diane/gec/080416_HWI-EAS229_0024_207BTAAXX/Data/C1-33_Firecrest1.8.28_19-04-2008_diane/Bustard1.8.28_19-04-2008_diane/GERALD_19-04-2008_diane</OUT_DIR>
+  <QF_PARAMS>'((CHASTITY&gt;=0.6))'</QF_PARAMS>
+  <SOFTWARE_VERSION>@(#) Id:,v 2007/06/13 11:08:49 km Exp</SOFTWARE_VERSION>
+  <TILE_REGEX>s_[1-8]_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]</TILE_REGEX>
+  <TIME_STAMP>Sat Apr 19 19:08:30 2008</TIME_STAMP>
+  <TOOLS_DIR>/home/diane/proj/SolexaPipeline-</TOOLS_DIR>
+    <s_1>eland</s_1>
+    <s_2>eland</s_2>
+    <s_3>eland</s_3>
+    <s_4>eland</s_4>
+    <s_5>eland</s_5>
+    <s_6>eland</s_6>
+    <s_7>eland</s_7>
+    <s_8>eland</s_8>
+    <s_1>/g/dm3</s_1>
+    <s_2>/g/equcab1</s_2>
+    <s_3>/g/equcab1</s_3>
+    <s_4>/g/canfam2</s_4>
+    <s_5>/g/hg18</s_5>
+    <s_6>/g/hg18</s_6>
+    <s_7>/g/hg18</s_7>
+    <s_8>/g/hg18</s_8>
+    <s_1>32</s_1>
+    <s_2>32</s_2>
+    <s_3>32</s_3>
+    <s_4>32</s_4>
+    <s_5>32</s_5>
+    <s_6>32</s_6>
+    <s_7>32</s_7>
+    <s_8>32</s_8>
+    pathname = os.path.join(gerald_dir, 'config.xml')
+    f = open(pathname,'w')
+    f.write(config_xml)
+    f.close()
+def make_summary_htm(gerald_dir):
+    summary_htm = """<!--RUN_TIME Mon Apr 21 11:52:25 2008 -->
+<!--SOFTWARE_VERSION @(#) $Id:,v 1.31 2007/03/05 17:52:15 km Exp $-->
+<a name="Top"><h2><title>080416_HWI-EAS229_0024_207BTAAXX Summary</title></h2></a>
+<h1>Summary Information For Experiment 080416_HWI-EAS229_0024_207BTAAXX on Machine HWI-EAS229</h1>
+<h2><br></br>Chip Summary<br></br></h2>
+<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
+<tr><td>Run Folder</td><td>080416_HWI-EAS229_0024_207BTAAXX</td></tr>
+<tr><td>Chip ID</td><td>unknown</td></tr>
+<h2><br></br>Lane Parameter Summary<br></br></h2>
+<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
+<td>Sample ID</td>
+<td>Sample Target</td>
+<td>Sample Type</td>
+<td><a href="#Lane1">Lane 1</a></td>
+<td><a href="#Lane2">Lane 2</a></td>
+<td><a href="#Lane3">Lane 3</a></td>
+<td><a href="#Lane4">Lane 4</a></td>
+<td><a href="#Lane5">Lane 5</a></td>
+<td><a href="#Lane6">Lane 6</a></td>
+<td><a href="#Lane7">Lane 7</a></td>
+<td><a href="#Lane8">Lane 8</a></td>
+<h2><br></br>Lane Results Summary<br></br></h2>
+<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
+<td>Lane </td>
+<td>Clusters </td>
+<td>Av 1st Cycle Int </td>
+<td>% intensity after 20 cycles </td>
+<td>% PF Clusters </td>
+<td>% Align (PF) </td>
+<td>Av Alignment Score (PF) </td>
+<td> % Error Rate (PF) </td>
+<td>17421 +/- 2139</td>
+<td>7230 +/- 801</td>
+<td>23.73 +/- 10.79</td>
+<td>13.00 +/- 22.91</td>
+<td>32.03 +/- 18.45</td>
+<td>6703.57 +/- 3753.85</td>
+<td>4.55 +/- 4.81</td>
+<td>20311 +/- 2402</td>
+<td>7660 +/- 678</td>
+<td>17.03 +/- 4.40</td>
+<td>40.74 +/- 30.33</td>
+<td>29.54 +/- 9.03</td>
+<td>5184.02 +/- 1631.54</td>
+<td>3.27 +/- 3.94</td>
+<td>20193 +/- 2399</td>
+<td>7700 +/- 797</td>
+<td>15.75 +/- 3.30</td>
+<td>56.56 +/- 17.16</td>
+<td>27.33 +/- 7.48</td>
+<td>4803.49 +/- 1313.31</td>
+<td>3.07 +/- 2.86</td>
+<td>15537 +/- 2531</td>
+<td>7620 +/- 1392</td>
+<td>15.37 +/- 3.79</td>
+<td>63.05 +/- 18.30</td>
+<td>15.88 +/- 4.99</td>
+<td>3162.13 +/- 962.59</td>
+<td>3.11 +/- 2.22</td>
+<td>32047 +/- 3356</td>
+<td>8093 +/- 831</td>
+<td>23.79 +/- 6.18</td>
+<td>53.36 +/- 18.06</td>
+<td>48.04 +/- 13.77</td>
+<td>9866.23 +/- 2877.30</td>
+<td>2.26 +/- 1.16</td>
+<td>32946 +/- 4753</td>
+<td>8227 +/- 736</td>
+<td>24.07 +/- 4.69</td>
+<td>54.65 +/- 12.57</td>
+<td>50.98 +/- 10.54</td>
+<td>10468.86 +/- 2228.53</td>
+<td>2.21 +/- 2.33</td>
+<td>39504 +/- 4171</td>
+<td>8401 +/- 785</td>
+<td>22.55 +/- 4.56</td>
+<td>45.22 +/- 10.34</td>
+<td>48.41 +/- 9.67</td>
+<td>9829.40 +/- 1993.20</td>
+<td>2.26 +/- 1.11</td>
+<td>37998 +/- 3792</td>
+<td>8443 +/- 1211</td>
+<td>39.03 +/- 7.52</td>
+<td>42.16 +/- 12.35</td>
+<td>40.98 +/- 14.89</td>
+<td>8128.87 +/- 3055.34</td>
+<td>3.57 +/- 2.77</td>
+    pathname = os.path.join(gerald_dir, 'Summary.htm')
+    f = open(pathname, 'w')
+    f.write(summary_htm)
+    f.close()
+def make_eland_results(gerald_dir):
+    eland_result = """>HWI-EAS229_24_207BTAAXX:1:7:599:759    ACATAGNCACAGACATAAACATAGACATAGAC U0      1       1       3       chrUextra.fa    28189829        R       D.
+>HWI-EAS229_24_207BTAAXX:1:7:205:842    AAACAANNCTCCCAAACACGTAAACTGGAAAA  U1      0       1       0       chr2L.fa        8796855 R       DD      24T
+>HWI-EAS229_24_207BTAAXX:1:7:776:582    AGCTCANCCGATCGAAAACCTCNCCAAGCAAT        NM      0       0       0
+>HWI-EAS229_24_207BTAAXX:1:7:205:842    AAACAANNCTCCCAAACACGTAAACTGGAAAA        U1      0       1       0       Lambda.fa        8796855 R       DD      24T
+    for i in range(1,9):
+        pathname = os.path.join(gerald_dir, 
+                                's_%d_eland_result.txt' % (i,))
+        f = open(pathname, 'w')
+        f.write(eland_result)
+        f.close()
+class RunfolderTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    """
+    Test components of the runfolder processing code
+    which includes firecrest, bustard, and gerald
+    """
+    def setUp(self):
+        # make a fake runfolder directory
+        self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='tmp_runfolder_')
+        self.runfolder_dir = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 
+                                          '080102_HWI-EAS229_0010_207BTAAXX')
+        os.mkdir(self.runfolder_dir)
+        self.data_dir = os.path.join(self.runfolder_dir, 'Data')
+        os.mkdir(self.data_dir)
+        self.firecrest_dir = os.path.join(self.data_dir, 
+                               'C1-33_Firecrest1.8.28_12-04-2008_diane'
+                             )
+        os.mkdir(self.firecrest_dir)
+        self.matrix_dir = os.path.join(self.firecrest_dir, 'Matrix')
+        os.mkdir(self.matrix_dir)
+        make_matrix(self.matrix_dir)
+        self.bustard_dir = os.path.join(self.firecrest_dir, 
+                                        'Bustard1.8.28_12-04-2008_diane')
+        os.mkdir(self.bustard_dir)
+        make_phasing_params(self.bustard_dir)
+        self.gerald_dir = os.path.join(self.bustard_dir,
+                                       'GERALD_12-04-2008_diane')
+        os.mkdir(self.gerald_dir)
+        make_gerald_config(self.gerald_dir)
+        make_summary_htm(self.gerald_dir)
+        make_eland_results(self.gerald_dir)
+    def tearDown(self):
+        shutil.rmtree(self.temp_dir)
+    def test_firecrest(self):
+        """
+        Construct a firecrest object
+        """
+        f = firecrest.firecrest(self.firecrest_dir)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(f.version, '1.8.28')
+        self.failUnlessEqual(f.start, 1)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(f.stop, 33)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(f.user, 'diane')
+        self.failUnlessEqual(, date(2008,4,12))
+        xml = f.get_elements()
+        # just make sure that element tree can serialize the tree
+        xml_str = ElementTree.tostring(xml)
+        f2 = firecrest.Firecrest(xml=xml)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(f.version, f2.version)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(f.start,   f2.start)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(f.stop,    f2.stop)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(f.user,    f2.user)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(,
+    def test_bustard(self):
+        """
+        construct a bustard object
+        """
+        b = bustard.bustard(self.bustard_dir)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(b.version, '1.8.28')
+        self.failUnlessEqual(,    date(2008,4,12))
+        self.failUnlessEqual(b.user,    'diane')
+        self.failUnlessEqual(len(b.phasing), 8)
+        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(b.phasing[8].phasing, 0.0099)
+        xml = b.get_elements()
+        b2 = bustard.Bustard(xml=xml)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(b.version, b2.version)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(, )
+        self.failUnlessEqual(b.user,    b2.user)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(len(b.phasing), len(b2.phasing))
+        for key in b.phasing.keys():
+            self.failUnlessEqual(b.phasing[key].lane, 
+                                 b2.phasing[key].lane)
+            self.failUnlessEqual(b.phasing[key].phasing, 
+                                 b2.phasing[key].phasing)
+            self.failUnlessEqual(b.phasing[key].prephasing, 
+                                 b2.phasing[key].prephasing)
+    def test_gerald(self):
+        # need to update gerald and make tests for it
+        g = gerald.gerald(self.gerald_dir) 
+        self.failUnlessEqual(g.version, 
+            '@(#) Id:,v 2007/06/13 11:08:49 km Exp')
+        self.failUnlessEqual(, datetime(2008,4,19,19,8,30))
+        self.failUnlessEqual(len(g.lanes), len(g.lanes.keys()))
+        self.failUnlessEqual(len(g.lanes), len(g.lanes.items()))
+        # list of genomes, matches what was defined up in 
+        # make_gerald_config.
+        # the first None is to offset the genomes list to be 1..9
+        # instead of pythons default 0..8
+        genomes = [None, '/g/dm3', '/g/equcab1', '/g/equcab1', '/g/canfam2',
+                         '/g/hg18', '/g/hg18', '/g/hg18', '/g/hg18', ]
+        # test lane specific parameters from gerald config file
+        for i in range(1,9):
+            cur_lane = g.lanes[str(i)]
+            self.failUnlessEqual(cur_lane.analysis, 'eland')
+            self.failUnlessEqual(cur_lane.eland_genome, genomes[i])
+            self.failUnlessEqual(cur_lane.read_length, '32')
+            self.failUnlessEqual(cur_lane.use_bases, 'Y'*32)
+        # test data extracted from summary file
+        clusters = [None, 
+                    (17421, 2139), (20311, 2402), (20193, 2399), (15537, 2531),
+                    (32047, 3356), (32946, 4753), (39504, 4171), (37998, 3792)]
+        for i in range(1,9):
+            summary_lane = g.summary[str(i)]
+            self.failUnlessEqual(summary_lane.cluster, clusters[i])
+            self.failUnlessEqual(summary_lane.lane, str(i))
+        xml = g.get_elements()
+        # just make sure that element tree can serialize the tree
+        xml_str = ElementTree.tostring(xml)
+        g2 = gerald.Gerald(xml=xml)
+        # do it all again after extracting from the xml file
+        self.failUnlessEqual(g.version, g2.version)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(,
+        self.failUnlessEqual(len(g.lanes.keys()), len(g2.lanes.keys()))
+        self.failUnlessEqual(len(g.lanes.items()), len(g2.lanes.items()))
+        # test lane specific parameters from gerald config file
+        for i in range(1,9):
+            g_lane = g.lanes[str(i)]
+            g2_lane = g2.lanes[str(i)]
+            self.failUnlessEqual(g_lane.analysis, g2_lane.analysis)
+            self.failUnlessEqual(g_lane.eland_genome, g2_lane.eland_genome)
+            self.failUnlessEqual(g_lane.read_length, g2_lane.read_length)
+            self.failUnlessEqual(g_lane.use_bases, g2_lane.use_bases)
+        # test (some) summary elements
+        for i in range(1,9):
+            g_summary = g.summary[str(i)]
+            g2_summary = g2.summary[str(i)]
+            self.failUnlessEqual(g_summary.cluster, g2_summary.cluster)
+            self.failUnlessEqual(g_summary.lane, g2_summary.lane)
+            g_eland = g.eland_results
+            g2_eland = g2.eland_results
+            for lane in g_eland.keys():
+                self.failUnlessEqual(g_eland[lane].reads, 
+                                     g2_eland[lane].reads)
+                self.failUnlessEqual(len(g_eland[lane].mapped_reads), 
+                                     len(g2_eland[lane].mapped_reads))
+                for k in g_eland[lane].mapped_reads.keys():
+                    self.failUnlessEqual(g_eland[lane].mapped_reads[k],
+                                         g2_eland[lane].mapped_reads[k])
+                self.failUnlessEqual(len(g_eland[lane].match_codes), 
+                                     len(g2_eland[lane].match_codes))
+                for k in g_eland[lane].match_codes.keys():
+                    self.failUnlessEqual(g_eland[lane].match_codes[k],
+                                         g2_eland[lane].match_codes[k])
+    def test_eland(self):
+        dm3_map = { 'chrUextra.fa' : 'dm3/chrUextra.fa',
+                    'chr2L.fa': 'dm3/chr2L.fa',
+                    'Lambda.fa': 'Lambda.fa'}
+        genome_maps = { '1':dm3_map, '2':dm3_map, '3':dm3_map, '4':dm3_map,
+                        '5':dm3_map, '6':dm3_map, '7':dm3_map, '8':dm3_map }
+        eland = gerald.eland(self.gerald_dir, genome_maps=genome_maps)
+        for i in range(1,9):
+            lane = eland[str(i)]
+            self.failUnlessEqual(lane.reads, 4)
+            self.failUnlessEqual(lane.sample_name, "s")
+            self.failUnlessEqual(lane.lane_id, unicode(i))
+            self.failUnlessEqual(len(lane.mapped_reads), 3)
+            self.failUnlessEqual(lane.mapped_reads['Lambda.fa'], 1)
+            self.failUnlessEqual(lane.mapped_reads['dm3/chr2L.fa'], 1)
+            self.failUnlessEqual(lane.match_codes['U1'], 2)
+            self.failUnlessEqual(lane.match_codes['NM'], 1)
+        xml = eland.get_elements()
+        # just make sure that element tree can serialize the tree
+        xml_str = ElementTree.tostring(xml)
+        e2 = gerald.ELAND(xml=xml)
+        for i in range(1,9):
+            l1 = eland[str(i)]
+            l2 = e2[str(i)]
+            self.failUnlessEqual(l1.reads, l2.reads)
+            self.failUnlessEqual(l1.sample_name, l2.sample_name)
+            self.failUnlessEqual(l1.lane_id, l2.lane_id)
+            self.failUnlessEqual(len(l1.mapped_reads), len(l2.mapped_reads))
+            self.failUnlessEqual(len(l1.mapped_reads), 3)
+            for k in l1.mapped_reads.keys():
+                self.failUnlessEqual(l1.mapped_reads[k],
+                                     l2.mapped_reads[k])
+            self.failUnlessEqual(len(l1.match_codes), 9)
+            self.failUnlessEqual(len(l1.match_codes), len(l2.match_codes))
+            for k in l1.match_codes.keys():
+                self.failUnlessEqual(l1.match_codes[k], 
+                                     l2.match_codes[k])
+    def test_runfolder(self):
+        runs = runfolder.get_runs(self.runfolder_dir)
+        # do we get the flowcell id from the filename?
+        self.failUnlessEqual(len(runs), 1)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(runs[0].name, 'run_207BTAAXX_2008-04-19.xml')
+        # do we get the flowcell id from the FlowcellId.xml file
+        make_flowcell_id(self.runfolder_dir, '207BTAAXY')
+        runs = runfolder.get_runs(self.runfolder_dir)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(len(runs), 1)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(runs[0].name, 'run_207BTAAXY_2008-04-19.xml')
+        r1 = runs[0]
+        xml = r1.get_elements()
+        xml_str = ElementTree.tostring(xml)
+        r2 = runfolder.PipelineRun(xml=xml)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(,
+        self.failIfEqual(r2.firecrest, None)
+        self.failIfEqual(r2.bustard, None)
+        self.failIfEqual(r2.gerald, None)
+def suite():
+    return unittest.makeSuite(RunfolderTests,'test')
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main(defaultTest="suite")
diff --git a/htsworkflow/pipelines/test/ b/htsworkflow/pipelines/test/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7457b12
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1024 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from datetime import datetime, date
+import os
+import tempfile
+import shutil
+import unittest
+from htsworkflow.pipelines import firecrest
+from htsworkflow.pipelines import bustard
+from htsworkflow.pipelines import gerald
+from htsworkflow.pipelines import runfolder
+from htsworkflow.pipelines.runfolder import ElementTree
+def make_flowcell_id(runfolder_dir, flowcell_id=None):
+    if flowcell_id is None:
+        flowcell_id = '207BTAAXY'
+    config = """<?xml version="1.0"?>
+  <Text>%s</Text>
+</FlowcellId>""" % (flowcell_id,)
+    config_dir = os.path.join(runfolder_dir, 'Config')
+    if not os.path.exists(config_dir):
+        os.mkdir(config_dir)
+    pathname = os.path.join(config_dir, 'FlowcellId.xml')
+    f = open(pathname,'w')
+    f.write(config)
+    f.close()
+def make_matrix(matrix_dir):
+    contents = """# Auto-generated frequency response matrix
+> A
+> C
+> G
+> T
+0.77 0.15 -0.04 -0.04 
+0.76 1.02 -0.05 -0.06 
+-0.10 -0.10 1.17 -0.03 
+-0.13 -0.12 0.80 1.27 
+    s_matrix = os.path.join(matrix_dir, 's_matrix.txt')
+    f = open(s_matrix, 'w')
+    f.write(contents)
+    f.close()
+def make_phasing_params(bustard_dir):
+    for lane in range(1,9):
+        pathname = os.path.join(bustard_dir, 'params%d.xml' % (lane))
+        f = open(pathname, 'w')
+        f.write("""<Parameters>
+  <Phasing>0.009900</Phasing>
+  <Prephasing>0.003500</Prephasing>
+        f.close()
+def make_gerald_config(gerald_dir):
+    config_xml = """<RunParameters>
+  <ELAND_GENOME>Need_to_specify_ELAND_genome_directory</ELAND_GENOME>
+  <EMAIL_SERVER>localhost:25</EMAIL_SERVER>
+  <EXPT_DIR>/home/diane/gec/080416_HWI-EAS229_0024_207BTAAXX/Data/C1-33_Firecrest1.8.28_19-04-2008_diane/Bustard1.8.28_19-04-2008_diane</EXPT_DIR>
+  <EXPT_DIR_ROOT>/home/diane/gec</EXPT_DIR_ROOT>
+  <GENOME_DIR>/home/diane/proj/SolexaPipeline-</GENOME_DIR>
+  <GENOME_FILE>Need_to_specify_genome_file_name</GENOME_FILE>
+  <OUT_DIR>/home/diane/gec/080416_HWI-EAS229_0024_207BTAAXX/Data/C1-33_Firecrest1.8.28_19-04-2008_diane/Bustard1.8.28_19-04-2008_diane/GERALD_19-04-2008_diane</OUT_DIR>
+  <QF_PARAMS>'((CHASTITY&gt;=0.6))'</QF_PARAMS>
+  <SOFTWARE_VERSION>@(#) Id:,v 2007/06/13 11:08:49 km Exp</SOFTWARE_VERSION>
+  <TILE_REGEX>s_[1-8]_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]</TILE_REGEX>
+  <TIME_STAMP>Sat Apr 19 19:08:30 2008</TIME_STAMP>
+  <TOOLS_DIR>/home/diane/proj/SolexaPipeline-</TOOLS_DIR>
+    <s_1>eland</s_1>
+    <s_2>eland</s_2>
+    <s_3>eland</s_3>
+    <s_4>eland</s_4>
+    <s_5>eland</s_5>
+    <s_6>eland</s_6>
+    <s_7>eland</s_7>
+    <s_8>eland</s_8>
+    <s_1>/g/dm3</s_1>
+    <s_2>/g/equcab1</s_2>
+    <s_3>/g/equcab1</s_3>
+    <s_4>/g/canfam2</s_4>
+    <s_5>/g/hg18</s_5>
+    <s_6>/g/hg18</s_6>
+    <s_7>/g/hg18</s_7>
+    <s_8>/g/hg18</s_8>
+    <s_1>32</s_1>
+    <s_2>32</s_2>
+    <s_3>32</s_3>
+    <s_4>32</s_4>
+    <s_5>32</s_5>
+    <s_6>32</s_6>
+    <s_7>32</s_7>
+    <s_8>32</s_8>
+    pathname = os.path.join(gerald_dir, 'config.xml')
+    f = open(pathname,'w')
+    f.write(config_xml)
+    f.close()
+def make_summary_htm(gerald_dir):
+    summary_htm="""<!--RUN_TIME Wed Jul  2 06:47:44 2008 -->
+<!--SOFTWARE_VERSION @(#) $Id:,v 1.94 2007/12/04 09:59:07 rshaw Exp $-->
+<a name="Top"><h2><title>080627_HWI-EAS229_0036_3055HAXX Summary</title></h2></a>
+<h1>Summary Information For Experiment 080627_HWI-EAS229_0036_3055HAXX on Machine HWI-EAS229</h1>
+<h2><br></br>Chip Summary<br></br></h2>
+<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
+<tr><td>Run Folder</td><td>080627_HWI-EAS229_0036_3055HAXX</td></tr>
+<tr><td>Chip ID</td><td>unknown</td></tr>
+<h2><br></br>Chip Results Summary<br></br></h2>
+<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
+<td>Clusters (PF)</td>
+<td>Yield (kbases)</td>
+<h2><br></br>Lane Parameter Summary<br></br></h2>
+<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
+<td>Sample ID</td>
+<td>Sample Target</td>
+<td>Sample Type</td>
+<td>Num Tiles</td>
+<td><a href="#Lane1">Lane 1</a></td>
+<td><a href="#Lane2">Lane 2</a></td>
+<td><a href="#Lane3">Lane 3</a></td>
+<td><a href="#Lane4">Lane 4</a></td>
+<td><a href="#Lane5">Lane 5</a></td>
+<td><a href="#Lane6">Lane 6</a></td>
+<td><a href="#Lane7">Lane 7</a></td>
+<td><a href="#Lane8">Lane 8</a></td>
+<h2><br></br>Lane Results Summary<br></br></h2>
+<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
+<td colspan="2">Lane Info</td>
+<td colspan="8">Tile Mean +/- SD for Lane</td>
+<td>Lane </td>
+<td>Lane Yield (kbases) </td>
+<td>Clusters (raw)</td>
+<td>Clusters (PF) </td>
+<td>1st Cycle Int (PF) </td>
+<td>% intensity after 20 cycles (PF) </td>
+<td>% PF Clusters </td>
+<td>% Align (PF) </td>
+<td>Alignment Score (PF) </td>
+<td> % Error Rate (PF) </td>
+<td>96483 +/- 9074</td>
+<td>60787 +/- 4240</td>
+<td>329 +/- 35</td>
+<td>101.88 +/- 6.03</td>
+<td>63.21 +/- 3.29</td>
+<td>70.33 +/- 0.24</td>
+<td>9054.08 +/- 59.16</td>
+<td>0.46 +/- 0.18</td>
+<td>133738 +/- 7938</td>
+<td>60217 +/- 1926</td>
+<td>444 +/- 39</td>
+<td>92.62 +/- 7.58</td>
+<td>45.20 +/- 3.31</td>
+<td>51.98 +/- 0.74</td>
+<td>6692.04 +/- 92.49</td>
+<td>0.46 +/- 0.09</td>
+<td>152142 +/- 10002</td>
+<td>71468 +/- 2827</td>
+<td>366 +/- 36</td>
+<td>91.53 +/- 8.66</td>
+<td>47.19 +/- 3.80</td>
+<td>82.24 +/- 0.44</td>
+<td>10598.68 +/- 64.13</td>
+<td>0.41 +/- 0.04</td>
+<td>15784 +/- 2162</td>
+<td>13443 +/- 1728</td>
+<td>328 +/- 40</td>
+<td>97.53 +/- 9.87</td>
+<td>85.29 +/- 1.91</td>
+<td>80.02 +/- 0.53</td>
+<td>10368.82 +/- 71.08</td>
+<td>0.15 +/- 0.05</td>
+<td>119735 +/- 8465</td>
+<td>64590 +/- 2529</td>
+<td>417 +/- 37</td>
+<td>88.69 +/- 14.79</td>
+<td>54.10 +/- 2.59</td>
+<td>76.95 +/- 0.32</td>
+<td>9936.47 +/- 65.75</td>
+<td>0.28 +/- 0.02</td>
+<td>152177 +/- 8146</td>
+<td>66716 +/- 2493</td>
+<td>372 +/- 39</td>
+<td>87.06 +/- 9.86</td>
+<td>43.98 +/- 3.12</td>
+<td>78.80 +/- 0.43</td>
+<td>10162.28 +/- 49.65</td>
+<td>0.38 +/- 0.03</td>
+<td>84649 +/- 7325</td>
+<td>57418 +/- 3617</td>
+<td>295 +/- 28</td>
+<td>89.40 +/- 8.23</td>
+<td>67.97 +/- 1.82</td>
+<td>33.38 +/- 0.25</td>
+<td>4247.92 +/- 32.37</td>
+<td>1.00 +/- 0.03</td>
+<td>54622 +/- 4812</td>
+<td>41136 +/- 3309</td>
+<td>284 +/- 37</td>
+<td>90.21 +/- 9.10</td>
+<td>75.39 +/- 2.27</td>
+<td>48.33 +/- 0.29</td>
+<td>6169.21 +/- 169.50</td>
+<td>0.86 +/- 1.22</td>
+<tr><td colspan="13">Tile mean across chip</td></tr>
+<h2><br></br>Expanded Lane Summary<br></br></h2>
+<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
+<tr><td colspan="2">Lane Info</td>
+<td colspan="2">Phasing Info</td>
+<td colspan="2">Raw Data (tile mean)</td>
+<td colspan="7">Filtered Data (tile mean)</td></tr>
+<td>Lane </td>
+<td>Clusters (tile mean) (raw)</td>
+<td>% Phasing </td>
+<td>% Prephasing </td>
+<td>% Error Rate (raw) </td>
+<td> Equiv Perfect Clusters (raw) </td>
+<td>% retained </td>
+<td>Cycle 2-4 Av Int (PF) </td>
+<td>Cycle 2-10 Av % Loss (PF) </td>
+<td>Cycle 10-20 Av % Loss (PF) </td>
+<td>% Align (PF) </td>
+<td>% Error Rate (PF) </td>
+<td> Equiv Perfect Clusters (PF) </td>
+<td>317 +/- 32</td>
+<td>0.13 +/- 0.44</td>
+<td>-1.14 +/- 0.34</td>
+<td>415 +/- 33</td>
+<td>0.29 +/- 0.40</td>
+<td>-0.79 +/- 0.35</td>
+<td>344 +/- 26</td>
+<td>0.68 +/- 0.51</td>
+<td>-0.77 +/- 0.42</td>
+<td>306 +/- 34</td>
+<td>0.20 +/- 0.69</td>
+<td>-1.28 +/- 0.66</td>
+<td>380 +/- 32</td>
+<td>0.34 +/- 0.49</td>
+<td>-1.55 +/- 4.69</td>
+<td>333 +/- 27</td>
+<td>0.57 +/- 0.50</td>
+<td>-0.91 +/- 0.39</td>
+<td>272 +/- 20</td>
+<td>1.15 +/- 0.52</td>
+<td>-0.84 +/- 0.58</td>
+<td>262 +/- 31</td>
+<td>1.10 +/- 0.59</td>
+<td>-1.01 +/- 0.47</td>
+<b><br></br>IVC Plots</b>
+<p> <a href='IVC.htm' target="_blank"> IVC.htm
+ </a></p>
+<b><br></br>All Intensity Plots</b>
+<p> <a href='All.htm' target="_blank"> All.htm
+ </a></p>
+<b><br></br>Error graphs: </b>
+<p> <a href='Error.htm' target="_blank"> Error.htm
+ </a></p>
+<td><a href="#Top">Back to top</a></td>
+<a name="Lane1"><h2><br></br>Lane 1<br></br></h2></a>
+<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
+<td>Lane </td>
+<td>Tile </td>
+<td>Clusters (raw)</td>
+<td>Av 1st Cycle Int (PF) </td>
+<td>Av % intensity after 20 cycles (PF) </td>
+<td>% PF Clusters </td>
+<td>% Align (PF) </td>
+<td>Av Alignment Score (PF) </td>
+<td>% Error Rate (PF) </td>
+<td><a href="#Top">Back to top</a></td>
+<a name="Lane2"><h2><br></br>Lane 2<br></br></h2></a>
+<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
+<td>Lane </td>
+<td>Tile </td>
+<td>Clusters (raw)</td>
+<td>Av 1st Cycle Int (PF) </td>
+<td>Av % intensity after 20 cycles (PF) </td>
+<td>% PF Clusters </td>
+<td>% Align (PF) </td>
+<td>Av Alignment Score (PF) </td>
+<td>% Error Rate (PF) </td>
+<td><a href="#Top">Back to top</a></td>
+<a name="Lane3"><h2><br></br>Lane 3<br></br></h2></a>
+<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
+<td>Lane </td>
+<td>Tile </td>
+<td>Clusters (raw)</td>
+<td>Av 1st Cycle Int (PF) </td>
+<td>Av % intensity after 20 cycles (PF) </td>
+<td>% PF Clusters </td>
+<td>% Align (PF) </td>
+<td>Av Alignment Score (PF) </td>
+<td>% Error Rate (PF) </td>
+<td><a href="#Top">Back to top</a></td>
+<a name="Lane4"><h2><br></br>Lane 4<br></br></h2></a>
+<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
+<td>Lane </td>
+<td>Tile </td>
+<td>Clusters (raw)</td>
+<td>Av 1st Cycle Int (PF) </td>
+<td>Av % intensity after 20 cycles (PF) </td>
+<td>% PF Clusters </td>
+<td>% Align (PF) </td>
+<td>Av Alignment Score (PF) </td>
+<td>% Error Rate (PF) </td>
+<td><a href="#Top">Back to top</a></td>
+<a name="Lane5"><h2><br></br>Lane 5<br></br></h2></a>
+<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
+<td>Lane </td>
+<td>Tile </td>
+<td>Clusters (raw)</td>
+<td>Av 1st Cycle Int (PF) </td>
+<td>Av % intensity after 20 cycles (PF) </td>
+<td>% PF Clusters </td>
+<td>% Align (PF) </td>
+<td>Av Alignment Score (PF) </td>
+<td>% Error Rate (PF) </td>
+<td><a href="#Top">Back to top</a></td>
+<a name="Lane6"><h2><br></br>Lane 6<br></br></h2></a>
+<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
+<td>Lane </td>
+<td>Tile </td>
+<td>Clusters (raw)</td>
+<td>Av 1st Cycle Int (PF) </td>
+<td>Av % intensity after 20 cycles (PF) </td>
+<td>% PF Clusters </td>
+<td>% Align (PF) </td>
+<td>Av Alignment Score (PF) </td>
+<td>% Error Rate (PF) </td>
+<td><a href="#Top">Back to top</a></td>
+<a name="Lane7"><h2><br></br>Lane 7<br></br></h2></a>
+<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
+<td>Lane </td>
+<td>Tile </td>
+<td>Clusters (raw)</td>
+<td>Av 1st Cycle Int (PF) </td>
+<td>Av % intensity after 20 cycles (PF) </td>
+<td>% PF Clusters </td>
+<td>% Align (PF) </td>
+<td>Av Alignment Score (PF) </td>
+<td>% Error Rate (PF) </td>
+<td><a href="#Top">Back to top</a></td>
+<a name="Lane8"><h2><br></br>Lane 8<br></br></h2></a>
+<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
+<td>Lane </td>
+<td>Tile </td>
+<td>Clusters (raw)</td>
+<td>Av 1st Cycle Int (PF) </td>
+<td>Av % intensity after 20 cycles (PF) </td>
+<td>% PF Clusters </td>
+<td>% Align (PF) </td>
+<td>Av Alignment Score (PF) </td>
+<td>% Error Rate (PF) </td>
+<td><a href="#Top">Back to top</a></td>
+    pathname = os.path.join(gerald_dir, 'Summary.htm')
+    f = open(pathname, 'w')
+    f.write(summary_htm)
+    f.close()
+def make_eland_results(gerald_dir):
+    eland_result = """>HWI-EAS229_24_207BTAAXX:1:7:599:759    ACATAGNCACAGACATAAACATAGACATAGAC U0      1       1       3       chrUextra.fa    28189829        R       D.
+>HWI-EAS229_24_207BTAAXX:1:7:205:842    AAACAANNCTCCCAAACACGTAAACTGGAAAA  U1      0       1       0       chr2L.fa        8796855 R       DD      24T
+>HWI-EAS229_24_207BTAAXX:1:7:776:582    AGCTCANCCGATCGAAAACCTCNCCAAGCAAT        NM      0       0       0
+>HWI-EAS229_24_207BTAAXX:1:7:205:842    AAACAANNCTCCCAAACACGTAAACTGGAAAA        U1      0       1       0       Lambda.fa        8796855 R       DD      24T
+    for i in range(1,9):
+        pathname = os.path.join(gerald_dir, 
+                                's_%d_eland_result.txt' % (i,))
+        f = open(pathname, 'w')
+        f.write(eland_result)
+        f.close()
+def make_runfolder(obj=None):
+    """
+    Make a fake runfolder, attach all the directories to obj if defined
+    """
+    # make a fake runfolder directory
+    temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='tmp_runfolder_')
+    runfolder_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, 
+                                 '080102_HWI-EAS229_0010_207BTAAXX')
+    os.mkdir(runfolder_dir)
+    data_dir = os.path.join(runfolder_dir, 'Data')
+    os.mkdir(data_dir)
+    firecrest_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, 
+                                 'C1-33_Firecrest1.8.28_12-04-2008_diane'
+                                 )
+    os.mkdir(firecrest_dir)
+    matrix_dir = os.path.join(firecrest_dir, 'Matrix')
+    os.mkdir(matrix_dir)
+    make_matrix(matrix_dir)
+    bustard_dir = os.path.join(firecrest_dir, 
+                               'Bustard1.8.28_12-04-2008_diane')
+    os.mkdir(bustard_dir)
+    make_phasing_params(bustard_dir)
+    gerald_dir = os.path.join(bustard_dir,
+                              'GERALD_12-04-2008_diane')
+    os.mkdir(gerald_dir)
+    make_gerald_config(gerald_dir)
+    make_summary_htm(gerald_dir)
+    make_eland_results(gerald_dir)
+    if obj is not None:
+        obj.temp_dir = temp_dir
+        obj.runfolder_dir = runfolder_dir
+        obj.data_dir = data_dir
+        obj.firecrest_dir = firecrest_dir
+        obj.matrix_dir = matrix_dir
+        obj.bustard_dir = bustard_dir
+        obj.gerald_dir = gerald_dir
+class RunfolderTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    """
+    Test components of the runfolder processing code
+    which includes firecrest, bustard, and gerald
+    """
+    def setUp(self):
+        # attaches all the directories to the object passed in
+        make_runfolder(self)
+    def tearDown(self):
+        shutil.rmtree(self.temp_dir)
+    def test_firecrest(self):
+        """
+        Construct a firecrest object
+        """
+        f = firecrest.firecrest(self.firecrest_dir)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(f.version, '1.8.28')
+        self.failUnlessEqual(f.start, 1)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(f.stop, 33)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(f.user, 'diane')
+        self.failUnlessEqual(, date(2008,4,12))
+        xml = f.get_elements()
+        # just make sure that element tree can serialize the tree
+        xml_str = ElementTree.tostring(xml)
+        f2 = firecrest.Firecrest(xml=xml)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(f.version, f2.version)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(f.start,   f2.start)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(f.stop,    f2.stop)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(f.user,    f2.user)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(,
+    def test_bustard(self):
+        """
+        construct a bustard object
+        """
+        b = bustard.bustard(self.bustard_dir)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(b.version, '1.8.28')
+        self.failUnlessEqual(,    date(2008,4,12))
+        self.failUnlessEqual(b.user,    'diane')
+        self.failUnlessEqual(len(b.phasing), 8)
+        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(b.phasing[8].phasing, 0.0099)
+        xml = b.get_elements()
+        b2 = bustard.Bustard(xml=xml)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(b.version, b2.version)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(, )
+        self.failUnlessEqual(b.user,    b2.user)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(len(b.phasing), len(b2.phasing))
+        for key in b.phasing.keys():
+            self.failUnlessEqual(b.phasing[key].lane, 
+                                 b2.phasing[key].lane)
+            self.failUnlessEqual(b.phasing[key].phasing, 
+                                 b2.phasing[key].phasing)
+            self.failUnlessEqual(b.phasing[key].prephasing, 
+                                 b2.phasing[key].prephasing)
+    def test_gerald(self):
+        # need to update gerald and make tests for it
+        g = gerald.gerald(self.gerald_dir) 
+        self.failUnlessEqual(g.version, 
+            '@(#) Id:,v 2007/06/13 11:08:49 km Exp')
+        self.failUnlessEqual(, datetime(2008,4,19,19,8,30))
+        self.failUnlessEqual(len(g.lanes), len(g.lanes.keys()))
+        self.failUnlessEqual(len(g.lanes), len(g.lanes.items()))
+        # list of genomes, matches what was defined up in 
+        # make_gerald_config.
+        # the first None is to offset the genomes list to be 1..9
+        # instead of pythons default 0..8
+        genomes = [None, '/g/dm3', '/g/equcab1', '/g/equcab1', '/g/canfam2',
+                         '/g/hg18', '/g/hg18', '/g/hg18', '/g/hg18', ]
+        # test lane specific parameters from gerald config file
+        for i in range(1,9):
+            cur_lane = g.lanes[str(i)]
+            self.failUnlessEqual(cur_lane.analysis, 'eland')
+            self.failUnlessEqual(cur_lane.eland_genome, genomes[i])
+            self.failUnlessEqual(cur_lane.read_length, '32')
+            self.failUnlessEqual(cur_lane.use_bases, 'Y'*32)
+        # test data extracted from summary file
+        clusters = [None, 
+                    (96483, 9074), (133738, 7938), 
+                    (152142, 10002), (15784, 2162), 
+                    (119735, 8465), (152177, 8146),
+                    (84649, 7325), (54622, 4812),]
+        for i in range(1,9):
+            summary_lane = g.summary[str(i)]
+            self.failUnlessEqual(summary_lane.cluster, clusters[i])
+            self.failUnlessEqual(summary_lane.lane, str(i))
+        xml = g.get_elements()
+        # just make sure that element tree can serialize the tree
+        xml_str = ElementTree.tostring(xml)
+        g2 = gerald.Gerald(xml=xml)
+        # do it all again after extracting from the xml file
+        self.failUnlessEqual(g.version, g2.version)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(,
+        self.failUnlessEqual(len(g.lanes.keys()), len(g2.lanes.keys()))
+        self.failUnlessEqual(len(g.lanes.items()), len(g2.lanes.items()))
+        # test lane specific parameters from gerald config file
+        for i in range(1,9):
+            g_lane = g.lanes[str(i)]
+            g2_lane = g2.lanes[str(i)]
+            self.failUnlessEqual(g_lane.analysis, g2_lane.analysis)
+            self.failUnlessEqual(g_lane.eland_genome, g2_lane.eland_genome)
+            self.failUnlessEqual(g_lane.read_length, g2_lane.read_length)
+            self.failUnlessEqual(g_lane.use_bases, g2_lane.use_bases)
+        # test (some) summary elements
+        for i in range(1,9):
+            g_summary = g.summary[str(i)]
+            g2_summary = g2.summary[str(i)]
+            self.failUnlessEqual(g_summary.cluster, g2_summary.cluster)
+            self.failUnlessEqual(g_summary.lane, g2_summary.lane)
+            g_eland = g.eland_results
+            g2_eland = g2.eland_results
+            for lane in g_eland.keys():
+                self.failUnlessEqual(g_eland[lane].reads, 
+                                     g2_eland[lane].reads)
+                self.failUnlessEqual(len(g_eland[lane].mapped_reads), 
+                                     len(g2_eland[lane].mapped_reads))
+                for k in g_eland[lane].mapped_reads.keys():
+                    self.failUnlessEqual(g_eland[lane].mapped_reads[k],
+                                         g2_eland[lane].mapped_reads[k])
+                self.failUnlessEqual(len(g_eland[lane].match_codes), 
+                                     len(g2_eland[lane].match_codes))
+                for k in g_eland[lane].match_codes.keys():
+                    self.failUnlessEqual(g_eland[lane].match_codes[k],
+                                         g2_eland[lane].match_codes[k])
+    def test_eland(self):
+        dm3_map = { 'chrUextra.fa' : 'dm3/chrUextra.fa',
+                    'chr2L.fa': 'dm3/chr2L.fa',
+                    'Lambda.fa': 'Lambda.fa'}
+        genome_maps = { '1':dm3_map, '2':dm3_map, '3':dm3_map, '4':dm3_map,
+                        '5':dm3_map, '6':dm3_map, '7':dm3_map, '8':dm3_map }
+        eland = gerald.eland(self.gerald_dir, genome_maps=genome_maps)
+        for i in range(1,9):
+            lane = eland[str(i)]
+            self.failUnlessEqual(lane.reads, 4)
+            self.failUnlessEqual(lane.sample_name, "s")
+            self.failUnlessEqual(lane.lane_id, unicode(i))
+            self.failUnlessEqual(len(lane.mapped_reads), 3)
+            self.failUnlessEqual(lane.mapped_reads['Lambda.fa'], 1)
+            self.failUnlessEqual(lane.mapped_reads['dm3/chr2L.fa'], 1)
+            self.failUnlessEqual(lane.match_codes['U1'], 2)
+            self.failUnlessEqual(lane.match_codes['NM'], 1)
+        xml = eland.get_elements()
+        # just make sure that element tree can serialize the tree
+        xml_str = ElementTree.tostring(xml)
+        e2 = gerald.ELAND(xml=xml)
+        for i in range(1,9):
+            l1 = eland[str(i)]
+            l2 = e2[str(i)]
+            self.failUnlessEqual(l1.reads, l2.reads)
+            self.failUnlessEqual(l1.sample_name, l2.sample_name)
+            self.failUnlessEqual(l1.lane_id, l2.lane_id)
+            self.failUnlessEqual(len(l1.mapped_reads), len(l2.mapped_reads))
+            self.failUnlessEqual(len(l1.mapped_reads), 3)
+            for k in l1.mapped_reads.keys():
+                self.failUnlessEqual(l1.mapped_reads[k],
+                                     l2.mapped_reads[k])
+            self.failUnlessEqual(len(l1.match_codes), 9)
+            self.failUnlessEqual(len(l1.match_codes), len(l2.match_codes))
+            for k in l1.match_codes.keys():
+                self.failUnlessEqual(l1.match_codes[k], 
+                                     l2.match_codes[k])
+    def test_runfolder(self):
+        runs = runfolder.get_runs(self.runfolder_dir)
+        # do we get the flowcell id from the filename?
+        self.failUnlessEqual(len(runs), 1)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(runs[0].name, 'run_207BTAAXX_2008-04-19.xml')
+        # do we get the flowcell id from the FlowcellId.xml file
+        make_flowcell_id(self.runfolder_dir, '207BTAAXY')
+        runs = runfolder.get_runs(self.runfolder_dir)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(len(runs), 1)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(runs[0].name, 'run_207BTAAXY_2008-04-19.xml')
+        r1 = runs[0]
+        xml = r1.get_elements()
+        xml_str = ElementTree.tostring(xml)
+        r2 = runfolder.PipelineRun(xml=xml)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(,
+        self.failIfEqual(r2.firecrest, None)
+        self.failIfEqual(r2.bustard, None)
+        self.failIfEqual(r2.gerald, None)
+def suite():
+    return unittest.makeSuite(RunfolderTests,'test')
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main(defaultTest="suite")